Adeptus Major
I've always found this grade to be very fascinating, as I'm sure many have. The reason being the secrecy of the documentation surrounding this grade and how it's one step up from Adeptus Minor. I have always wondered if once one has reached the task of Adeptus Minor and moved through the path of Adjustment to Adeptus Major working entirely alone, or from the big blue book. Would one's magickal power increase and the secrets of such power be revealed to them through the HGA and the path (inner school) itself? Or is it necessary to have such documentation revealed through a superior at the right time once the grade has been reached? I've always read many things by Jim about how many have fallen once reaching such a grade because of the power that exists in Geburah and the importance of balancing such power with the awareness of karma, so that one does not abuse it and uses it to support the Exempt Adept. I was wondering what the thoughts and opinions of this board are on this subject?
@milkBoxx said
"I've always found this grade to be very fascinating, as I'm sure many have. The reason being the secrecy of the documentation surrounding this grade and how it's one step up from Adeptus Minor."
What do you mean by "secrecy of the documentation"? I'm not aware of any particular secrecy about this grade.
"I have always wondered if once one has reached the task of Adeptus Minor and moved through the path of Adjustment to Adeptus Major working entirely alone, or from the big blue book. Would one's magical power increase and the secrets of such power be revealed to them through the HGA and the path (inner school) itself? Or is it necessary to have such documentation revealed through a superior at the right time once the grade has been reached?"
Again, I'm unclear what you mean by "documentation," but I'll take a stab at this: Yes, of course one's power increases from one's deepening relationship with the HGA (though I think this is especially from the Path of Meym, not Lamed, though the result is, of course, stabilized in Lamed). - And, in addition to this, there is also specific instruction received (possibly what you mean by "documentation"). The formal 6=5 syllabus consists of the following:
Liber I - Liber B vel Magi
Liber LXVI - Liber Stellæ Rubeæ
Liber CLVI - Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni
Liber CCXX - Liber Legis, The Book of the Law
Liber VI - Liber O vel Sagittæ
Liber DCCCLXVIII - Liber Viarum Viæ
Liber XLI - Thien Tao
Liber XLIV - The Mass of the Phoenix
Liber DCCCXI - Liber Collegii Internii(I'm not sure why Liber IOD isn't listed there as well, since that's the assigned method for crossing the Path of Yod, which is part of the Adeptus Major task.)
"I've always read many things by Jim about how many have fallen once reaching such a grade because of the power that exists in Geburah and the importance of balancing such power with the awareness of karma, so that one does not abuse it and uses it to support the Exempt Adept."
I fear I've been misunderstood here. I don't recall having written anything about how anyone, let alone "many," have "fallen" here. I've indicated that the Severity expression of Geburah is quite pronounced and evident, and how it's easy to mistake the phenomena of this grade with the Ordeal of the Abyss.
And I'm certain I didn't put a moral spin on this of saying it had something to do with one not abusing the power. (Or, at least, your reflecting my words back to me makes them sound very different than what I meant when they left me. Can you please tell me where I said this?)
You are most right about the aspect of mindfulness of karma. It's so evidently the field in which the Major Adept finds himself or herself moving. (It has always been this way. The difference is that the 6=5 is in a place to really see it!)