Sexual Magick: Theory and Methodology
A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him.
( Illustration : The first principle of success in evolution is that the individual should be true to his own nature, and at the same time adapt himself to his environment.) -
Nature is a continuous phenomenon, though we do not know in all cases how things are connected.
( Illustration : Human consciousness depends on the properties of protoplasm, the existence of which depends on innumerable physical conditions peculiar to this planet; and this planet is determined by the mechanical balance of the whole universe of matter. We may then say that our consciousness is causally connected with the remotest galaxies; yet we do not know even how it arises from.or with.the molecular changes in our brain.) -
Science enables us to take advantage of the continuity of Nature by the empirical application of certain principles whose interplay involves different orders of idea connected with each other in a way beyond our present comprehension.(Illustration : We are able to light cities by rule-of-thumb methods. We do not know what consciousness is, or how it is connected with muscular action; what electricity is or how it is connected with the machines that generate it; and our methods depend on calculations involving mathematical ideas which have no correspondence in the Universe as we know it.)
--Liber Aba
1.Simple enough to understand. Point A is connected to point Z even if you cannot comprehind the connection.
2.True Will = natural order of the Universe. The natural order of the Universe= natural processes. Therefore natural processes=True Will
- The sexual act is a natural process of humanity. Therefore the sexual act=True will.
For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
--Liber AL 3:44
Since "pure will' and "the sexual act" can be interchangable, you could say:
For the sexual act, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
Now in this is the magical power known.
It is like the oak that hardens itself and bears up against the storm. It is weather-beaten and scarred and confident like a sea-captain.
Also it straineth like a hound in the leash.
It hath pride and great subtlety. Yea, and glee also!
Let the magus act thus in his conjuration.
Let him sit and conjure; let him draw himself together in that forcefulness; let him rise next swollen and straining; let him dash back the hood from his head and fix his basilisk eye upon the sigil of the demon. Then let him sway the force of him to and from like a satyr in silence, until the Word burst from his throat.
Then let him not fall exhausted, although the might have been ten thousandfold the human; but that which floodeth him is the infinite mercy of the Genitor-Genetrix of the Universe, whereof he is the Vessel.
Nor do thou deceive thyself. It is easy to tell the live force from the dead matter. It is no easier to tell the live snake from the dead snake.
Also concerning vows. Be obstinate, and be not obstinate. Understand that the yielding of the Yoni is one with the lengthening of the Lingam. Thou art both these; and thy vow is but the rustling of the wind on Mount Meru.
Now shalt thou adore me who am the Eye and the Tooth, the Goat of the Spirit, the Lord of Creation. I am the Eye in the Triangle, the Silver Star that ye adore.
I am Baphomet, that is the Eightfold Word
--Liber A'ASH
The following is a simple description. Most of the Technique has been left out. However, if you pursue the truth using this information as a foundation, you will find your answer.
Open the Temple.Banish as you see fit.
1 Using biofeedback train yourself to become sexually aroused without mental or physical stimuli.
2 Maintain this arousal through biofeedback alone.
Once you have mastered this exercise chose a symbol that best explains your current work.
Focus on this symbol and meditate. Using the technique learned in 1 and 2 keep your mind blank, focus on the symbol, and slowly masturbate.
Right before you climax, stop. Maintain your focus on the symbol. Maintain your arousal.
Start masturbating again. Once agin, right before climax, stop. Maintain your focus on the symbol. Maintain your arousal.
Repeat 5 and 6 until you
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
This technique works for men and women. But as a man I can only speak for males. Anyway a sure sign you have mastered this method is when you have simultaneous, multiple orgasm without ejaculation.
Yes Ladies, we can have multples too:)
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.