dagger of will
Can anyone give me some advice on selecting a dagger/knife/sword to use in rituals like the LBRP (not representing air). I'm afraid the specifications are so trivial that I'm at a loss entirely! I know it sounds silly.. but using a pocket knife from my toolbox or a bread knife from my kitchen seems profane. I feel like I should acquire a new blade for this purpose exclusively since extending my Will is no small thing.. but where does one buy such things? A magic store? Heh.. I don't think a special edition fantasy piece with a wizard holding a lead crystal is right for me. I'm no fool for novelty items plus my finances require sensibility.. but a dollar store purchase seems like it wouldn't be significant enough. Help! Any suggestions or resources appreciated
Occult shops tend to be mad pricey when it comes to implements, they may look fancy but unless you're well off I suggest avoiding them for this sort of thing (they're great for hard to find herbs and incense tho). You tend to find blades that feel right in the randomest places, so its hard to say where to look. However, don't be put off ritual just because you don't have the implement the text recommends, use your index finger. If we all waited till we had all the exact requirements, no one would ever get started on the Work.
93 93/93
@Asraiya said
" .. but using a pocket knife from my toolbox or a bread knife from my kitchen seems profane. "
And he's right: don't sweat it for now. Use your index finger. I personally use a small quartz crystal. It's really a matter of preference. You could also try wands made of different woods, which you can cut and carve yourself. If this doesn't do the trick, you might try military surplus shops, which sometimes have good knife selections.
Recall Crowley's story about Bennett: he used a piece from a crystal chandelier as his "blasting rod." In the end, it's really more about the spirit of the magician than the quality of his tools.
"Success is your proof."
93 Asraiya,
What I would suggest is a quite simple method of making your own. It does require tools but is fairly easy too!
You should acquire a piece of steel from ether a steel company or sometimes you can find them at Home Depot, and any saw with a metal cutting blade. (preferable a band saw but I used a jigsaw just fine) cut out your blade and piece that fits in the grip (one piece) then fashion a grip out of your choice of wood. Fit the two together with an epoxy made for bonding both metal and wood. and Bam! you got a dagger!!! other wise I found these guys to be helpful....
They do have some quality daggers...
@Ophion280 said
What I would suggest is a quite simple method of making your own. It does require tools but is fairly easy too!
You should acquire a piece of steel from ether a steel company or sometimes you can find them at Home Depot, and any saw with a metal cutting blade. (preferable a band saw but I used a jigsaw just fine) cut out your blade and piece that fits in the grip (one piece) then fashion a grip out of your choice of wood. Fit the two together with an epoxy made for bonding both metal and wood. and Bam! you got a dagger!!! other wise I found these guys to be helpful...."
Don't forget to get permission from parents, kids!
Seriously, that's a creative approach. runs off to forge an arsenal
What I would suggest is a quite simple method of making your own. It does require tools but is fairly easy too!You should acquire a piece of steel from ether a steel company or sometimes you can find them at Home Depot, and any saw with a metal cutting blade. (preferable a band saw but I used a jigsaw just fine) cut out your blade and piece that fits in the grip (one piece) then fashion a grip out of your choice of wood. Fit the two together with an epoxy made for bonding both metal and wood. and Bam! you got a dagger!!! other wise I found these guys to be helpful....
They do have some quality daggers...
"ive heard of that method, i forget which book it is in(one of the thelemic book lol) but it is suggested to craft your own instead of buying one, kinda like crafting your own wand.
you can use a wand for the LBRP????? and if so, what element would it correspond to, (reason i ask is b/c ppl flip flop with atheme's and wands and their correspondences)
93 Al
Thanks so much! I'm at the end of my Probationer year actually and I have been doing LBRP daily with my two fingers (crouching tiger hidden dragon style.. heh) this whole time I just want to put more power into it or make it more official ya know.. "Onward to the breach, dear friends." I have used a wand sometimes because I do have several of them on hand regularly since I'm a fire dancer. It seemed appropriate since it's a flaming pentagram...
But I love the idea of making my own dagger!! It will be a challenge but I think that's precisely the level of sacredness I'm looking for.. Yay
"ive heard of that method, i forget which book it is in(one of the thelemic book lol) but it is suggested to craft your own instead of buying one, kinda like crafting your own wand."
I'm not sure, I actually found it on a knife making DIY website. It does work pretty well though.
@Alias55A said
"you can use a wand for the LBRP????? and if so, what element would it correspond to, (reason i ask is b/c ppl flip flop with atheme's and wands and their correspondences)"
"As far as I know, yes, you can use a wand. As far as which wand to use, I've always considered it to depend on the magician. There is a list of various woods and their correspondences in "777," if i remember correctly.
It may help to consider the situation astrologically. i.e.: a magician with a highly Mercurial bent might choose a wand attributed to Air/Mercury. a magician with Leo rising might opt for a heftier, fiery wand, etc.
As always, "success is your proof".
@Asraiya said
Can anyone give me some advice on selecting a dagger/knife/sword to use in rituals like the LBRP (not representing air). I'm afraid the specifications are so trivial that I'm at a loss entirely! I know it sounds silly.. but using a pocket knife from my toolbox or a bread knife from my kitchen seems profane. I feel like I should acquire a new blade for this purpose exclusively since extending my Will is no small thing.. but where does one buy such things? A magic store? Heh.. I don't think a special edition fantasy piece with a wizard holding a lead crystal is right for me. I'm no fool for novelty items plus my finances require sensibility.. but a dollar store purchase seems like it wouldn't be significant enough. Help! Any suggestions or resources appreciated
What makes a dollar store knife less significant than any other knife? The only significance is the significance you attach to it. For the LBRP I use a letter opener that I got from my wife's grandmother as a christmas gift.. It came from the Stella Solaris cruise ship and is pretty cheap. It works great.
To me this sounds like the right moment for you to experiment with using different tools during the lbrp. Try all of them. Then go outside of the box, and try using various things like: a pencil, a dry piece of spaghetti, a pair of scissors, a pen, a feather. Make sure to keep a record of all experiments. This way you can contrast and compare your results.