Star Ruby
Actually like a few others that have posted in this thread, I got confused by the sparse attention that Crowley gave to explaining the NOX signs, combined with certain authors having interpreted them in different ways. This quote in particular set me thinking that the order of the NOX signs might be related to the intent of the original Greek version of the Star Ruby:
"There is an oral tradition, probably deriving originally from the Berkeley OTO, which performs the signs in the order of the four worlds from Fire to Earth, followed by Spirit. This represents the descent of the divine reality through the four worlds into the circle, establishing the manifestation of Spirit"
In any case, thanx for your answer; it makes sense that the order should trace out the grades above the abyss, as Crowley probably originally intended
@Fr.211 said
"Actually like a few others that have posted in this thread, I got confused by the sparse attention that Crowley gave to explaining the NOX signs, combined with certain authors having interpreted them in different ways."
At the time he was writing this stuff, he considered that stuff secret. The N.O.X. signs are the grade signs of 6=5 through 8=3 in A.'.A.'. and had other implications he wasn't ready to write about. His private magical notebook had lots of stuff, though, and there are notes in correspondence.
As Ì
ve got SR is really an more thelemic variation of LBRP, containing Therion/Babalon/Nuit/Hadit instead of IHVH/Adni/Ahih/Agla. And I prefer it cause its effections are strong and feels more natural to do than normal LBRP. And Raphael/Gabriel/Michael/Auriel part didn
t really feel good too. I prefer more this "pro mou iugges.."- part, though its still the part from Star Ruby that is the most abstract for me. I
ve been studyingng the main-theory of the ritual from Lon Milo Du`Quettes Book "The magick of Aleister Crowley", but need to find more information about Lynges, Teletarchai, Synoches and Daimones, so that I could get more inside into it.
Just remembered I had this link of pictures related to those from See those if you will.Lynges:
Synocheis: Aa, seems Jim Eshelman had allready posted a link before to, where those same pics can also be found....
What are Sephirahs that Star Ruby is connected with? I wonder if SR is about Therion(=Chokmah/Chaos), Nuit (=Kether), Babalon (=Binah) and Hadit (=Malkuth). But how about compared to normal LBRP? What is the change from normal lbrp into star ruby from the aspect of tree of life?
As I`ve got normal LBRP is about Samekh and Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod and Yesod-sefirahs. Please give me better information as I believe many here knows about this more, thank you. -
@Jim Eshelman said
"Second approach: Preserve both the Names and the Elements to the Quarters suggested by the revision – Earth, Air, Water, Fire, clockwise beginning in the East – but rearrange all of the associated symbolism as well by simply swapping “bellow” and “roar.” Bellow “Therion” in the East, say “Nuit” in the North, whisper or hiss Babalon in the West, and roar Hadit in the South. This conforms to the simplest interpretation of the revision manuscript evidence: that Crowley simply missed reversing the words “bellow” and “roar” during his editing of the manuscript.
"Or one could simply swap "whisper" and "say"; creating an equally valid and intriguing set of symbolic correspondences while preserving the original macrocosmic scheme of the ritual. Perhaps Crowley intentionally "messed up" in order to leave this ritual open-ended and workable on different levels?
"Those who regard this ritual as a mere device to invoke or banish spirits, are unworthy to possess it. Properly understood, it is the Medicine of Metals and the Stone of the Wise."
Jim would you please post your analysis from the Black Pearl of the Star Ruby. I believe you've been so kind as to share Part 3, but not parts 1 and 2. Thanks in advance.
@Tinman said
"Jim would you please post your analysis from the Black Pearl of the Star Ruby. I believe you've been so kind as to share Part 3, but not parts 1 and 2. Thanks in advance."
It's really too lengthy for that. We'll try to find a way to make it accessible in the future.
Follow-up... I found the original published files and, if time permits, will try to put these up. No promises.
