On general cleansing + protection
I'm looking for advice (whether direct or just referencing a book) on the general topic of house cleansing and protection (especially of a newly-acquired dwelling), and of banishing any leftover entities/spirits/hauntings/"poltergeists" etc. I understand a "full exorcism" is a separate topic, but anything beneath that level is what I'm interested in learning more about. Basically, how to get rid of "unwanted roommates."
I would be inclined to heavy LBRP use to banish the sh!t out of the place, and maybe burn frankincense for a while to reinforce the vibe I'm trying to make, but I don't really have anything better than that.
Any suggestions? Personal experiences? Anything I should add to my toolkit?
93, 93/93
I have used the Star Ruby successfully Ash. You can find it in 776.5, see below;
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=329&p=1707&hilit=Star+Ruby#p1707">viewtopic.php?f=2&t=329&p=1707&hilit=Star+Ruby#p1707</a><!-- l --> -
well, lesser and greater banishing pentagram rituals, with the LBRP daily,
also you may wish to add sage to your incense.
As well as nag champa.Also, ya know, you can always ask Lucifer for advice or sway in power with banishing.
one of the tricks of reality is that Lucifer is a benign, positive being that only reflects
our inner wishes and desires.And not dangerously so.. in your darkest dreams, you might wish to unleash
all the demonic energy into the overworld, connect it from your place to every
place that has them, and destroy the universe...Lucifer would actually begin to banish your false will...
mAY wish to do some banishing with greater rituals first with your birth chart correspondance,
then with daily planetary correspondance..and Hail Satan