First Aethyr
While reading the last Aethyr (or first) LIL, I noticed that there is an enumeration of 70 and 66. It is therefore Lamed, Yod, Lamed=70. That's fine, but the use of L as Luna is a little obscure to me, because the Enochian is supposed to be the Zodiac and the elements, not planets.
In any case, it is Luna, Sagitarius, Luna=Gimel, Samekh, Gimel=70 or the EYE, Ayin.
Can somebody explain why L is Luna?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The letters are attributed to the symbols of geomancy. That's the primary attribution.
The symbols of geomancy are primarily attributed to the planets. Each planet is given two expressions. For non-luminaries, these are the two signs they rule; but since the Sun and Moon only rule one sign each, a different scheme is followed.
The two figures attributed to the Sun are differentiated as "the Sun in northern declination" and "the Sun in southern declination" - two phases of its annual cycle. However, zodiacally, both of these are given the Sun's one "home" sign, Leo.
The two figures attributed to the Moon are differentiated as "the Moon in her increase" and "the Moon in her decrease" - two phases of its monthly cycle. However, zodiacally, both of trhese are given the Moon's one "home" sign, Cancer.
I wrote the following in commentary on this part of the 1st Aethyr in Black Pearl No. 10:
"Which brings us, at last, to the name. LIL = Cancer, Sagittarius, Cancer = Cheth, Samekh, Cheth = 8 + 60 + 8 = 76. Samekh and Cheth are Paths of high aspiration and attainment – the Paths associated with entry into the Second and Third Orders (respectively), the attaining of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, and the crossing of the Abyss. Each has a formal instruction named after it – Liber Samekh and Liber Cheth – and these are the primary instructions associated with those two steps.
Look at these letters, as well, in the arrangement provided by Liber Tav. Not only do Samekh and Cheth appear in the same column – at the end of the second and third rows, marking the climaxes of the First and Second Orders – but above them, as the primary influ-ence shining down through them, is Aleph, The Fool, of which this Æthyr appears to be an expression.
Place Atu VII, The Chariot (Cheth) and Atu XIV, Art (Samekh) before you, and meditate upon them. That, perhaps, will give you the best understanding of the elements operative in this Æthyr.
76 corresponds well to the general tone of the vi-sion. It is the value of ChBYVN, “secret, hidden,” and NYChCh, “rest, peace.” The only thing to recommend against it is that, both in Hebrew and Greek, it is specific to the idea of “goddess” – ALYLH, elilah and ThEAINA, theaina – yet this one vision, compared to those leading to it, is unique in not being a goddess vision.
If enumerated as if it were Hebrew or Greek, LIL = 70. In its simplest form, this is the value of the letter A'ayin, “eye,” and attributed to Capricorn. Crowley thought the symbolism of The Eye important for the general standing of this vision. More directly, LIL (like ARN and ZOM before it) is the spelling of an important Hebrew word: LYL, pronounced layiyl, meaning “night.” This “night” is much of the fabric of the present vision – and there is no doubt that LYL was an important detail in Crowley’s mind related to this vision. In fact, as a variety of the Nuit-Hadit theme, the coexistence of LYL as “night” and L.I.L. as “the Lamp of the Invisible Light” pretty much summarizes the whole vision! 70 is also the value of the important word SVD, sod (pronounced with a long-o sound), meaning “secret,” and meaning “THE Secret” of the Mysteries – the highest revelation.
At one point early in the vision transcript, Crowley stated that LIL adds to 66. This is only obtainable if you regard L not as Cancer, but as the Moon, giving it the value of G, 3. This is technically correct, since the zodiacal attributions of each letter are really only particularizations of the underlying ruling planet symbolism. The approach was later abandoned, though. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that this summation nudged Crowley to relate the vision overall to Aleph. (66 is the sum of the first 11 numbers, i.e., the Mystic Number of the 11th Path of Aleph.)"
Wow! thanks Jim. I just checked my post and I noticed that Gimel, Samekh, Gimel is not 70 but 66.
