Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Hello everyone!
I appreciate being accepted into this forum! Have been reading threads on this forum for months and have found it very helpful and inspiring. I've been slowly working through the rituals in Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig for a little over a year as well as experimenting with some more specifically Thelemic rituals. I have also recently taken my Minerval degree in OTO. Very much looking forward to participating in this forum!
Love is the law, love under will.
How's the Kraig treating you? I poked around at it a year or so ago but didn't really stick with it long enough to come to any conclusions. (This is a judgement of myself, not the book
Thank you!
Modern Magick has been very helpful as far as getting me started doing rituals. Practice-wise, I'm only on the 4th or so chapter, not sure if I'm going to keep up with this book, looking into other ones at the moment. I also have Abrahadabra by Orpheus, seems it emphasizes yogic practices more than MM does, which interests me because I've had some pretty intense and unsettling experiences from doing rituals from MM, maybe brushing up on Yoga would help me "ground" better etc... Anyway in the spirit of staying on topic, maybe I'll start a thread on this topic, as I do very much want to discuss it.
93, Mr. 93. Welcome to the forum.
On a personal (to me) note, if you are looking for something to supplement your current study course, I can comfortably recommend me own Pearls of Wisdom. I hasten to mention it because (through today) Amazon has it on sale for about a third off (I think it works out to $20.94 after all the layered discounts are applied; normal retail $30).
www.amazon.com/Pearls-Wisdom-Journal-Black-Pearl/dp/0970449658End of commercial. And, again, welcome.
Oops! Madame, pardonnez-moi, s'il vous plait.
93 all,
I've been wanting to post certain topics on this forum for a few days now but have been very "mentally clogged"... Just wanted to say that this morning I decided to skim and read through the topics already posted here, and boy are my spirits lifted! Some really funny shit too, got some good laughs and good info. It is really nice to know that I'm not the only one out there working on Magick. Duh- of course, but sometimes you need that fact smacked in your facejust wanted to post this and tell you all that you are very much appreciated and that this forum is very much appreciated!!!