An asrai is a faerie that turns to water when captured, supposedly. This word morphed into Asraiya organically since it's easier to hear (sounds like Shivaya or Mariah), say, remember, and that's what I call myself, amongst other things.. I am an intuitive magickian strictly with a passion for performance art as I'm required to dance to maintain balance energetically for my own sanity, well if such thing exists. I play with fire, amongst other things.. Life is a ritual so I'm not sure where to draw the line between practice and performance nor between what I know that's been learned by experience, taught, or remembered from beyond this lifetime. Actually time is perceived less and less linear by me the more I see my dreams manifest and my intuition acknowledged as correct but I'm plagued with an abundance of empathy! Existence is pure joy truly but I can't feel it until everybody does so it's my mission to enlighten the masses, but not for me. I'm under oath absolutely yet it was witnessed by nobody. I have participated in the Gnostic Mass as a priestess at Thelema Lodge around the turn of the century (2001- love saying that). I am a thelemite indeed as the truth rings out like a bell to me...
I have been waiting for you! It's quite impressive the collecting evolvement on this list and I'm quite pleased to finally be enlisted among you all, the company of stars...
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.