Environmental changes during rituals.
I've had an interesting experience. During my performances of Ritual 36, I've observed a rise in temperature in my Temple. It is a dramatic rise, bringing the temperature high enough to cause significant sweating. I have not been able to verify whether or not these phenomena are objective or subjective. However, I am not indulging in any major physical exertion, so such an increase in body temperature would also seem, from my perspective, to be of interest.
I am simply curious to see if anyone else has experienced similar phenomena, with this ritual or others, and I'm interested in other's thoughts on the occurence.
My own ideas relate to the occurrence of "cold spots" in events of spirit manifestation (a la paranormal investigation). Generally speaking, spirit manifestations cool the air around them, as the spirit draws energy from the air. I'm considering the possibility that the temperature increase related to an increase in spiritual energy, either in myself, causing a rise in body temp, or in my temple, causing a change in air temp.
This has occurred on multiple occasions, tracing back to my ritualizing the giving of the N.O.X. signs with certain ceremonial elaborations, akin to the ritualizing of the L.V.X. signs of the Old Order.
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Yes definitely. Changes in temperature, humidity, pressure, and the static charge/ozone in the air of the Temple are common for me, mostly during evocations. I think you are correct that it happens at the arrival of the energies you are working with, condensing into a more physical form. Environment is just one of the effects I get once work has begun. Quite often I will see shells and garbage lurking about outside the circle soon after the ceremony has begun.
A simple experiment would be to keep a thermometer in your temple (next to the Holy Hand Grenade, perhaps). Note the temperature before and after a ritual and you'll know if the perceived rise in temperature is objective. (Maybe think of it as a kind of divination. If the temperature is 86° when you leave, you'll know you successfully invoked the divine forces.)
Of course, your body heat will raise the ambient temperature a small amount , and a group of human bodies in a closed room will do so very noticeably, without the aid of supernatural intervention.
Also, not only the physical but the mental activity of a ritual, especially if you really put yourself into it, can make you hot and even sweaty. I find that even the mental activity of meditation, without physical activity, can make me very hot.
It's fun to think that our magic is having a visible effect in the material world (though if true, it should probably be considered a flaw, like a leak or energy lost to friction, since we're trying to work on the astral plane). But the point of "the method of science" is to be very sceptical, keep records, and when possible do objective experiments like keeping a Holy Thermometer.
That'll be 2¢ please.
I totally agree on the notion that physical phenomena is not to be sought after. Rather, it is a distraction, which leads many individuals away from the path, into delusion and ego-mania. In fact, your point about the "leak" resulting from a defect in the work strongly reminds me of similar points made in the writings of Jack Parsons. As to the thermometer idea, I'd considered it. I just haven't gotten around to it, yet.
It has been a very long time since I did any group workings, so I can easily discount the effects of multiple people operating as the furnaces of my own personal Alchemical lab. I had not, however, as yet considered the physical effect of raising body temperature as a result of heavy mental exertions. However, your point holds some interesting possibilities, given that I have been throwing myself, more and more, into my rituals every time I perform them.
Thanks for the observations and ideas, and for taking the time to comment on this.
Further experimentation is obviously in order, not the least of which being the use of the thermometer to determine objectivity vs. subjectivity.
Success, however, should not be measured by the physical phenomena, but on the nature of the ritual and whether or not the ritual produces the changes for which one does it. (I.e., does one feel "cleaner" after the banishing, or not; does one feel "holier" after invoking, etc.)
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Yes definitely. Changes in temperature, humidity, pressure, and the static charge/ozone in the air of the Temple are common for me, mostly during evocations. I think you are correct that it happens at the arrival of the energies you are working with, condensing into a more physical form. Environment is just one of the effects I get once work has begun. Quite often I will see shells and garbage lurking about outside the circle soon after the ceremony has begun."
You're right
Oh, definitely, the hotness or coldness is from the incoming energy. People around when I do divination or Will at meal tend to get hot - that is including me too because of the invoked energies. Or if there's an exchange in sexual energy... Very good, your practice is doing great MaKheru!