Latin Simplex
@Patriel Machad said
"TELEMA is 50, and TELHMA is 53, the same as ABRAHADABRA!"
I'm not sure Greek should be transliterated as Latin, especially since there is so well developed a Greek Qabbalah.
I think you added wrong BTW. Abrahadabra is 53, not 50. Same as, oh, all sorts of things, among them Liber AL, ad lucem, Bacchus, ecclesia, esto, mons, spes, and the important historic notariqon, I.H.S.V.
"Edit- While I'm at it... AEON is 31 and AEONS is 48."
That's pretty cool. Yes, aeon is Latin. In Latin, 31 is also Nu, among other things.
@Patriel Machad said
The Book of Wine. I'm going to have to go back and look at what I'd already published in Pearls, etc. Yes, this pure Latin, pure elegant find has been in the private catalogue for decades and I thought I would have included it in the public one. In any case, thanks for mentioning it.
In case I have mentioned them before, a few other 93s are:
AL VEL LEGIS - Titles of The Book of the Law
LUNA MATER - "The Moon is the Mother"
MULETUM - Amulet
OMNIA AB UNO - All from one
PROBATOR - Supporter, backer, approver
REGULUS - βThe little king;β etc."95, V.V.V.V.V."
Yes, the notariqon of Vi Verum Vniversum Vivus Vici (which, itself, is 348). A favorite link to this in 95 is Pertinax, literally "persevering, unyielding," and particularly relevant in Liber VII 2:13.
Isn't the original spelling in Dee Coronzon? (I'm going from memory. I'm going from memory - the ch was from Crowley's transliteration into Hebrew. That would back it off to 104, which has numerous important words and phrases, most of them utterly ironic.
Yes, that's in the catalogue. Hard to believe I didn't publish it. 134 is also ensis manui meae, one way of saying, "a sword in my hand."
@Patriel Machad said
"I think you misunderstood. I said Abrahadabra is 53, just like Telhma.
I don't like transliterations in most cases, but since it's these two Words and it's not that stretchy I ran with it."
Well, yeah, I can see that point
. I'll go back and look above, I could swear you said it was 50, but I probably read wrong.
EDIT - OK, I see how I misread it. Correct, you said it was 53
Sorry 'bout that.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Thanks for continuing to dig into this. "
It keeps digging into me
LQS has thus far proven to be a mind-baffling, sophisticated channel for crucial personal revelations.
I don't even bother to learn the letter-number attributions by heart, or to think about the theory why it works - it works, and works superbly. -
I have my own system for English Gematria which came to me after pondering Achad's Liber 31, and I have an online Gematria database of Qabalah entries in which I've verified and corrected every entry in Sepher Sephiroth from scholarly sources and run hundreds of English words and phrases in my own English system; but I think I need to start adding LQS entries (and an LQS calculator function) to it as well ...
Speaking of which: Jim, do you claim any copyright or legal "ownership" of the letter/value table of LQS, or merely the text of your presentations thereof in your various publications? (Is such a thing even possible to copyright/patent? I don't honestly know.)
If you don't have an issue with it, I'll add LQS as an option to my online calculator and start putting entries in my DB as I find them.
@sk4p said
"Speaking of which: Jim, do you claim any copyright or legal "ownership" of the letter/value table of LQS"
No. I guess thanks for asking, but that sort of thing is absurd. Not original with me (it goes back centuries), and not the sort of thing copyright law should be applied to.
"If you don't have an issue with it, I'll add LQS as an option to my online calculator and start putting entries in my DB as I find them."
Here's a good one:
The purification "asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor; lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor" (sprinkle me with hyssop, Lord, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow) = 635 = ΧΧΧ Χ ΧΧΧ (Adonai Melekh), "My Lord (the) King" (using the final Kaph value).
(edit to add: Counting the letter U as V, as you would in Latin: MVNDABOR, SVPER)
AMOREM INSPIRARE = to inspire love 156
Macroprosopus = 167
thus far, I have the following for 167 (some from my own "accidental" findings, some from Jim's notes)
Incito Serpentem
Ovum Igneum Genii
Quid Volis Ilud Fac
MACROPROSOPUSthe list may almost be synthesized as "Geburah of Keter", or along the similar lines; expressed through Thelemic pantheon, it has an obvious Hadit-Horus connotation; I was curious enough to look up the 167th verse in Liber L, and here's what it says (Ch.III, v.22):
"The other images group around me to support me: let all be worshipped, for they shall cluster to exalt me. I am the visible object of worship; the others are secret; for the Beast & his Bride are they: and for the winners of the Ordeal x. What is this? Thou shalt know."
Some interesting new findings that I feel prompted to share here, for joy and amusement of unknown readers working with, or interested in, LQS
Septem Lampades Ardentes - The Seven Lamps of Fire
Collegium Rosae Crucis - The Fraternity of the Rosy Cross
Conscientia Novi Aeonis β New Aeon Consciousness -
As I'm gradually working of translating Liber Legis into Latin, I'll be posting here periodically the most interesting findings, on the go.
Here's some today's gems:
BACULUM VIS COPH NIAE - Wand of the Force of Coph Nia = 175
(while Force of the Coph Nia itself - Vis Coph Niae = 110)