"We have nothing with the outcast"
That is a great vision and one I agree with but face it, unless something major happens that causes this nation to fall into some sort of chaos, it isn't going to happen. It would be nice if we could be autonomous outside of the laws of the nation but we can not, we are not exempt and aside from that the OTO is not Thelema and most Thelemites are not members of the OTO nor do they want to be members of the OTO. Ideal worlds do not exist. There must therefore be tact and discretion & one must, by necessity work with the system they are presented with. This is not an opinion but a sad fact of life, near indisputable.
The Amish have been living their lives outside the social and legal order of the general nation for like 100 years.
The Mormons were left alone until certain practices became public knowledge and was of a particularly appalling nature to the public.
The Scientologists have private camps that few really question as well as ships in international waters.
So long as your activity in not disrupting the general public, is not some think like ritual murder, child abuse, etc. and you agree to pay your taxes, (Or evade them in a legal way as a tax-free faith) the gov will let you be. Oh also you have to not take up arms or promote the taking up of arms against the public or the millitary or the economy of the nation which hosts you.
Ideally that would be so. However, we must be honest with ourselves and admit that Thelema attracts more "crazies" (not me) and "sex/drug fiends" (yes, I admit freely to this, as part of my personal True Will is to experience everything this world has to offer)
Mormon polygamy would look practically normal compared with some of the things that would go down in a Thelemite community, and given this lunatic government's obsession with preventing people from altering their consciousness (it is no longer acceptable to forbid magick, so they pursue psychedelics instead. I personally know people doing more time for LSD possession than the typical rapist-murderer gets)
Of course Thelema is NOT a religion/philosophy of "take drugs and shag everything in sight", but there do exist many Thelemites that have that as part of their True Will. Ideally there should be no problem with that. In the United States of Hypocrisy, however, it would never fly.
We do need a cleansing of the Aeon, be it by consciousness shift, massive natural disaster or even war, to abolish the old and obsolete that currently rule us, when WE are the chosen, WE are the Kings and stars. It is coming. -
A large part of thelema is character virtues which includes hospitality for the host nation under which ones private lodges and communities are founded, and thus to obey the laws of said nation, One would expect in fact that Thelemites would be even more law abiding and socially presentable than the average hypocritical citizen who takes advantage of the "american liberties" to give lip service to the law and the social propriety, but in private is a secret (or not so secret) alcoholic, debaucher and marijuana addict, or closet social pervert in some way, while even going so far as it publicly speak out against others who share is perversions.
In any event, in the interest of promoting oneself, thelema and the OTO in a publicly respected light, I would personally refrain from illegal drug use and any overt sexual activity that may be considered perverted by the host population, and thus sullen the name of the Order.
Once the Order becomes well established and respected, then as a collective group, it can use legal political channels to influence the laws of the host nation, to fit its own ideals. Such as using the treasury and other influence to hire lobbyists and to advertise its voting agendas to say Vote yes on proposition X to legalize commercial hemp farming, in which case the order, could collect revenue from rope and drug sales, legally, But must totally refrain from such actions so long as prohibited by law.
Initiating men of political clout into the order is anther good way to achieve influence, as is suggested by Crowley in his open letter.
Based on the success of scientology, it seems initiating A list actors is a great way to get public recognition as well, (If the TRUE teachings of the OTO do not appeal to the actors, teach them some bullshit that will get them into it, and charge out the ass too, they can afford it and this money will help promulgate the law, and to achieve it's purpose the complete eradication or Christian superstition and all government based their on, and their replacement with Social, religious and political orders rooted in Thelemic law. -
So you suggest LYING to people about Thelema & the OTO in order to use them for recruitment? I don't think Crowley would have condoned that idea and he had some pretty... interesting... ideas.
@frateruranus said
@gerry456 said
"should a person who doesn't fit in socially get that aspect of himself sorted out before he embarks upon a magical path or will the former issue be solved naturally as a bi product of magical success/effort particularly on the Thelemic path?"Ressurecting an old thread, deal with it.
I think a better way to look at this verse is more look at the A.'.A.'. & the ordeals that take an initiate out.