""...but above them, as the primary influence shining down through them, is Aleph, The Fool, of which this Æthyr appears to be an expression.""
Interesting... is there a connection between Horus and the Fool?
""The only thing to recommend against it is that, both in Hebrew and Greek, it is specific to the idea of “goddess” – ALYLH, elilah and ThEAINA, theaina – yet this one vision, compared to those leading to it, is unique in not being a goddess vision. ""
Crowley mentions this name IAIDA that enumerates to 26. Do you have the Hebrew breakdown?
93s -
@Metzareph said
""...but above them, as the primary influence shining down through them, is Aleph, The Fool, of which this Æthyr appears to be an expression.""Interesting... is there a connection between Horus and the Fool?"
Yes. Specifically with Harpocrates. For a more thorough development of this, see The Book of Thoth on The Fool. For a quick symbolic note, note that some earlier Tarot decks showed The Fool as a toddler.
"Crowley mentions this name IAIDA that enumerates to 26. Do you have the Hebrew breakdown?"
Sure. Very straightforward. IAIDA = Yod Aleph Yod Daleth Aleph = 26.
@Jim Eshelman said
"LIL = Cancer, Sagittarius, Cancer = Cheth, Samekh, Cheth"
...but I thought LIL = Lamed, Yod, Lamed(Libra, Virgo, Libra) can LIL = ChSCh?
@Red Eagle of Death said
@Jim Eshelman said
"LIL = Cancer, Sagittarius, Cancer = Cheth, Samekh, Cheth"...but I thought LIL = Lamed, Yod, Lamed(Libra, Virgo, Libra) can LIL = ChSCh?"
See my first post on this thread. In this context, this is an Enochian name, not Hebrew. Crowley used a means (that he had learned in the GD) of equating the Enochian alphabet to geomantic figures which, in turn, had astrological correspondences. By this means, the Enochian L corresponded to Cancer and I to Sagittarius. They were thus treated as cognate to Cheth and Samekh, respectively.
@Jim Eshelman said
"In this context, this is an Enochian name, not Hebrew. Crowley used a means (that he had learned in the GD) of equating the Enochian alphabet to geomantic figures which, in turn, had astrological correspondences. By this means, the Enochian L corresponded to Cancer and I to Sagittarius. They were thus treated as cognate to Cheth and Samekh, respectively."
...on the grounds that Ur = Populus & Gon = Acquisitio? What are the rest of the attributions of Enochian characters to Geomanic figures?
These are given in many places. Here is an excerpt from the table in Black Pearl No. 1. (Enochian letters vs. astrological correspondence.)
A - Venus by night - Taurus
B - mars by day - Aries
C, K - Fire
D - Spirit
E - Mercury by night - Virgo
F - Cauda Draconis
G - Sun in N. Declination - Leo
H - Air
I, Y - Jupiter by Day - Sagittarius
L - Moon Waning - Cancer
M - Saturn by Day - Aquarius
N - Mars by Night - Scorpio
O - Venus by Day - Libra
P - Moon Waxing - Cancer
Q - Water
R - Jupiter by Night - Pisces
S - Mercury by Day - Gemini
T - Cauda Draconis
U, V - Saturn by Night - Capricorn
X - Earth
Z - Sun in South Declination - LeoThis whole thing is worked out, inch by inch, in a continuing series over five years worth of Black Pearls.
@gmugmble said
@Jim Eshelman said
"some earlier Tarot decks showed The Fool as a toddler."Really? I thought the earliest decks showed The Fool as an old man."
I didn't say earliest. I said "some earlier."
Do you say it is "Beast Like" because of the resemblance of "616"?"I say it is "Beast like" because it is very similar to the principle of the Mark of the Beast, with the crescent moons and sun. In this case the phallus is the arrow or lance with the two moons on each side.
For this reason, I think there is a strong connection with the phallus on the Devil thoth card. It resonates with the symbology of the "Eye" as well.