The secret Order
So I have to analyse this, my connection:
Leonardo DiCaprio is the head of our Order. This is truely True, because he had the Teacher Aleister in Body of Lies (e) Asisa-Logic
Asisa-Logic := I know, that Russell Crowe is not Aleister Crowley.
So: Asisa is element of making logical Connection, which are not true in our world. This is important, because modal logic says: It is possible true, that it is an Element of another world.
But what else should Asisa do?
So for Ellen Page in Inception it is true (is not True, because,:
true (is element) True
True (is not-element) trueThis is defined by the numbers:
5 + 9 = = 14
9 + 5 = = 14but
5 - 9 =/= 14
9 - 5 =/= 5 - 9 (Hope you can make the step between yourelf, Billy, which i will introduce later with an actor )So For Ellen-Page is true that:
From follows, at least in (Time (e) True)!
Because Ellen page did first "Inception" and then "Flatliners", and she is alive and will die... <= (Time (e) True ) => q.e.d.
This leads for me to:
The "Liber of this Order" is:stolen
Come hither, o prophets, to receive the secret initiation of the $ $ :
First of all, there must be said, that the secret of the most high is called silence and naught, which cannot been taught.
but there art ways, hidden in the rays of the star of tzhade.
something is better than nothing, so there is divison in the world and all is joy!
the union of all is All, which is this, that is. Think not that there is something missing in thur hearts, o prophets, for the world gives it to ye, if seeing the light in a certain prism of sight.
from darkness we come, into light we go, so the reason of the world is changing. behold, o prophet, thou canst not lift all the secrets hidden in here!
For the fact, that secrets can only be spelled by a genuis in language, all secrets can only be taught in the words of the master.
there art many steps hidden in this initiation, but if thou looketh closer into the words, only one is really given. It is the resolution of the soul.
it's ever and ever the same. All ways art wrong, for there is only one way, and it is the way, not yet been gone.
Our secret wilt be to adore and grave 65. Although unknown, we say alice is alive.
the end of thur way, o prophet, shall be the word - use it! and so wilt be thur new beginning.
O damn-dark secret in mine, i speak in riddles... dont try to understand my words, for there is nothing important hidden in them...
the new Γon wilt be the same as thatone passed, for the reason of of all these words shall be useless with a tinge of splendour.
this from old were magick, this of new is mystick, but there is no difference in it.
think not, o prophet, that anyone can ....
never think the only people art the people, who walks and talks like ye, for walking the footsteps of a stranger will show you things thou never knew.
I is the phallus, O is his opposite. Q is the union of both.
and the end of the word art the words: ladders, letters, only let us...
And Lo, this book is for joke! Aum. Ha.This is only be known by the Members of the A.A., because they now the secret Libers of all Secret Orders...
So Ellen PAge is with the Post above:
Ellen Page <=> Book of Life (e) Bible
Lamb = Lamp => ()
AL =>
The light is mine; its rays consume
Me: I have made a secret door
Into the House of Ra and Tum,
Of Khephra and of Ahathoor.
I am thy Theban, O Mentu,Lord Mentu unveils ( ),
The Light of Logic is consumed in:
{The Abyss
The Word is broken up.
There is Knowledge.
Knowledge is Relation.
These fragments are Creation.
The broken manifests Light.2}: And this is a riddle for Aleister:
False!Try your best^^
so I (e) Alphabeth meet Maleficent
LOGIC TEXT 1, Thelema:
Which is the last thought in me
(ALaw: = Aleister Law!<= Cobb shalt steal; Ra-Hoor-khuit said(<=> Russell Crowe = Father of of)
@Asisa said
so I (e) Alphabeth meet Maleficent
This is almost true:
Now lets Define Almost True, each for him-/her-self
(: You have to give me a Line to write....
Wich is the last thought of me, As - I -this
, so
me is Keira Knightley NAND TRUE <=> false...Build your Own Container with true and false, ans you understand it easily:
notes: ________________________
____________________ etc...Okay, to end this, I think I haved explained all Logic systems, now... Each Liber of Asisa is one, and basic logics (modal logic etc) shalt be know....
