Some points on the Malaclypse situation. When I do the LBPR I do get energeticaly charged if my energy level is low but if it is high or out of control LBPR brings it to normal.
Once I did the LBPR, MP rituals in the room another person was in and he was like wanting to cry - a sign that some of his energy blocks were cleared so I think the LBPR does increase energy in you and around the place you do the ritual.
I wanted to ask what practical differences are in activating the groin area in the modern LBRP QC and the original activating the heart - not the groin? I may experiment myself but so far I understood/experienced if I put energy in my groin area it helps with women and the interaction of feminine energies they posess. Am I off? -
@Modes said
"Once I did the LBPR, MP rituals in the room another person was in and he was like wanting to cry - a sign that some of his energy blocks were cleared so I think the LBPR does increase energy in you and around the place you do the ritual."
I'll agree with that, but one must exercise caution in this area. The way you describe this effect seems to indicate that it was an unintentional by-product of the ritual. There are a couple ways of looking at this: one - that there should be no unintentional side-effects... i.e. magick is an act of will, and everything that flows from it should be in accordance with that will. Two - that the use of the ritual to intentionally effect another person in such a manner is good magick, but somewhat beside the point of the intention of the rite... much has been said elsewhere regarding the dangers of thaumaturgic operations without the benefit of great discipline.
@Modes said
"I wanted to ask what practical differences are in activating the groin area in the modern LBRP QC and the original activating the heart - not the groin? I may experiment myself but so far I understood/experienced if I put energy in my groin area it helps with women and the interaction of feminine energies they posess. Am I off?"
If I understand you correctly, you are referring to two of the three variations of Crowley's LBRP. I never agreed with grounding the QC in the groin, as it carries too many complications. The groin would be Yesod in terms of Chakra/Sephira relation, and the issue gets a little trickier when you start talking about male/female as well. A friend and sister once asked me how she was to perform the Star Ruby, as she had no organ to compliment O PHALLE, etc... there are solutions to these apparent problems, but in LBRP placing Kingdom, Malkuth, at the Root chakra (indicated in the classical manner with the finger pointed downward) 'solves' things quite nicely.
The invocation of the HGA at the heart chakra is something I have experimented with before, but I find that the QC is more effective for me when just dealing with the Crown/Root, Kether/Malkuth attributions (one can make a rather more powerful vertical component from Kether straight down to Malkuth in one motion/breath without having to pause at Tiphareth.)
This is especially applicable when following it with LBRP, which forms an invocation of the HGA in its own right.
I meant the traditional GD LBPR in The Equinox has the QC as - Third eye, heart, right shoulder, left shoulder, heart. The modern has it third eye, down to the groin area, right sh, left sh, heart.
I think when you feed energy into the lower chakras i.e. the ones down from the heart, interesting things happen.If you feed the 2nd chakra you attract women and you can feel the interchange of energies between each other if you are in symphaty. When I don't do the modern LBPR I usualy don't feel it but after I do the LBPR I can say it's a constant phenomena. So maybe if I don't put energy in the 2nd chakra i.e. use the traditional QC those things stop?
I just wanted to share an observation.
Peregrinius93 it's easy to conclude that any energy work expands your aura and the guy was just near me. Obviously his energy body reacted. -
Simple LBRP question (I hope). I've just acquired a home to rent. Currently empty, before the move in process begins I want to perform the LBRP. Is one room sufficient? Or once on every floor, or every room? What is overkill basically? Thanks.
Depends on how advanced you are. Some advanced yogis, reikists etc can expand their aura a lot. In my experience two midsized rooms apart or so...
I would do the LBPR in every room. Or just the practice room. Well, depends how comfortable you feel in the new place. -
@RifRaf said
"I just moved in to a new place as well, I have only performed the L.B.R.P. in the room which is designated as my Temple space. I don't really think one can overkill banishing as long as their are some Invocations to balance it out. Do it in every room if you feel the need, it is your home."
This is a separate question, actually - possibly should be spun off into a new thread. Your question is about magical safeguards in a home, and goes way outside a discussion of the Pentagram Ritual per se.
I'm heading for the airport soon, and don't have time for a long discussion, but will make a few remarks. Some people don't secure their living place at all, though I generally recommend it. If you do, then that's a separate issue from consecrating your temple. Usually the overall place should be protected first and then, once you're settled in, further consecrate the space that is to be reserved for your sanctuary.
Usually the external premises and doorways should be secured. That's easier with a house, harder with an apartment. There are some particular tricks and devices (and these vary with traditions - consider the mazuzah for a variant). This is one of those few places where the Wiccan tradition a much better developed magical practical repertoire than most other magical traditions.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
When the Adept knows the name of his or her HGA, that, of course, is what should be used.
