blood of the moon!
"It was originally there to serve as the food for a gestating child."
Brings to mind the image of the pelican feeding its babies in the Thoth Empress card. I, too, wondered what the magical signifiance of menstrual blood was. Thanks for clarifying the significance Jim. My whole perspective on "earning red wings" has been drastically altered
@Ra-Imhotep said
"Brings to mind the image of the pelican feeding its babies in the Thoth Empress card."
Yes. Same symbol, essentially.
"My whole perspective on "earning red wings" has been drastically altered
LOL! Enjoy
WOW this is such a great post on this subject jim i thank you!
you have broadened my outlook on the holiness of this holy subject.
\Gunner -
i was also wondering why in liber AL does this blood of the moon(menstral blood) come before host of heaven (semen)?
@bethata418 said
"you have broadened my outlook on the holiness of this holy subject."
I suspect the answer is in the principle that true power is in the feminine, not the masculine. The Scarlet Woman / Babalon / etc. is she "in whom all power is given."
Some of the principles mentioned above may also apply. For example, there has never been the kind of cultural antipathy toward fellatio that there has been toward menstrual cunnilingus. (The exception being, of course, in contexts that are anti-sexual altogether; but that's not a fair comparison.)
Hell's Angels did/do this as a matter of routine. Apparently, it can also make you a toughguy with a loud bike and a rotten attitude.
I like to avoid the heavy days.
93, 93/93
Redd Fezz wrote:
"Hell's Angels did/do this as a matter of routine. Apparently, it can also make you a toughguy with a loud bike and a rotten attitude."
Which just goes to underline the vital importance of intent in magick. The biker ritual is aimed at enhancing male dominance via a demonstration of recklessness. This thread is about working with, and honoring, the power of the feminine.
I admit this is not a subject close to my heart. But I can't entirely separate socially ingrained attitudes of disgust or disdain from the mystery or power aspects of menstrual blood. The two are woven around each other like the snakes on the caduceus.
Vote for Hillary!
I'd do it in a second if I thought it would do anything, regardless of how disgusting it is. What could it possibly do? I mean, really? At the very most, I suspect you could get a little bit of a "high" off it, maybe even a wallop of a high like fictional portrayal of adrenochrome in Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas... but, no matter what happens, it will pass. It seems to me like dropping acid and expecting enlightenment. I've done plenty of that and I know people who turn to drugs for the answers they seek are fooling themselves (and possibly those who read their books).
Redd Fezz wrote: "I'd do it in a second if I thought it would do anything, regardless of how disgusting it is. What could it possibly do? I mean, really?"
The answer to this is; many things! Especially, as Edward wrote, if coupled with the right intent, and a properly prepared magical enviroment. Every thing is One with ALL, and a part of the ALL. There is nothing you can think, say or do that will not affect the ENTIRE UNIVERSE! Everything, especially that which you perceive, has it's counterpart in you, and therefore; it is a powerful talisman for finding that part of you, and using it for the Great Work. Things that are personally taboo are especially powerful, as are things that you find the most beauty in.
"no matter what happens, it will pass. It seems to me like dropping acid and expecting enlightenment. I've done plenty of that and I know people who turn to drugs for the answers they seek are fooling themselves (and possibly those who read their books)."
Perhaps it would help to not think of "enlightenment" as a static thing, or a destination. Everything passes from one form to another, the pattern in Chaos is change!This is it's stability! At least here in Assiah/Yetzirah, things will always seem to be shifting, if we are viewing it on that level. Enlightenment evolves and if nothing else "happened" you would still be changed by the event, a work of magick in it's self!
I highly recomend checking out Dion Fortune's The Cosmic Doctrine! if you have not read it!
The following is rude and I apologize in advance, but it is basically how your post strikes me to respond:
Are you speaking from experience or wishful thinking? And, if the first, are you on any medicine currently?
Just my two cents.
Hey, Jim,
Come on.
What happens if you eat out a chick on her period?
With the greatest of magickal intentions, even?
Can you explain it?
Does it give you super powers?
Does it do ANYTHING???????
If so.. WHAT?