To get back to the original question, I have at time wondered if a fraternal order should have the right to ask that potential members seek counselling before full membership, if the need is seen ahead of time. Some Pagan groups do this when the HPS or other elders feel it would help the group. Actually some Wiccan groups ask this for every candidate, I think that is usually unnecessary but in some cases it might save the other members alot of drama and grief in the future. I'm undecided about this practise, just throwing it out as an idea.
I do feel though, that the quote refers to internal ordeals rather than social or political struggles. Persephone -
It is not exactly lying so much as providing other different sort of experiences for those we are trying to recruit as public mouth pieces and wranglers. The external order is meant to be a mask a sort of popular social club that the common will not feel embarrassed or ashamed to join, it is from this common stock that the inner order selects and cultivates an brings through ordeals, such the the inner order is secret and if expressed openly would ruffle the fur of the general public, but is accepted by the chosen few who are selected by merit and taught the secrets.
But, to get the common stock from which it breed a higher sort, we need to draw them in. It is what scientology does, do you really think they pu Tom Cruise through the same program as the average member. Of course part of Scientology is that they give you a personality test and have a specifically designed program that plays on ones perceived weaknesses and inhibitions as indicated by the test. Also ones social class and income level will be calculated into the program, personally designed to some extent to the individual. (though scientology is mostly brain washing and conditioned loyalty) Still the point than they use the method of science to design a program specific to the individual and also to promote the orders own ends, seems in line with Crowley's True WILL notion.
I would think Thelema in general would be using profiling psychological, socio-economic and racial to design a complex system of grades, that transfer people into different sub-orders based on the nature of their TRUE WILL, thus making the order a sort of system to sort out natural Caste or a guild assessment system. Where the nature of each individual would be cultivated and supported by the particular branch of the order which is assigned to than particular type of person.
For example at the Yesod grade those with proclivity for logic and abstraction would be initiated into the order that deals with logical sciences and engineering etc, where as those with more of an emotional and organic disposition would be initiated into the Netzatch arts and religion, those who stop at Malkuth may be natural farmers, those who stop at hod, Logicians, an Gevurah, warriors. Not that we have to strictly use the tree of life, but it seems a decent sort of 10 caste system than provides also the proper and balanced relationship between caste, to prevent and one caste from one sided domination.
At least that is my idea of an order than truly reflects Crowley's Far Right political views. Maximizing both the personal liberty and ideal self expression of the individual (as part of his or her natural sphere be it racial, ethnic, cultural, economic, common ideals or common caste) while at the same time creating a balance of power between individuals that maximized social benefit and liberty as a member of a society that transcends differences by finding a means for each to express itself in a means beneficial to the whole.
Much like the notion than rather than chastise, banish and bind demons, it is better to understand the True Nature of each one, and not constrain it to do something un-natural to it, but rather work to find a beneficial means by which that demon can express itself that aids rather than hinders your true WILL. For the repress, ignore, bind, or constrain to improper expression, a demon (bad habit) is ultimately against your True WILL, as this builds up stress and expresses itself in neurotic ways, anxiety, depression, irrational fears, and fetishes, can lead to psychosis and bizaar behaviors. The same is TRUE of individuals in society whose TRUE nature either by not being known (not tested for or cultivated) or by direct moral repression, is either ignored, chastised, repressed, or constrained to an expression or occupation inappropriate to it. When this happens, the pressures build and we have strikes, protests, passive aggressive sabotages, criminal activity, and large scale revolts. We see as modern values corrupted the noble class, and they no longer understood how to lead in a way befitting of the TRUE nature of their subjects, over time dissatisfaction grew as the noble class degenerated, until revolution broke out, first in Russia the France, and America.
These revolutions were the broken back of the proverbial camel, the bloom of Christs superstitions his reversal of natural values was completed. But its fruit was yet to come, The death of God is the final stage under Christ's law. Yet the Death of GOD and the Birth of Horus are the same event. The revaluation of values in the face of the destruction of the old social order, such that the True nature of each individual in cultivated and put to proper use, without dissatisfaction that leads to fear, depression neurosis, crime, and revolt. The Osiris cycle of revolution (Come meet the new boss, same as the old boss) is to be put to an end. An SET being the anti-life dissatisfaction with the world and the subsequent escapism to worlds of fantasy and afterlives, Set being that with which the Christian in his dissatisfaction with life wants salvation from, is to be Conquered by Horus. That is the new Formula bf assessing and supporting the fulfillment of the specific nature of each human being, destroys the dark shadows of dissatisfaction. Thus "SIN" is no more a plague in mankind who no longer feels a need to seek Salvation.
