Understanding Rosicrucian Gematria
While doing some Work yesterday, I found a gematric relationship between what I understand to be three important alchemical-Rosicrucian concepts. I found these terms in an issue of In The Continuum Vol. 5.1, on Page 15, in a section on the College of Thelema's Summary of the Latin Qabalah Simplex.
ABIEGNUS, the holy mountain of the Rosicrucians = 72
VITRIOL, a notariqon? of Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem, or "Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone." = 94
C.R.C., initials of Christian Rosenkruetz = 22ABIEGNUS - VITRIOL = C.R.C.
I propose subtraction because it seems to suggestion the purifying process of VITRIOL, but I would love any insight into the formula.
Also, where does Abiegnus originate? I don't recall it from the Fama. And why does the C.O.T. article describe 72 as "[p]robably the most important theoretical no. in all of medieval magick"?
Thanks for any insight or leads on sources where I can look myself. I get the feeling that simple answers on questions about alchemy are not always possible.
Or another, simpler way to put it is:
(You got your subtraction backwards.)@Galahad said
"Also, where does Abiegnus originate? I don't recall it from the Fama."
Other Rosicrucian documents.
"And why does the C.O.T. article describe 72 as "[p]robably the most important theoretical no. in all of medieval magick"?"
Lotsa reasons - my notebook page on 72 is more like 2 pages. But most of the reasons boil down to the 72 pentades of the zodiac and their attribution to things like the Shem ha-M'phorash, the Goetic catelogue, etc. There are other important clues in the Latin Qabalah Simplex catalogue you consulted.