Star Ruby Questions...
Hi everyone,
I've been feeling very drawn to trying the Star Ruby lately and have many questions (note: I almost have the whole ritual memorized at this point and tried the MTP version once). If anyone has any answers that they are willing and able to share it would be much appreciated!Q's:
1.) I do the LBRP daily, can one have a regimen of doing both the LBRP and the Star Ruby daily. For example doing the LBRP in the morning and doing the Star Ruby in the evening. Would that make a mumble jumble of one's aura for example?
2.) I found in my research so far that there are varying potential Elemental/ Quarter correspondences, assuming that one can do both the LBRP and the Star Ruby daily, do the Elemental correspondences need to match up? I understand that Roar = Fire, Say= Air, Whisper = Water and Bellow= Earth, correct?? If so, if one considers EAST to equal Earth, does that conflict with Roaring Therion?
3.) Does one need to mentally associate the quarters with Elements in this ritual, or would you suggest just doing the motions and not worrying about the associations for now?
4.) Are there any prerequisites to doing this ritual that I should know about? For example, does one need to have already attained K&C before using the N.O.X. signs? My current ritual regimen is daily LBRP and Resh , but until recently I was doing LBRP, BRH, MPR, Body of Light Circulation and Resh (why I scaled it down to LBRP and Resh is because things started getting really intense and I feel like I need some Earthy- time at the moment...) I did the BRH daily for several months, so I have some experience with the L.V.X. Signs...
I know that's a lot of questions, so no pressure! If anyone has something to share on any of the above that would be much appreciated.
@93magick said
"I've been feeling very drawn to trying the Star Ruby lately and have many questions"
By the way, there are three chapters in Pearls of Wisdom (which I mentioned to you earlier) about the Star Ruby. But let's see what I can answer here.
"I do the LBRP daily, can one have a regimen of doing both the LBRP and the Star Ruby daily. For example doing the LBRP in the morning and doing the Star Ruby in the evening. Would that make a mumble jumble of one's aura for example?
With the caveat that, of course, you can do what you want, I take it that you're asking advice. I advise (unless there is a clear, compelling reason to the contrary) that you routinely work with one or the other. This doesn't mean not to do "the other" for a particular occasion for purpose. I just mean that, in the day-in, day-out flow of things, make one of them your "maintenance ritual" and not both.
Try working with one of them exclusively for one month (for example), and then switching and working with the other for a month.
"I found in my research so far that there are varying potential Elemental/ Quarter correspondences, assuming that one can do both the LBRP and the Star Ruby daily, do the Elemental correspondences need to match up? I understand that Roar = Fire, Say= Air, Whisper = Water and Bellow= Earth, correct?? If so, if one considers EAST to equal Earth, does that conflict with Roaring Therion?"
This is worked through in excruciating detail in the Pearls of Wisdom chapters. I won't try to repeat the long development here. Part of the answer is that the "roar" etc. got a little jumbled in the not entirely complete rewrite process. The Book of Lies version is based on the elements Fire Water Air Earth ("down the elements") beginning in the east and going counter-clockwise. The Magick in Theory & Practice version is based on the elements Earth Air Water Fire ("up the elements") beginning in the east and going counter-clockwise.
"Does one need to mentally associate the quarters with Elements in this ritual, or would you suggest just doing the motions and not worrying about the associations for now?"
"Need to" might be too strong. However, you can enhance the depth of things by doing so IMHO. Specific ways of doing this are addressed in the Pearls chapters. (And yes, you can not worry about it for now and sort it out later.)
"Are there any prerequisites to doing this ritual that I should know about?"
Simple answer: No.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
This is MY favorite ritual btw.
My apologies for not answering directly your questions. However, as far as attributing to the quarters...I have been using the Lust(Therion/Babalon) tarot card and The Star Card(Nuit, Hadit). When bellowing in each four quarters I vividly imagine the Lust card while saying Therion/Babalon. And, the Star card for Nuit/Hadit.
In my experiance, if you ever wonder if you should do something...Give It A try!
Since we are dealing with psycho-spiritual energy try to stick to reputable guideliness given by the ones before us because they have did this with trial and error.
But, more importantly WRITE down every working you do in your magical journal. So so so important.
