Errata: &"Every writer, editor, and publisher's nightmare!&"
First off... I'm about halfway through the book and just need to reiterate every other acclaim you've received so far, Jim. This is a truly remarkable book. Already, a dozen or so fundamental questions that have nagged at me over the years have been answered and I'm only through the first three sections.
I also loved the quote above because I have consistently felt that yours might be the best copy-edited books I've ever read. Every time (literally every time) I think I've come across a typo or syntax error, I go back and realize that it was my reading eye that made the mistake and not the writer.
So, I figured it might be helpful to start a list here so that those of us who are reading this book with the closeness that I would assume anyone on these forums will approach it, can post the one or two errata we might run across to prep for its inevitable second printing sometime in the near future.
Funnily enough, the one that I ran across was on the same page as the quote
p.134, paragraph 6, line 3: "clockwise beginning in the east" should be counterclockwise.
(Unless, of course, this is one of your remaining blinds... In which case, delete this immediately
Thanks! I kept meaning to start this thread, and there were so few errata this time (I've found two - keep forgetting to write them d9own - you've added a third).
Please, everyone, if you find anything... list it here.
Also, I should have mentioned - on your enormous compliment about copy editing, it's hopefully obvious that this is a team effort. The people mentioned in the Acknowledgements and (in this case) especially David Stanton and Kelly Garey, were just amazing in their attentiveness and insight on things large and small. There comes a time (after, say, the 20th or 30th pass) when I just can't look at a line or paragraph or page and actually see what's typed there. It takes a new, fresh eye that isn't inside my own head.
These guys (and, in different ways, everyone mentioned in the Acknowledgements) were amazing.