Crowley's IHVH
Crowley's IHVH is Fire=I, Water=H, Air=V, Earth=H. Let us put that in Ezekiels wheel which is a glyph of revolution of IHVH:
I Fire
H Water + H Earth
V AirNow the problem is that John's tetragram is made from Ezekiel's and the only elements that are counterchanged are water and earth. It is impossible using Crowley's IHVH attributions to make John's tetragram from Ezekiel's. Why is that?
Presuming you're right (which I'm far from convinced is the case)... why should they have anything to do with each other?
Help me out here - but please, only a couple of sentences and not an essay - when you speak of Ezekiel's arrangement, is there an exact scriptural citation that is establishing the pattern for you? The passage in Ezekiel 1:10 gives the same sequence Air, Fire, Water, Earth that is the familiar Microcosmic arrangement based on the name ADNI (though it spins in the opposite direction).
Thanks Jim! I'll be quick - it's Levi's Dogma and Ritual pt. 1 Chapter 18 page 91 glyph in the electronic Ben Rowe edition. Two wheels - one Pitagore, the other Ezechiel and a hexagram glyph. I'm talking about the Ezechiel wheel from there - INRI, ROTA, IHVH.
@Modes said
"Thanks Jim! I'll be quick - it's Levi's Dogma and Ritual pt. 1 Chapter 18 page 91 glyph in the electronic Ben Rowe edition. Two wheels - one Pitagore, the other Ezechiel and a hexagram glyph. I'm talking about the Ezechiel wheel from there - INRI, ROTA, IHVH."
I'm looking in the first English edition from 1910, and the only illustration in Part 1, Chapter 18 is Adda-Nari. I don't have, and am not interested in, tracking and buying somebody else's edition just to look at the picture.
I've given the opinion before that much of Levi's stuff was just artwork - not careful esoteric design. I don't think Ezekiel should be held accountable for it
But, looking further... I suspect you mean the hexagram design in the "Ezekiel & Pythagoras" illustration in Chapter 22 of the original. The painting is actually the correct sequence from Ezekiel, which matches the Microcosmic sequence if you presume you're facing east: Eagle (Air) at the back, then coming around is the Lion (Fire), Man (Water), Bull (Earth). This, of course, got screwed up in later Medieval times and the error perpetuated by the Golden Dawn, but the figure is a correct representation of how it would have been understood in 1st Millennium BCE Middle East.
The wheel at the lower right labelled "Ezechiel" isn't the Microcosmic scheme native to the First Order and based on ADNY counter-clockwise, but the Macrocosmic scheme native to the Second Order and based on YHVH clockwise. It's not related to the picture above it.
Thanks for your time Jim! So the Ezechiel wheel from the book is a glyph of the Second Order IHVH clockwise and not ADNI, correct?
You don't think that Ezekiel's and John's tetragrams are related?Oh, um, well if you switch water with earth in Ezekiel's tetragram you get John's - isn't that related enough?
I'm repeating myself - if we take Crowley's IHVH on a cross the switch is impossible i.e. it doesn't show that John and Ezekiel's cross derive from each other. That is a big black whole in my view! Jim, do you realy think that Ezekiel and John's tetragrams are not related? -
@Modes said
"So the Ezechiel wheel from the book is a glyph of the Second Order IHVH clockwise and not ADNI, correct?"
Correct. - See, for example, published copies of the Hexagram Ritual. Fire is in the East, Water in the North, Air in the West, Earth in the South.
"You don't think that Ezekiel's and John's tetragrams are related?
Oh, um, well if you switch water with earth in Ezekiel's tetragram you get John's - isn't that related enough?"
John who? (I suspect that was another conversation, yes?)
"I'm repeating myself - if we take Crowley's IHVH on a cross the switch is impossible i.e. it doesn't show that John and Ezekiel's cross derive from each other. That is a big black whole in my view! Jim, do you realy think that Ezekiel and John's tetragrams are not related?
Again: John who? What in the fuck are you rambling about?
The apostile from the Apocalypse St. John? Sorry, I thought it's common knowledge that there are two major wheels in western magic - that of John from Apocalypse and Ezekiel. John's tetragram forms the Rosy cross elements. You know the Rosy cross? Well that's an invention of John.
Not mirrored if we presume the point is East it is : Air, west - Earth, east - Water, north - Fire.
Not mirrored Ezekiel is: East - Air, west - Water, south - Earth, north - Fire.
The connection is the Earth - Water switch. -
@Modes said
"The apostile from the Apocalypse St. John? Sorry, I thought it's common knowledge that there are two major wheels in western magic"
FWIW, some might argue that neither Ezekiel nor St. John are "in western magic" unless you specifically mean Judeo-Christian magic; and, more broadly, there are a lot more wheels than that!
"John's tetragram forms the Rosy cross elements."
Citation, please <sigh>.
The word "wheel" does not appear in the Apocalypse.
I got some new ideas from this discussion already.
The John's attributions are in part 4 of Apocalypse according to my book about russian martinism.
Anyway let's reprahse the question. GD Rose cross and Ezekiel's tetragram-wheel connect via the earth - water switch. Using Crowley's IHVH in Ezekiel's wheel the connection is lost. What's that? Maybe Crowley's refering not to the IHVH formula writing fire, water, air, earth? -
Some pictures I got poking around:
Ezechiel's ROTA
Levi's TARO's TARO=IChVH - Water, Fire, Air, Earth
Crowley's IHVH - Fire, Water, Air, EarthNow if someone would draw Crowley's mess for me.
Sorry, I made a mistake in my ROTA diagram attributing INRI. And there should not be a TARO diagram. I corrected it here:
Thanks Jim for your input, I would have forgotten that ADNI is Air, Fire, Water, Earth. -
I want to show that Levi's Ritual Circle is derived from Earth Ezechiel's Wheel here:
Pic from Levi's Magic:
[img264 dot imageshack dot us/img264/4231/levisearthezechielswhee.jpg][img408 dot imageshack dot us/img408/9545/earthezechielswheel.jpg]
The Astral Ezechiel's Wheel being here:
Pic from Levi's Magic:
[img405 dot imageshack dot us/img405/4499/astrallevisezechielswhe.jpg]Pic by me:
[img441 dot imageshack dot us/img441/5328/astralezechielswheel.jpg]And that Levi's Cross is derived from the Astral Rose Cross here:
Pic form Levi's Magic:
[img101 dot imageshack dot us/img101/9780/leviastralrosecross.jpg]Pic by me:
[img177 dot imageshack dot us/img177/56/astralrosecross.jpg]He uses this configuration to perform the Qabalistic Cross ritual.
The Earth Rose Cross being here:
[img692 dot imageshack dot us/img692/7151/earthrosecross.jpg]And so my attributions are correct because they agree with Levi and the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The element change is shown in the pictures. It is impossible to make the same conclusions with the GD IHVH being Fire, Water, Air, Earth so GD is incorrect. The correct IChVH, as Levi writes, is Air, Earth, Water, Fire. Am I making myself clear?