Crowley's Magick Circle
@gmugmble said
"(For that matter, you'd have to be a very good painter to get a plausible circle."
You could tie a cord to the center and to your paint brush.
You can just buy a large piece of canvas and paint on it.
You might be better off working with a much smaller, and simpler circle then the one Crowley uses as an example in Book 4.
At an earlier date, I made a post about some of the measurements (that would be used specifically for me, were I to make one). The Tau would be 21 ' by 17' , which would require a circle with a diameter of 60'.
He must have had a huge room :X
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I'm interested in that Carpet Jim, where can you get it at..It's difficult to do the directions of what everyone else says.. I'd rather pay for it, and.. or if there was simple instructions to make a magick circle, please instruct me..
Love is the law, love under will
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Doesn't that make for a rather irregular "circle"? (For that matter, you'd have to be a very good painter to get a plausible circle.)"gmugmble is right, if that is an easier way, I would have to hire a painter
and i'm not willing to do that. It is improper to do such a thing.. So how can this be done? and how much is that special carpet for the circle?
Love is the law, love under will.
Not to speak for him, but I think Jim is implying buying a special carpet specifically for painting the circle on...excuse me if I'm wrong.
youre probably right..
but i wonder what kind of special carpet, forgive me all, i'm having blonde moments at this..
A Magick carpet.
I was just thinking, a cool thing you could try is to go to a Persian rug shop. Look around, see if you can find one with some kind of crazy circle pattern on it.
This ("Temple+Floor+Cloth"&source=web&ots=w7NBpRIXzJ&sig=uU1NbfP8uIiBEgzb7eomqLvRBs0&hl=en:387cceu5)references Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki's The Ritual Magic Workbook, specifically where she speaks of a 'temple floor cloth'. Although this is not in the same tradition, it may give some direction or inspiration to what you are wanting to accomplish.
In the Achad Lodge of the SOTO in Pittsburgh we got ahold of carpet remnants of the applicable size (you can also go to a carpet store and just request the size you want) for the temple and flipped it over, base coated the bottom in white and then painted the circle by driving a nail through the center and drawing the circles inner and outer edged with a grease pencil or similar device and then drew the Tau in the middle. Pretty simple. You can also get vinyl flooring or a heavy canvas to paint the circle on in a similar manner.
93 All,
I actually looked into having a room sized rug custom made with the diagram in book 4 on it. Unfortunately the quote they gave me was quite high for me, $1845 + 150 shipping.
This was the page
Has anyone else found a different custom rug maker?
Ha, I decided to just do a search for a "circle rug" and found this :
It is for kids, but I thought it had a good design
A friend draws his magick circle by using his dagger to draw a circle around himself (clockwise) and visualizing blue flames from the line drawn. I'm wondering if this is sufficient for containing energies of operations? If yes, does the dagger need to touch the floor or is it enough to simply visualize the line drawn around oneself? Is there any ritual by which one "breaks" the circle after an operation?
@h2h said
" I'm wondering if this is sufficient for containing energies of operations? If yes, does the dagger need to touch the floor or is it enough to simply visualize the line drawn around oneself?"
Usually I've done this and have seen this done with the wand, and as long as you can keep a sufficient visualization through out of the edge of the universe then yes it will work. There is no need to actually touch the floor with your weapon, just visualize the flame hitting the ground and trailing behind.
"Is there any ritual by which one "breaks" the circle after an operation?"
The only one I can think of right off hand is in evocation the magician extends the sword through the circle to the spirit.