@Redd Fezz said
"What happens if you eat out a chick on her period?
With the greatest of magical intentions, even?"
Well, if nothing else, you'll probably get a second date.
"Does it give you super powers?
Does it do ANYTHING???????"
Yes. Yes. Anything.
PS - See my first post in this thread. q.e.d.
so do you think on the magickal level, a girl on her period much increases the success of the ritual, than if the sex magick was done with her while not having her period?
back in earily 2004 when i 1st start to experience with sex magick, mostly just sigil 9th degree work, me and my girlfriend only did this form of magick when she was on her period due to it was work with the fluids and she was afraid this work done at anyother time may get her pregnant. so i really can not accurately look back at my magickal diaries and see if the rate of success is better on or off there period.
but i must agree with you, for some odd reason it greatly increases the emotions & lust during the act of sex, for both the male and the female. and the smell always reminds me of a sweet very sugary wine. LOL
Jim, thank you for not getting upset with me.
That post of mine was totally jerk-offish, which is not totally surprising to me. But, sometimes I am still a little surprised when I read something like this a little later.
@bethata418 said
"so do you think on the magical level, a girl on her period much increases the success of the ritual, than if the sex magick was done with her while not having her period?"
Some things I am not at liberty to answer simply because I gave my word I wouldn't.
But see my original answer above. One thing I'll add - as a safety concern - is that the energy at this time is much wilder, and it is isn't necessarily the male magician that controls it. As a rule, it certainly isn't he alone that controls is.
In some tantras they drink menstrual blood and semen mixed together. It's described in Alexandra David-Neel's "Magic and Mystery in Tibet," if I remember correctly.
The more I study Dzogchen and Vajrayana Buddhism, the more convinced I become that Crowley's disinterest in Buddhism is really just his realization of Rig Pa, the Great Perfection of Dzogchen. This is basically the highest form of Buddhism and yet pretty much disregards all the lower forms. It is also antinomian which some people could perceive as amoral, just like Crowley's law.
Something interesting I picked up on a related note: during a Gana Puja ceremony, Dzogchen practitioners drink alcohol and eat meat (very non-Buddhist!)... the reason I was given for this is alcohol gives a taste of Rig Pa and by eating meat, we are connecting with the energy of the animal and helping to liberate it with our intention... two ideas that seem very in-keeping with Thelema and the violence of the Book of The Law to me!
Perhaps that explains Crowley's sport hunting?
According to what I've read, meat is a standard part of a monastic diet in Tibet. People would not last without it, in part because they need to make more red blood cells to survive in the high altitude. Chang (barley beer) is an ocasional part of monastic diet. But there's nothing exceptional in monks eating and drinking these things.
There are all kinds of thinking about meat in Buddhism, but in general its viewed as violence and Buddhist monks don't generally kill anything-- not even bugs. And this applies also to Tibetan Buddhism, which even includes Vajrayana which tends to have a different way of thinking from other Buddhist traditions. But, since the time of the historical Buddha, I believe it was always considered wrong to reject food, including meat. Especially to waste meat is offensive to the animal. But, Buddhist tradition to this day is not to support animal slaughter and not to kill. This means they won't support meat that has been specifically killed for them, but there are all sorts of gray areas and personal justification about this. Buddhists were using tofu as a meat substitute basically since it was discovered something like 1500 years ago.
Alcohol, on the other hand, is a no-no in just about every school except in some Tibetan lineages. The reason is simply because it clouds your mind and is a perfect example of mental poison. There's the story of the monk who was threatened by an anti-Buddhist with death if he did not sacrifice a goat, sleep with his wife or drink some alcohol. Thinking it would do the least harm, the monk drank the alcohol. This impared his judgement and he ended up shtupping the wife and the bleating of the goat outside irritated him, so he went out and killed it. Vajrayana Buddhists often do drink, however. And, from what I've read, alcoholism is a very real problem in some of these groups because they deny there is any problem. Many people believe that Chogyam Trungpa was intentionally a living example of addiction and taught the lesson well: few of his students followed his lead... and many consider him another disappointing phony guru. He did some crazy stuff while drunk off his ass.