Remember YOUR hands
Simply gazing at them five minutes a day, and hopefully thinking of associations of what they do for you, should grant you a greater degree of control over your dreams (as if you controled you life, haha), then you ever "dreamed" possible. A simple exercise, but you are given your hands, here and there, and why not be everywhere?
@Zazazas214 said
"Simply gazing at them five minutes a day, and hopefully thinking of associations of what they do for you, should grant you a greater degree of control over your dreams (as if you controled you life, haha), then you ever "dreamed" possible. A simple exercise, but you are given your hands, here and there, and why not be everywhere?"
This advice reminds me of a technique to develope lucid dreams. One is to throughout the day, stop and look at their hands. The idea is that this habit will be reflected in your dreamstate, and remind you that your dreaming.
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Yes. Constant frequency entrainment with particularly frequently (wouldn't they?) used frequencies assists in navigating the dream state, as those astral "vibes" in the ""Ether"" whirl around us constantly, in the very least in the form of electromagnetohydrodynamic fluxes, due to local magnetic ore deposits, local EM emitting edifices (from powerlines to power sockets to computers to unused appliances), all the way to the EM emmisions of every biolgoical lifeform around us.... Christ, it's amazing what it really is, I feel like a sea creature thinking about it, as antediluvian as a trilobite!
But to the point, at any time, there is a certain dominant SET of frequencies which constitute the expressible signature of the situation to external observers, and they, having observed it and nothing else, constitute it the absolute reality, in the language of relativity (Einstein and his succorsessors)!
I might be wrong, but you can play with the idea if you want, you are of course, a "crowned and conquering child". Hell, chocolate strawberries, you might make it better than my idea.
For that I praise you, either way.