@Her said
@bethata418 said
"understand but duquette saud there was nothign to it, just a simple mistake:("That's my point exactly. That knowledgeable and experienced students can study Crowley's works and still come to mistaken and incorrect conclusions says a lot."
I think this is something to remember in general with the people who came up in the 70s. Many of them had incomplete information and created their own personal systems of magickal development based on incomplete understandings of Crowley's work because they didn't have the access to the material that we do now. Some remained extremely orthodox like DUQuette & others got all Typhonian like the Ma'atians and developed wholly different systems also based on Liber AL. We now have the benefit of the work of HB, Jim etc. in that they are getting this "lost" information out there for us to use and develop a more whole relationship with the Holy Books outside of just Liber AL.
Thanks much Jim for posting parts 1 and 2 - very helpful
FYI: Just get together those Black Pearls, stick them in a book (Lulu online has been good to me), and you've got a sale here -
I agree, this is some of the best info. I have ever seen concerning the Star Ruby. I still have a question though. It concerns the performance of the Star Ruby after the LBRP. I understand that the Star Ruby is sufficient in and of itself as a banishing ritual...but it seems that we are taught by Crowley to perform BOTH daily?
I am still attempting to put together a daily ritual regiment (the story of my life) but I have to keep going back to the drawing board because various points like this are coming to light.
Any suggestions as to a good regiment in order to continually work all of the basic rituals?
The one's which I enjoy working with the most right now consist of the LBRP, Star Ruby, Hexagram Ritual, Liber Resh.
Am I ready to perform the Mass of the Phoenix? I have always imagined how great it would be to perform a personal eucharist ritual on a daily or weekly basis.
Crowley teaches us to Invoke constantly, what can I invoke on a daily basis? I used to work the Bornless One/ Liber Samekh, daily but this has been put on hold until I go back to the basics so to speak.
Frater 21-Questions
93 93/93
@xkip93 said
"I agree, this is some of the best info. I have ever seen concerning the Star Ruby. I still have a question though. It concerns the performance of the Star Ruby after the LBRP. I understand that the Star Ruby is sufficient in and of itself as a banishing ritual...but it seems that we are taught by Crowley to perform BOTH daily? "
No. I'm not sure where you're seeing that. If you use Star Ruby, then that is as a replacement for the LBRP.
My question was prompted by Liber Aleph, "Neglect not the Performance of the Ritual of the Pentagram"
I thought that Crowley advocated the LBRP as a lifetime of use?
But if you are saying that the Star Ruby replaces it in whole, then that is good enough for me.
@xkip93 said
"My question was prompted by Liber Aleph, "Neglect not the Performance of the Ritual of the Pentagram"
I thought that Crowley advocated the LBRP as a lifetime of use?
But if you are saying that the Star Ruby replaces it in whole, then that is good enough for me."
In passages such as the one you quoted, the Star Ruby IS "the Ritual of the Pentagram," a complete replacement for the LBR.
Of course, one could equally argue for dispensing with the Star Ruby and sticking only with the LBR, since there isn't any evidence that Crowley ever actually performed the Star Ruby.
@Tinman said
"Thanks much Jim for posting parts 1 and 2 - very helpful
FYI: Just get together those Black Pearls, stick them in a book (Lulu online has been good to me), and you've got a sale here"Seriously!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Br C
@Jim Eshelman said
@xkip93 said
"My question was prompted by Liber Aleph, "Neglect not the Performance of the Ritual of the Pentagram"I thought that Crowley advocated the LBRP as a lifetime of use?
But if you are saying that the Star Ruby replaces it in whole, then that is good enough for me."
In passages such as the one you quoted, the Star Ruby IS "the Ritual of the Pentagram," a complete replacement for the LBR.
Of course, one could equally argue for dispensing with the Star Ruby and sticking only with the LBR, since there isn't any evidence that Crowley ever actually performed the Star Ruby.
Wait a minute. Did you just say there is no evidence that Crowley performed the SR? Then doesn't that kind of weaken the argument for doing it and not doing the "old aeon" rituals?