Also, dont get caught up in specifics because the purpose of all rituals is to manifest your desires so you can attain to the highest!
Love is the law, Love under will
I did the Star Ruby ritual for the first time last night, and again this morning. I like it , but I do not feel like doing a LBRP directly afterward. I was wondering if anyone here has experimented with the Star Ruby and the LIRP, back to back? I'm not sure if that would be of any significance to try and do . Is the Star Ruby a banishing/invoking ritual all in one?
@raven27 said
"I did the Star Ruby ritual for the first time last night, and again this morning. I like it , but I do not feel like doing a LBRP directly afterward. I was wondering if anyone here has experimented with the Star Ruby and the LIRP, back to back?"
Why would you mix them? (In the same operation?) That seems pretty miswired to me.
What was your reason for even wanting to do that?
"Is the Star Ruby a banishing/invoking ritual all in one?"
All such rituals (and certainly including the LBRP) have an invoking component - you connect to divine sources as the starting point. But maybe the answer has to be No, given the way you asked the question.
The Star Ruby is for banishing, especially as part of a larger ritual where you are going on to do other stuff (or as a "maintenance" ritual on its own.)
Thank you all for your replies and advice!
@sethsethseth said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
This is MY favorite ritual btw.
My apologies for not answering directly your questions. However, as far as attributing to the quarters...I have been using the Lust(Therion/Babalon) tarot card and The Star Card(Nuit, Hadit). When bellowing in each four quarters I vividly imagine the Lust card while saying Therion/Babalon. And, the Star card for Nuit/Hadit.
In my experiance, if you ever wonder if you should do something...Give It A try!
Since we are dealing with psycho-spiritual energy try to stick to reputable guideliness given by the ones before us because they have did this with trial and error.
But, more importantly WRITE down every working you do in your magical journal. So so so important.
Also, dont get caught up in specifics because the purpose of all rituals is to manifest your desires so you can attain to the highest!
Love is the law, Love under will"
Thank you Seth, this was very inspiring:) I've been doing the LBRP without the Star Ruby since my last post, but I think I might try what Jim said and try doing just the Star Ruby for a month and compare. At first that idea scared me, like " no, I can't miss a day without the LBRP!!!" But it seems to me now that that's just superstition, especially if I'm replacing it with a Pentagram ritual.... Magicians have to be able to experiment, I assume, lol. I've been experimenting a lot lately with my ritual routine. For example I've been going back and forth between just LBRP daily and daily LBRP BRH and MPR. It seems that on the days that I just do LBRP I'm a bit more self conscious and feel inferior (which really annoys me, lol) but I also get a lot done, compared to the days when I do LBRP BRH and MPR I feel very "high" and above my ego for the most part ( at least compared to just LBRP) but I also can't get anything done or focus or even sit my butt down and read a book.... Has anybody else had similar experiences to these?
My apologies if this doesn't fit here... If I should start another thread on this, please let me know...93s!
@Jim Eshelman said
@raven27 said
"I did the Star Ruby ritual for the first time last night, and again this morning. I like it , but I do not feel like doing a LBRP directly afterward. I was wondering if anyone here has experimented with the Star Ruby and the LIRP, back to back?"Why would you mix them? (In the same operation?) That seems pretty miswired to me.
What was your reason for even wanting to do that?
"Is the Star Ruby a banishing/invoking ritual all in one?"
All such rituals (and certainly including the LBRP) have an invoking component - you connect to divine sources as the starting point. But maybe the answer has to be No, given the way you asked the question.
The Star Ruby is for banishing, especially as part of a larger ritual where you are going on to do other stuff (or as a "maintenance" ritual on its own.)"
Yeah I know LBRP has both compnents. Actually I was listening to this
video about the Star Ruby . This guy was saying it is a banishing/invoking "hybrid" ritual . After doing the Star Ruby this morning. I did not really feel like doing a LIRP . But I did one later on in the day ...I think I just like doing the LBRP and LIRP. My question now is, if you are used to doing a LBRP in the morning and a LIRP at night , then if you replace the LBRP with the Star Ruby, what would you do at night ? Could you do the LIRP still or could you just do a Star Ruby again at night too? -
Try it. See what happens. Your instincts seem decent.