Liber A'ASH Vel Capricorni Penvmatic!
Can any one explain what this is to me,a Ritual or a vision?
@SetiDraconis said
"Can any one explain what this is to me,a Ritual or a vision?"
It's a holy book. Neither a ritual nor a vision. Probably "inspired or channelled text" is the closest in contemporary language.
So is there a hidden Mystery in this text that at face value I dont see or others?
Im sure it has its use in some way.
@SetiDraconis said
"So is there a hidden Mystery in this text that at face value I dont see or others?
Im sure it has its use in some way."
I'm sure you're right that there is. Most or all of the Class A documents have more than the surface meaning and benefit from extended study and meditation.
This particular one is one of the objects of study of the Dominus Liminis of A.'.A.'., the grade before Adeptus Minor. However, anyone can dig into it anytime they want.
That brings me to another qustion..with all the diffrant works with diffrant grades...what if one does work of a way higher grade and it is succesfull..what are the odds of this or is something more in a danagerus level with some workings?
Is this reconized in the TOT or AA by the higher ups?
I do understand the theory clearly thou with the diffrant grades becasue some things are advanced and with out a conditioned mind threw practice one may not know how to deal with surtant energys one is calling forth[and that could be on a few diffrant levels beyong say a invokcation or evokcation]
@SetiDraconis said
"That brings me to another qustion..with all the diffrant works with diffrant grades...what if one does work of a way higher grade and it is succesfull..what are the odds of this or is something more in a danagerus level with some workings?"
General answer for most things: Not a risk, especially if it is a formal assignment.
"Is this reconized in the TOT or AA by the higher ups?"
You mean is the higher grade recognized? No, not unless the intervening work was done etc. The completed or mastered work itself, of course, is recognized whenever it becomes a requirement for your current grade.
"I do understand the theory clearly thou with the diffrant grades becasue some things are advanced and with out a conditioned mind threw practice one may not know how to deal with surtant energys one is calling forth[and that could be on a few diffrant levels beyong say a invokcation or evokcation]"
If you have specific questions, feel free to ask them.
I wanted to throw out a few comments that I feel are relevant to the questions you are asking about working with certain material at various grades.
During the 6=5 grade of Adeptus Major which correponds with Geburah, the magickian attains to the height of his/her magickal power. There is certain work that is done in this grade but just because you do certain ritual work dealing with Geburah doesn't automatically mean you're an Adeptus Major. You don't have the steps behind you. I'm not a mountain climber but I think it makes a good analogy: as a mountain climber climbs, he puts in stakes at various places along the way. Now, they could "jump" so to speak onto a higher plateau, but what if they fall? They have farther to fall because they don't have the stakes in place to catch them.
Another way to approach it is trying to build a building. You could take a few posts and put it up and start putting in some floors and attain heights really quick, but how structurally sound is that building? You need to build the foundation first and build it from the ground up for it to be strong and last.
We apply this to the Tree of Life. At any point in time, any of the Sephira are touchable by a magickian - to a degree. The point of the grade systems such as the A.'.A.'. are such that you take each sephiroth at a time and you explore and stabilize yourself on that sephiroth before you tackle the next.
I know I had a point in there somewhere... I hope I got it across
I understand your point on that.