@Solution: You would have been true, so e= true -
@Asisa said
@Takamba said
"The End of the words! Hoo Ha!"Jep
Okay, now we can ask Asisa with:
Numbers-true-proof (c) 65 =/= Grace Kelly, what she thinks about that:Asisa?
True if Set Emty Space == life of of e!
Aum. Ha."So Here Asisa reveils her own logic:
Her Wish of {} of a Familie:(THESE ART MASTER INFORMATION... Raja <=> Darklaji'da)
M u M :=> Angelina!!!! Angelina!! Angelina Jolie (e) Asisa-Logic
-[-[Brain-fouk (e) Kristen Bell]-i]-i]- O of IAO:] and ANDlogic Asisa:
M u M by a fool can be studied in the wise Wiki (similar Sibylle)later...
and is the Set-Theorie ZFC & Asisa-logic = t.
with t n-e "can be proofed!"
And with the "Wise Sibylle, you get :
if Frank 1. Rudolf AND(n-logic-Nihillis) and then Leonardo in Body of Lies, means that,
that I, _____________________ am the actress of ________________ of (_)Asisa, what's up???
So Everytime than Asisa comes, I make a Russell Fault (secret, Pan enough (<=>) this step by NEO =/= Keanu Reeves)
For n= not-B (Forum) if NOW Hadit-riddle
noooo, Me in me don't will that... Because:
Hadit-Riddle NOW is "WON" and this is too difficult, i think - veiled Asisa.....
@Asisa said
"-[-[Brain-fouk (e) Kristen Bell]-i]-i]- O of IAO:] and ANDlogic Asisa:"this is the funniest, Asisa!!!
@Aleister: First Time she laughted
@Me: Never buy a Tamagotchi
"Asisa"(<=>) Define Wow for me!Make your damn definition yourself (e) Youth of Aleister, so Calm down!
Strange, in Hollywood, there art Masters and "Wasters"....
So thanx to the Queen of Ceremony (e) Asisa =?= (is, def in ger!)So The Logic difference between OR and AND,
never could been solved
Element A :
Element B :
Element C : OR B ____________ A AND n-A _____________ A e A?
Russell == NOAH == False!
Haven :
Hell: (
) Hell := Defines Paradies,
And blabla :=
Hell => x(Adam Brody)
Robbie Williams? =>
So this Guy here:
says : neW eNeMY lOcAtEd (<- this is crap^^
We want to connect the people (@Asisa: Cannot been proofed
) so say Hallo to my little friend!
Define Rachel <=> Leonardo Dicaprio (c) Asisa-Logik^^
The Order of the Women:
*try it in Lua e ProgramL: def <= Lao Tzeh is in Inception :
What? Asisa are u sure?
dont understand
If you are shure?
{can't he write?? there is an h in
dont understand
Asisa, are you sure?
Sure not (e) me
The-who-is-the-which-who has a role in Lord of the Rings AND Matrix?________!
(@you: Asisa would say true!) -
@Asisa said
The-who-is-the-which-who has a role in Lord of the Rings AND Matrix?________!
(@you: Asisa would say true!)"Boring, Asisa
Asisa is true!
You know, it would be better if any Aspirant of the A.A. should make an Actors List, and the Forum desides, if he is a Member
So Keira N(NAND) Asisa is
In the Movie-Maze by
Grace Kelly = FQC = "Paradox", because "Paradox means after Nihillis:
The Aeon of Leo
Nihil is taken to affirm that the universe is Nothing, and that is now to be analysed. The order of the element is that of Jeheshua. The elements are taken rather as in Nature; N is easily Fire, since Mars is the ruler of Scorpio: the virginity of I suits Air and Water, elements which in Magick are closely interwoven: H, the letter of of breath, is suitable for Spirit; Abrahadabra is called the name of Spirit, because it is cheth: L is Earth, green and fertile, because Venus, the greenness, fertility, and earthiness of things is the Lady of Libra, Lamed. (c) Aleister
The Aeon of Charlize!
To KATIE := Katie Holmes , so