A simple banishing ritual for small problems
I created this ritual (please keep in mind I am new to Thelema and come from 15 years of study in Buddhism, shamanism, witchcraft and chaos magick, so my work is colored by all my magickal influences).
Essentially this is a Chaos ritual as it does not follow any one tradition, but it has been working, when relatively minor problems are concerned. For example, a fellow magician (non-Thelemite) broke his 3 pack a day smoking habit using this ritual. I have used it to send an annoying querent to seek his answers elsewhere, and to repel an ex-suitor of my current girlfriend who until recently was not taking no for an answer.I just figured I would share it here, for what it's worth. It's a great ritual for neophytes as no Quabalah is required, no invoking of entities etc.
You will need:
A symbol of the thing/habit/person to be banished that can be ripped apart and burned. Examples include a cigarette, a small amount of a drug you wish to quit, a picture of the person in question, or a paper with the person's name or description of the problem written on it. If writing names I have found it helps to include their numerological equivalent, but it is not necessary.A candle (and obviously something to light it with, preferably a match)
Your wand or sword
An outdoor area in which to work, or an indoor area in which a small fire is safe.
Loose fitting, comfortable robes or clothes, or nudity. The key is comfort to avoid distraction.
Clear your mind of all concerns except the one you aim to banish. It helps to spend a good 20-30 minutes sitting in meditation, spending the first 10 minutes or so meditating on the problem at hand, then the rest of the time, on clearing the mind in the typical Zen fashion.
Approach the area where you will do your work carrying your wand or sword in your dominant hand, the symbol to be destroyed in your left. Draw a circle in front of you, containing the seven pointed star, and step into it. Place your candle on the ground in front of you and light it.
Turn to each of the four directions and consecrate your weapon and candle to the elements and spirits of the four winds, using whatever words you feel are best.
Take the symbol to be destroyed into both hands.
Rend! Destroy! Tear! Ruin! Shred!..........until unrecognizable, then light it afire with your candle.
Remain standing silently in the circle until the object is burned away.
Turn again to the four directions and thank them wordlessly, a simple bow or gesture works here.
Now leave your circle and erase it (NOT with your wand or sword), for the work is done.It may be repeated as many times as necessary, but I have found it usually works the first time, provided the issue is minor enough. It would not be recommended for fighting, say, an infection with a serious disease, or a severe heroin addiction. Also not recommended for banishing formidable human opponenents such as a prosecutor in a court case, or an enemy that is capable of magickal/psychic defense and attack.
Hope this helps some of the neophytes.
Yours in Liber AL,
2053 (one half of the Great Union 2,566)
@DarkStar said
I have used it to send an annoying querent to seek his answers elsewhere
"I would think it easier to tell him that he should read about ! and ? and to stop asking you so many questions.
What would interest me, is how the spell affected the querent. In other words : How did it get him to leave you alone?
What some logical loop created in his head? Does he no longer see you ? Does he no longer reconize you? Is he conviced you are some demon and is now set to destroy you?
I should take my own advice :X
@Modes said
"Interesting. Thanks! You got me thinking about the winds-elements. Is that an analogy? What can you tell about the winds?"
Well, it's the Native American/Shamanistic concept of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In this ritual i find it unnecessary to invoke spirits by name, giving thanks to the elements and the four winds is plenty.