Matrices in the book of Abramelin
93s everyone,
I recently finished reading the book of Abramelin and in part 3 of the book where the sigils of the spirits are given I've noticed that it resembles the matrices in Algebra.I have literally zero knowledge of Qabbalah for now so I wanted to ask you, have you ever tried converting the letters in the sigils to their numerical values and transposing or inverting the matrices.
To give an example;
A () () () () ()
M () () () () ()
A () () () () ()
E () () () () ()
L () () () () ()This six by six matrice when inverted could give a new matrice filling the blank squares in the initial matrice and thus giving a new code.
So I wanted to try that but I don't know if it would be a fool's errand or not so my first question is
1 Did you ever try to do that and obtain a new code from the sigils?
And secondly
2 Do I need the Hebrew letters to find the correct numerical values of the sigils?
Thanks in advance,
With love
Hego.Sent from my SM-N976Q using Tapatalk
The thought has occurred to me regarding magical squares in a general sense.
I intend to experiment a bit in a month or so.
Possibly starting with Enochian tablets.
If you want to work on the Abremelin, we can compare notes