This is what Thelema means to me, and the sort of political-social structure that is required to bring it about
Heinlein - Specialization is for Insects
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
"Today all this is absolutely changed. Every important branch of work is so specialized that a man must give his whole life to his particular job for 40 years or more before he is capable of holding his own in it. Such a man must obviously be chosen from the start on the ground of inclination and capacity. He must be allowed ample leisure. He must be secured freedom from all worries and anxiety, or he will never arrive at competence. A university education is not nearly enough. It is only a general ground-work. When a man leaves a university he wants at least 10 years uninterrupted work in his particular line before he even begins to succeed in it. In other words, the complexity of civilization demands an elaborate caste system." (Crowley)
@Frowclown said
"might not this declaration of the law mean that we are to have nothing with out castes, Literally. "
When you add that e to "outcasts," you're manipulating the text to fit your pet topic. "Change not as much as the style of a letter..."
It's also inappropriate to use the modifier "Literally" once you've altered the original text (Definition of Literal)
So, no, I think it defies the definition of "literal" as well as literally defying an injunction within the BOL itself.
I might mention that "caste" comes from the same root as "castration." It means to cut off.
We shouldn't be inherently cut off from anything. Although everyone has their own differentiation to develop and enjoy, our method of teaching is to balance all aspects of being so that people have equal access to all things - and then, from that place, can freely move in their own way.
@Froclown said
... It is what scientology does, do you really think they pu Tom Cruise through the same program as the average member. Of course part of Scientology is that they give you a personality test ... Still the point than they use the method of science to design a program specific to the individual and also to promote the orders own ends, seems in line with Crowley's True WILL notion.
"To see this idea expressed on this board leaves me speechless. Persephone
@Jim Eshelman said
"I might mention that "caste" comes from the same root as "castration." It means to cut off.
We shouldn't be inherently cut off from anything. Although everyone has their own differentiation to develop and enjoy, our method of teaching is to balance all aspects of being so that people have equal access to all things - and then, from that place, can freely move in their own way."
well put.
"Achieve thou every possibility!" - The Heart of the Master
To me, the 'outcast and the unfit' refer to associating with people who interfere with you doing your True Will. "Psychic vampires" or other folks who suck up your time and energy. The 'outcast and unfit' could also be seen as people who are so enslaved to society's standards that they label others as 'outcast and unfit'.
To Aum418:
I don't think that all magicians have to be socially skilled. Personally speaking, I'll never 'fit in' socially because I have a certain disability.My spiritual path includes accepting - after struggling to fit in - that this is part of my True Will. Many other people have other conditions that preclude even having a job. The law is for ALL, including people with disabilities.
Just my $0.02
"Hear me, ye people of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."For me, the key is here. Who are the outcast and the unfit? Who are those who "sorroweth"? Who "feels not"? Who is the "wretched & the weak"?
They are "the folk that not know me as yet."
Another master also referred to them as "the dead."
"Matthew 8:21-22
Another disciple said to him, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."
But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."
" -
Ideally once the system as a whole is set up, those within the order would not be outcast because each would be from an early age assessed and cultivated into the appropriet caste where their TRUE WILL is supported, directed, cultivated, the supplies they need economically provided for etc.
At this point the outcast would only be those who as yet are not members of the order, or those who directly and openly defy the order in some way, but even then it is the task of the higher initiates to find a way to prevent ANYONE so ever from being dissatisfied with their place in the order, these revolts would be indicators of DIS-EASE which would be immediately taken care of to prevent such mis-fits from arising in the future and the collected data on the one who fell through the cracks used in reform the system as a whole to include a means to bring such a stray sheep back to the flock.
