more on your HGA
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,
K and C. Hmmm...
Well for preparatory work I would of course have to recommend that you develope your sephiroth below paroketh to a good degree so that you won't have any real shocks when Tiphareth opens.
Obviously there are wonderful instructions in the Thelemic documents for the attainment of each grade. I would however give some lay advice.
Yesod, being the animal soul, familiarize yourself with animal behaviour. Animals (and humans) are very territorial and it would help to be comfortable with seeing that part of yourself. Western fundamentalists like to think that they are above or better than the animal kingdom. They like to deny their base drives and origins. To awaken in that frame of mind could be very shocking and traumatic for the individual.
Hod, being the seat of logical thought, study, study, study. Specifically seek understanding of math and logic, for these are of the very nature of it. Work on deductive reasoning. I think one of the big problems in other groups of seekers today is that they are opening Tiphareth without developing Hod, and in doing so they fail to understand what it is that they are seeing. Blinded by the Sun as it were. Learn the scientific method. Here is a link for a decent paper on the scientific method.
It simply won't do to awaken into a state of confusion. The mayor is a real trickster.Netzach being the seat of the emotions, I always recommend building interpersonal relationships. It does a man well to be in touch with his feelings, and through building relationships we learn to share ourselves with others and learn to understand other's feelings, and thereby our own. Learn to forgive yourself and others. Awakening with a lot of grudges and other baggage could become self destructive.
As far as Tiphareth... I will only say that if you don't intend to perform the abra-melin working or Liber Samech then you are going to need a very deep understanding of the funtions of your mind. Psycholgy helps, but modern lay psychology tends to leave off below paroketh.
I have enjoyed Robert Wilson's books over the years. He talks a good deal about the lower sephiroth (in his own terms) and he's just hillarious. Specifically 'Promethius Rising'. I'm not much of a fan of Regardie's works, but to his credit he recommended psychoanalysis for anyone entering upon the path.
@bethata418 said
"i was wanting to know what peoples opinions were on the best way to get to attaining K&C w/ HGA i am not asking about the acual ritual of attain or any thing like that, but the part you must do to get up to that point?"
The best recommendation I can give on this is: Advance to Adeptus Minor by the regular A.'.A.'. curriculum. That will cover the groundwork you need. It was created to accomplish exactly that and I have never known a case where it failed.
"with that said i have thought it may help you to attain K&C w/ HGA if you literially try and fall in love with your HGA, and express that emotion as much as possible to your HGA."
Yes, for many people, this would be exactly the right idea. (Note that the final solution varies from person to person - so you were right to ask your question in terms of the earlier stages.
so basically the answer is join the AA?
That was mentioned as one option, favored by that particular writer. I don't really doubt that his suggestion is an excellent one, but clearly there are other ways to achieve it, because it is achieved by many people who do not wander anywhere near the occult path.
You could even sit in a La-Z-Boy and just let evolution do its thing; at some point you'll get it. Sounds dull, though.
@zeph said
You could even sit in a La-Z-Boy and just let evolution do its thing; at some point you'll get it. Sounds dull, though."Would you really? I wonder...
@Tony DeLuce said
@zeph said
You could even sit in a La-Z-Boy and just let evolution do its thing; at some point you'll get it. Sounds dull, though."Would you really? I wonder...
well when i said so the AA is the answer i hope no one thought i meant this in any harmful way. i know it is the answer, and i am not running from the work, i am just wanting to start the work sooner! soon as possible.
wow the idea of those millions of people wasting away there soul on the lazy-boy. what a loss. no wonder suicide rate is so high in the USA
I really liked Almighty Creator's resonse to your question - I think it's very important to develop each sephiroth before proceeding upwards... it keeps you balanced - without balance everything is more difficult...
As far as me, I'm doing my daily rituals, Asanas, working on building my Body of Light... all this contributes to your progress and ultimately helps you attain K&C... It's important to build strong foundation before attempting to make any larger steps.... and I'd consider K&C 2 b a pretty BIG one...
oh, and of course "inflame yourself with prayer"
Rather than start a new thread this seems like the right one ask the following:
As I understand the HGA is always deemed to be utterly personal and unique to each person, but is there any evidence to suggest the HGA may be related to the notion of a race spirit? Or transferable from generation to generation via biological (not cultural/environmental) heritage?
We know that KCHGA is required to do one's True Will. Crowley mentions that nature and the universe comes to one's aid when carrying out True Will. This suggests a biological factor comes into play. Hence my questions - which links with the larger question of whether the HGA is identical to the Egyptian concept of ka.
@he atlas itch said
"Rather than start a new thread this seems like the right one ask the following:
As I understand the HGA is always deemed to be utterly personal and unique to each person, but is there any evidence to suggest the HGA may be related to the notion of a race spirit? Or transferable from generation to generation via biological (not cultural/environmental) heritage?
We know that KCHGA is required to do one's True Will. Crowley mentions that nature and the universe comes to one's aid when carrying out True Will. This suggests a biological factor comes into play. Hence my questions - which links with the larger question of whether the HGA is identical to the Egyptian concept of ka."
Perhaps you could say True Will is letting DNA express itself fully without mental distractions. Either way I dont think its a 'race memory' beyond this inheritance (DNA), although I do think there is merit in the idea of the 'wisdom of the body' c.f. "Deceivers of the Body" in Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I agree that one should have worked extensively with the Sephiroth below the veil of perokesh. I also agree that the traditional A.'.A.'. path is a great suggestion. All of the suggestions, including the one from the moderator are great.
I have a few additional suggestion: LBRP, and Middle Pillar (To assist with the opening of Chakras.) Completing all 22 paths and then the spheres themselves. (Path workings.) Liber Samekh. (Or traditional Abramelin working.)
Daily invocation of the Bornless one.
These are just suggestions. I must say, that after doing Liber Samekh for the first time, approximately two weeks later I had a MAJOR breakthrough. It was like a Physical meshing with my H.G.A. as well as on all planes of existence. It was quite a painful (Physically), but liberating at the same time. Very powerful, and I knew that it had happened.
Typically Western Esotericism calls for Ritual, and the more layers/ correspondences, the better.
I do like the way of Eastern Philosophy as well, like Zeph stated.
You can just Let it happen. Either way, the AHA experience will eventually come:-)Again, just my thoughts and a couple of suggestions.
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater .'.123.'.
Am I incorrect to assume that we should not make it our goal (like the double negative?
) to know our HGA? In other words, is this something that will naturally occur as we move along the path of development?
93 93/93
@a seeker said
Am I incorrect to assume that we should not make it our goal (like the double negative?
) to know our HGA? In other words, is this something that will naturally occur as we move along the path of development?
93 93/93"
If the assumed end of the path of development is K&C, then yes.