How do you procede if you make a mistake in a magic ceremony? Say you're doing LBRP and call out the wrong God name, or forget to draw a pentagram? Do you just do that part over again and carry on? Immediately start over again from the beginning? Carry on as if nothing had happened and resign yourself to seven years' bad luck? Give up magic and take up dentistry?
Depends. I might simply take a few moments to collect myself and start again. When I first flubbed something like that, I spontaneously erased the pentagram in front of me with my fingers, like it was chalk on a board, then did it again. I still do that if it's needed.
If I have made repeated errors in a major working (which has occurred, though very rarely), I have abandoned the effort, assuming something inside is saying "Not tonight please, I have a magical headache." It would be necessary to collect my wits and do a closing banishing in such a case, so as not to leave 'debris'.
I think panicking is the worst thing, because it adds to the confusion that the spoiled ritual has produced. If it's a small thing, my attitude is, re-do it, and if it's a very small thing and I don't have a bad feeling around it, I might carry on regardless.
Don't take up dentistry. If you yank the wrong tooth instead of using the wrong God-name, you can't banish (or invoke) the tooth back into the patient's jaw again. Stay where you'll do least damage!
93 93/93,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
there are as many ways of dealing with errors in the temple as there are magicians going in - "Success is thy proof," so seek and find what works for you.
for me, it really depends on the kind of error and the scenario i'm working in. in my own temple my approach to this can be Very idiosyncratic and it's tough to generalize any system from it. if it's one of the early parts of the working, like say i forget to consecrate something, then i may just start the whole working all over again. if i'm already in an invocation and i stumble over a word and lose the flow i typically finish the invocation and then start just That over again. however, sometimes the error seems so great that i just stop, do an additional banishing and start ALL the way over, sealing my whole house again first. i often take that approach when there are thoughts surfacing in my consciousness as i'm Working.
in a group setting, i leave it up to whoever's running the show to deal with the error as they see fit. if it's Me running the show, which only occurs on rare occasions these days
i'll either have That Part started again or, if it's in the middle of the major part of the working, let it finish out and then do it again.
Love is the law, love under will