Building the Pantacle
a quote from jims book The Mystical and Magickal System of The A.'.A.'.
The instruction from Liber A is as follows:
Take pure wax, or a plate of gold, silver-gilt or Electrum Magicum. The diameter shall be 8 inches, and the thickness half an inch.
Let the Neophyte by his understanding and ingenium devise a symbol to represent the universe.
Let his Zelator approve thereof.
Let the Neophyte engrave the same upon his plate with his own hand and weapon.
Let it, when finished, be consecrated as he hath skill to perform, and kept wrapped in silk of emerald green.*explain in lamen terms please? ok you get a clean block of wood, cut into a circle, 8" in diameter, half inch in width, and you paint or whatever your symbol.
Ive seen one before in person, and this is all i know, and the consecrating ritual? use my own?
but first tell me how to properly make it -
@Alias55A said
"ok you get a clean block of wood, cut into a circle, 8" in diameter, half inch in width, and you paint or whatever your symbol."
That's one way of doing it, though not the one described in Liber A.
"and the consecrating ritual?"
The Formula of the Neophyte should suffice ...see the chapter dedicated to the same in Part III of Book IV, Magick In Theory & Practice.
"but first tell me how to properly make it"
The wax or metal is melted & poured into an 8 in. by 1/2 in. mold &, just as is stated in Liber A, the devised symbol of the universe is carved thereon after cooling.
Fr. H.H.H.
@kuniggety said
"From his question, he probably just didn't know that it was detailed in Liber A. But, now he knows Also, Crowley gives instruction for building the implements in Liber ABA aka Book 4."
Yeah but the section he quotes even indicates Bee's Wax!!!
Bee's wax is a superb material for pantacle making! (I suggest, first, learning something about candle making.)
@Alias55A said
"i know a bit on candle making, but why beeswax? its easier to brake, and if it does with my own beautiful future design not yet created on it, ile snap and cry, so to speak "
Easier to break unless you add hardener... which was part of what I meant by the candle making.
The best way I know to make the pantacle in wax using the Liber A criteria is to use a plain 8" pie pan (straight sides, no texturing). Let it get mostly hard, but not entirely. Then you have about a 20 minute window to carve the design, using an icepick and/or compasses and/or blade (e.g. Exacto knife) that you continually heat in a candle kept at hand - so it is a very sharp, very hot steel doing precision cutting.