An evening with Masonic chaos magicians
Recently I was invited to a small social gathering by a business acquaintance at the hotel where he was staying. Just some light drinks and snacks with some other people, including his cousin who was in town. In the spaces between where there were others beside us 3, the conversations quickly took a turn toward the esoteric. I soon learned their family had a long history of Masonry.
As we discussed different subjects, they began to quiz me about what I knew, specifically around the magickal model of the universe. I used the very simple river analogy, whereby swimming upstream and tinkering with a current, it is possible to affect manifestation on our plane, when the 'modified current' is manifested, or to observe the currents as in clairvoyance or divination.
They seemed satisfied with that, and then went on to ask me how I protect myself. I mentioned the banishing rituals, but most of all, that I had not yet made such a change. My interest is to understand how stuff works, and since I have been able to do everything I need on this plane, I would never make a change upstream, especially for material gain. When the coming battles and chaos arrive, I will have no problem to use it as a weapon. But for now the interest is to learn and observe.
The question was more along the lines if I knew something they did not - because as a result of whatever tinkering they had done, the one described himself as a 'chaos magnet' and all manner of bizzare happenings manifest around him, quite unintentional. They said when a change is made, you are robbing someone. And that small eddies and currents result which are unintentional side effects. I'm pretty sure whatever they did was for material gain, except something backfired, and they could very well spend the rest of their lives trying to 'fix' it, which IMO is impossible. Also, nothing in the universe is free, so whatever is received, something must be given in return.
Anyway, while it was nice to be able to discuss magick and esoteric topics with people that know, the whole thing kind of creeped me out in the end, and I went home and banished and burned sage to ward off whatever 'chaos boogers' these guys had around them. Just an interesting story I thought I'd share.
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
frankly, it sounds like the one dude just isn't sealing his house and/or himself. i don't count it as a point of honor myself when there's all kinds of qliphotic garbage floating around in my aura.
Love is the law, love under will