Crowley was pretty clear in one place (where was it? one of the commentaries?) that this Secret Name was Babalon, revealed to him in the higher Enochian Aethyrs. (The distinctive capitalization in the companying CCXX verse, I.S.I.S., certainly hints at many ideas, including an analogy between Babalon and Isis.)
No, it was simpler than that... the same part of the comment that the OP cited. In New Comment for 1:22, ac wrote:
"The Secret name was revealed in the Sahara desert - see Liber 418, 12th Aethyr, The Equinox I, V, pp. 82-87."
In other words, it was "Babalon."
Thank you All, I actually thought to myself what a strange Name for a goddess (NOX/NVTH), but it was the way Crowley worded it in his commentary by emphasizing "Great Night" and "All" that made me think of The "Night of Pan" who is the "ALL" and the fact that "Nut" and "Not" are titles associated with her. The numbers that arose from these two names, and the meanings behind them made me shake my head and think "Holy Crowley" there has to be some hidden meaning behind this, it just can't be a coincidence, it must be by design! Whatever the deeper meaning is, I certainly am not qualified to say, but Liber Al vel Legis never ceases to amaze and inspire me!
I always knew that Babalon/Nuit were different aspects of the same goddess, but I thought to myself, Crowley could also be diverting peoples attention away from some truly secret doctrine; besides, it not really that secret if he disclosed it in the first place!93!
@centauros1146 said
"Thank you All, I actually thought to myself what a strange Name for a goddess (NOX/NVTH), but it was the way Crowley worded it in his commentary by emphasizing "Great Night" and "All" that made me think of The "Night of Pan" who is the "ALL" and the fact that "Nut" and "Not" are titles associated with her."
No, it was a good line of thought. Certainly worth your undertaking it.
Crowley was using those words to emphasize the spiritual conditions in which he first learned the name "Babalon." If you haven't read The Vision & the Voice, you probably want to do that to get some deeper understanding of all of this. (And, if it isn't presumptuous, I'd recommend my own Visions & Voices, coming out in January, which goes even deeper into the topic.)
Thank you Jim, I have read the Vision and the voice many times, but I confess that I find this book so deep that almost all of it over my head. I am just beginning to get a bit of a grasp on the subtle meanings behind the meanings of words and numbers ect.. and yes, your book is on my "have to read list" !