But Aiwass is of universal value. Aiwass is 93=418 - the direct messenger of HPK, the bearer of The Book of the Law to humanity. He falls not only in the category of Crowley's HGA, but of a high-ranking "secret Chief" with a specific purpose of communicating the current dispensation to humanity.
As such, vibrating the name aligns one with the ideas of 93 and 418 (among others) and with the Thelemic dispensation in general.
It is also a name in which all can participate, as in group work - when, even if one knows the name of one's own HGA, one generally wouldn't want to say it aloud."
So if we are supposed to keep the name of our HGA secret why would Crowley make his so public?
I have read the first couple of pages in this thread but don't have time to read all of them.
Here's my take on the purpose of the LBRP:
When I perform this ritual it is to clear my circle of physical distraction. The Banishing Earth Pentagram is to banish the physical influences that would distract me from completing whatever operation I am about to undertake. It is simply a way for me to train my mind to not be distracted and to snap to a magickal state of being. I feel mentally, physically and spiritually different once I enter my temple and start the performance of this ritual. -
Yeah, I came over a couple of weeks ago but really haven't had the time to look around until this morning.
I've been revisiting the LBRP lately, taking a closer look at it. Would it be correct to say that in the same way the four quarters of the Star Ruby pair off (Therion/Babalon, Nuit/Hadit) the four quarters of the LBRP pair off as well? I don't mean in a male/female sense, but more cause/effect as follows:
Ive read through nearly all the LBRP threads and cannot seem to find the answer to my question. I've seen it stated that the LBRP can and should be done 2-3 times a day. What about more? 8-9 times? what would be the result of increased frequency of banishing, if any?
93 93/93
@PainMeridian said
"Ive read through nearly all the LBRP threads and cannot seem to find the answer to my question. I've seen it stated that the LBRP can and should be done 2-3 times a day. What about more? 8-9 times? what would be the result of increased frequency of banishing, if any?"
the main result would probably be progressive alienation from the world. (Seriously.)
This is a maintenance, baseline level practice. Compare what you are asking to defecation: General guidance is that everyone should take at least one good shit a day, and perhaps once for each meal. But you are asking the equivalent of: If defecating a couple of times a day is good, how about if I make myself shit 8 or 9 times per day.
Now, there are (rare!) times when you want to do this - such as when doing an aggressive colon cleanse. But you don't want to do it everytime. Besides the progressive alienation it would create
it just isn't what the body was made for.
I see, that makes a lot of sense rite now.
I definitely see how that worked out.
I suppose the invoking part of the ritual would bring a person back in the opposite direction => disalienated <= from world events.93 93/93
Well, actually, they both accelerate the LVX which accelerates the energy on all patterns of the psyche. And the Invoking tends to leave one more vulnerable to mundane intrusions (think of it as "more temple-ready" and "less street ready").
Stabilization would come from passage of time, or throwing yourself into suitable profane acts, such as watching a Marx Bros. marathon and/or having lots of great sex.
@Oscillate said
"Are there any other blinds in the LBRP that one should be aware of?"
None I can think of at the moment.
"On a more general note (and I apologize that this is going off-topic) - why are blinds in rituals perpetuated? Do they represent a general holding back of information that helps preserve the distinction between the non-initiate and initiate? Or are there reasons that are more specific to the particular ritual?"
Various reasons, and sometimes that. Other times it's not even intentional. Consider this: If an instruction is only expected to be used by people who have face-to-face training and frequently participate in a matter, then the written instructions have a different standard of detail to meet than if you were writing them for widespread, stand-alone use.
@JNV33 said
"One thing I immediately wonder is - why not compress the full phrase into AGLA? Why would that be considered a blind?"
It's not like saying NASA and everyone known what you're meaning <bg>.
Hebrew words used in magick are formulas composed of the sound-units (among other things) of the individual letters. They have magical significance on several levels including (for example) the numeric. The Pentagram Ritual itself is an intertwined set of ideas persistently expressing a single mathematical idea that is also encoded in the physical geometry of the pentagram itself. The value of the full phrase, 858, is a perfect expression of part of this one mathematical idea of the ritual.
That's just one level, of course. There are others, such as sound. A.G.L.A. as about as non-resonant as a set of pronounceable letters can get.
The full, vibrant recitation of Attah Giboor le-Olahm, Adonai (especially if done with adherance to the melodic patterns of each letter) is stunning and moving.