What other rituals do you suspect Crowley did not do?
@nderabloodredsky said
"Wait a minute. Did you just say there is no evidence that Crowley performed the SR? Then doesn't that kind of weaken the argument for doing it and not doing the "old aeon" rituals?
What other rituals do you suspect Crowley did not do?"
Well, he said he only ever did the Star Sapphire one time - though I strongly suspect he really meant that the thing the Star Sapphire really represents and accomplishes he only did one time (because it can only be done one time per incarnation).
"Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet!" I don't think it's a matter of Old Aeon rituals vs. New Aeon rituals. Many so-called Old Aeon rituals are the foundation of New Aeon working - including ones like the Pentagram Ritual that were "purged by the prophet."
On the issue of "weaken* the argument for doing it and not doing the 'old aeon' rituals," that's never been my argument, so I have no dispute on the matter.
@Jim Eshelman said
@nderabloodredsky said
"Wait a minute. Did you just say there is no evidence that Crowley performed the SR? Then doesn't that kind of weaken the argument for doing it and not doing the "old aeon" rituals?What other rituals do you suspect Crowley did not do?"
Well, he said he only ever did the Star Sapphire one time - though I strongly suspect he really meant that the thing the Star Sapphire really represents and accomplishes he only did one time (because it can only be done one time per incarnation).
"Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet!" I don't think it's a matter of Old Aeon rituals vs. New Aeon rituals. Many so-called Old Aeon rituals are the foundation of New Aeon working - including ones like the Pentagram Ritual that were "purged by the prophet."
On the issue of "weaken* the argument for doing it and not doing the 'old aeon' rituals," that's never been my argument, so I have no dispute on the matter."
So are you advocating the practice of LBRP or are you saying it has been purged?
Which one: a. do you advocate,, and b. is it wrong to do the other?
93, As an aspirant of A.'.A.'. I was given the five symbols of N.O.X., and told to include them in the Ritual. Too, to cover two questions, from my diary: the Star Ruby Ritual is symbolic of the Inner Robe of Glory, whereas the Star Sapphire is the Outer Robe of Concealment. As a Probationer, there is nothing to conceal without the glory within. we work to ignite the Glory Within. 939393, Fra. OIO
@nderabloodredsky said
So are you advocating the practice of LBRP or are you saying it has been purged?Which one: a. do you advocate,, and b. is it wrong to do the other?"
Either is fine. I'm not per se advocating one beyond the other.
I will say (and this is more or less visible in our public work) that in Temple of Thelema it is the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (and others built on the same model) that we primarily teach and which is the core tool. It also integrates more perfectly with the Qabalistic framework of everything else we're doing.
The Star Ruby is only taught in an advanced Second Order stage where (1) it has a certain specific compatibility with the other symbols of the degree where it is taught and (2) where we are doing a certain amount of "fill in the gaps" of including supplemental methods that we didn't happen to have any other reason to cover before that point.
But that isn't a personal endorsement of one or the other per se, just one vs. the other within our particular context.
@FiliusBeastia said
"93, As an aspirant of A.'.A.'. I was given the five symbols of N.O.X., and told to include them in the Ritual. Too, to cover two questions, from my diary: the Star Ruby Ritual is symbolic of the Inner Robe of Glory, whereas the Star Sapphire is the Outer Robe of Concealment. As a Probationer, there is nothing to conceal without the glory within. we work to ignite the Glory Within."
This is somebody's custom assignment. It is not part of the A.'.A.'. program per se. Since you say this was a Probationer assignment, I'd have to add that custom assignments to Probationers, except in extraordinary situations, are prohibited in the A.'.A.'. system.
I would agree with your qabalistic correspondences only where the semiprecious stones called star ruby and star sapphire are concerned. I would disagree vehemently where the rituals by those names are concerned (since the Star Sapphire is one of the inmost of all the rituals, and the Star Ruby one that most addresses outermost conditions).