(To be outcast means to be without a Caste, the Caste meaning a social role and a life purpose to fulfill as part of a collective society. If the society outcast's you, that means you are stripped of all social role, rank, rights and identity, to wander the wilderness alone as a no body, treated like a stay beast, no one trusts you, supports you or even acknowledges you as a fellow human, let alone friend, citizen or sibling in an order. This is admitingly extreme outcasting, but this is what happened in say the old west when one was tied to a horse and sent into the dessert, or in the middle ages when the King totally refused to support a criminal, and decreed against it, or when God turned his face against someone. etc)
But yes ideally all those born into the brotherhood of the order will be accepted and designed as well as cultivated into a particular caste or social role, and the only few will be outcast, the unfit being those of the "troglodytes" outside the order whom by disadvantage of not having been raised in Thelema may not be fit at this point in their lives for it. The point is to not waste time with them, and concentrate on the Fit, the youth and those whose personal development suits them to Thelema, From this healthy stock to breed the foundations of the Order. Which over time is to grow in influence and replace the social institutions outside the order, and thus fit all within its ever growing bounds, to their own natural WILL that is to provide a supportive caste system for all the types of people we may happen to arise. Thus developing the everyone with their true WILL rather than against it,
The whole caste system idea sounds like another form of platonic idealism. It sounds like someone longing for an absolute order in the chaotic universe. I think idealism itself is a great vice. I'm pretty sure that in practice it would lead to something that most people would ultimately not like even though the theory might sound good.
I agree that by the outcast and unfit, he clearly meant psychic vampires.
look people are material 100% physical and like all other physical things no two are exactly in every instance identical, yet we can discern general categories of things. We know than not all tigers are exactly the same and not all rabbits are exactly the same, yet if you are going to approach an animal it is wise to know tigers from rabbits. If you are a zoo keeper you need to know what your animal is, what its habits are and it's nutritional needs. Thus you feed grass to rabbits and you feed raw meat to tigers. You provide open grass lands for rabbits and include thickets and trees for tigers, you discern what diseases and medicines affect each animal differently.
There is no reason we should not do the same for humans, as we are not all the same. Biological race does have an effect on diet, proneness to disease, and what medicines work, as well as psychological temperament, and the sociological roles and condition than satisfy the nature of the person. Race is very general, as even with in a race their is variation, the social class and the family traditions, the way the child was raised, the religious beliefs etc, from most general down to events than effect only the one specific individual, which is to say the specific way in which that one individual was treated in a specific case.
Now their is not a whole lot we can do to predict or deal with extreme cases of individual variation, even in the zoo it happens than a particular animals behavior may be uncharacteristic of its kind. An ape raised in captivity and taught sign language or exposed to psycho-active drugs may behave strangely and not integrate well with other apes, or may reject natural habitats in favor of it's cage in the lab. Which is much like how those raised under Osiris institutions are not equipped to deal well with Thelemic systems, and the thelemic system is not designed to deal with every extreme variation caused by Osiris influences. Over time the system will gain experience and data necessary to understand what influences a wider range of deviation and how to raise children to prevent destructive deviants and also how to incorporate a wider range of behaviors and castes into the social system as a whole.
But by having nothing with the outcast and unfit, it means those too steeped in old aeon ways, may be outside the ability of the Thelemic system to incorporate them, at least while it is still young.
In fact the Thelemic order is best set up for the children, a system that becomes more effective each generation. While now recruits can only be expected to attain partial benefits, not having been raised within, and cultivated into ones caste.For a new recruit the TRUE WILL or casted role will fit tight in places and loose in others, as the WILL is not been perfectly attuned since birth and thus our self image and conditioned behavior are not in perfect harmony with the WILL, society has banged us into the shape it wants. Thelema seeks to help us grow into our natural mold. But once a wheel is beaten out of shape, you can smooth it out, but not back perfectly back into shape, A Bonzai tree will return to its natural form, once the binding are removed, but the damage is already done and the artificial shape will not fully vanish.
Our society wants to make everyone into the same mold, the liberal humanist, Christian slave moral, little consumer/citizen, zombie. It is Thelema that realizes their is more than one kind of human, and than each human must be supported with the right kind of, nutrition, education, social support, work and leisure, and basically have an entire life plan designed around the individual in question, in order to produce the highest possible manifestation of that individuals potential, and create individuals of highest possible potency in express their WILL to POWER in whatever way is natural to them, without restrictions of moral codes and laws, beyond what of immediate pragmatic value to the individual in relation to social order.
I am sooooo glad you are not in a position of power. Wow.