A. Sensitive people have specific strengths and weaknesses:
- Strengths- sensitivity allows deep empathy, understanding via feeling what another is feeling. This is good for the arts, healing, and anything where intuition plays a dominant role.
- Weaknesses- easily overwhelmed by one's own or others emotions; weak boundaries; inability to appropriately express rational thoughts when strong emotions are involved; highly susceptible to subliminal activity, via rituals, TV & media; and just picking up on others thoughts.
In the untrained or unprotected individual, this can be disastrous. (BTW, D. Fortune describes throughout her works that eastern training, by itself is fantastic for increasing one's sensitivity, and is great if one is living in a monastery in the mountains, but can be fatal to the average Western individual.)
Therefor,B. decrease one's sensitivity through,
- Plenty of rest; avoid vegetarian diet.
- Avoid drugs and alcohol.
- Avoid trance or anything that puts you in that suggestive state, this would include TV, many types of magickal and meditative trance.
- Stay busy.
- Aloneness tends to amplify sensitivity, so stay around lots of (positive) people in an active way, through work, hobbies, sports, dancing (ballroom is great for this).
C. Avoid negative vibrations, i.e. people's thoughts, feelings and actions
- Avoid really negative people such as your homeless person, drug addicts and alcoholics
- Negative or depressing thoughts, conversations, books, programs etc.
D. Immerse oneself in
- basic, positive actions. If one is unsure, ask one's self if a child would like it. If the answer is yes, then do it.
- Train the mind to look at the positive side of everything, as opposed to the negative side of everything. Therapy can be really helpful, whether with a professional counselor, self-help books, or various group support meetings.
E. Train oneself to be sensitive at will, at any time, to what you will. This is a mark of an Adept. This is no easy task. This assumes strong healthy boundaries that are capable to let in, or keep out whatever the Magician wants.
F. Misc. recommended books and practices
- Strong religious faith, affirmed by actions such as prayers and rituals. (take your pick of religion: Thelemic, Pagan, Traditional forms, or mixed bag.)
- read & study the scripture, such as "the Thelemic Holy Books" etc.
- "Feeling Good", David Burns or other self-help therapy books
- Banishing rituals or Rites of Exorcism, (very effective for many westerners because of the power of the Christian mythos, rooted firmly in our collective and personal unconscious).
- Know thyself- study ones strengths and weaknesses down to the minutest detail, through analysis of natal chart, journals, and other practices.
G. Increased Awareness of the Law of Cause & Effect
- Learn to see Karma, or whatever one calls it, as a natural and desirable law in a perfect Universe, even when the effects are "negative".
Conclusion: this is like the analogy of a well fortified castle, with moat and draw bridge, that is capable to let in or out anything at will, vs. a house with no defenses, at the mercy of whatever positive or negative entities, human or otherwise, are in the vicinity.
Please note that these measures are temporary only, only indicated until the aim is achieved. So for example, if one prefers a vegetarian diet, one can go back to it at a later date. Also, for the opposite type of person, that is one who is not very sensitive by nature, the opposite action would be the indicated course of treatment.
Lastly, I can attest to this program because I have, to large degree carried it out, and am still refining it.
As regards the above, that is an excellent training regimen for the super-sensitive. I've worked out something very similar myself, being prone to the thoughts/feeling of others.
The best thing I can recommend, like Jim, is a proper banishing. Nothing cleans up that old aura more than an LBRP done good and proper.
There is also the path of desensitization, which calls for reaching such a heightened state of sensitivity that one passes beyond sense as such. Self-flagellation comes to mind, or an overdose of LSD. But that is very "Pillar of Severity," however, and not for all. There is some risk of madness, but the results are quite permanent. The idea is to strengthen the mind against any sort of opposition.
Edit: it just struck me that Asana is a most excellent alternative to self-flagellation. Less risk of permanent scarring, blood loss, waking the neighbors, etc.
@JPF said
"As regards the above, that is an excellent training regimen for the super-sensitive. I've worked out something very similar myself, being prone to the thoughts/feeling of others.
The best thing I can recommend, like Jim, is a proper banishing. Nothing cleans up that old aura more than an LBRP done good and proper.
There is also the path of desensitization, which calls for reaching such a heightened state of sensitivity that one passes beyond sense as such. Self-flagellation comes to mind, or an overdose of LSD. But that is very "Pillar of Severity," however, and not for all. There is some risk of madness, but the results are quite permanent. The idea is to strengthen the mind against any sort of opposition.
Edit: it just struck me that Asana is a most excellent alternative to self-flagellation. Less risk of permanent scarring, blood loss, waking the neighbors, etc."
Interesting idea...classic purification through pain. However, asana stops hurting after a while. Or at least it did for me. I always wonder how that works physiologically. Muscles ache from lack of movement over time and the sensation of a limb "going to sleep" comes from lack of circulation or nerves being blocked...both are very much physical things that it seems should not cease. But nonetheless, they did muscles move around and nerves and blood vessels reroute themselves? It could be hyper-attenuation, but then it would happen every would hurt at first then fade. Instead, even at the beginning of practice, once it has stopped hurting it simply doesn't start hurting. The only way to get it to hurt again is stop practicing asana for a while, but even then the condition quickly returns upon resuming practice, with the pain fading after a few days. It just seems odd.
In any case, I don't find asana excitatory in the same way a hallucinogen or pain would be. It is, for me, an inhibitory (though energetic) state.
One wonders if Jugorum was meant to serve this kind of purpose in addition to the normal training regimen.
93, 93/93
@JPF said
"There is also the path of desensitization, which calls for reaching such a heightened state of sensitivity that one passes beyond sense as such. Self-flagellation comes to mind, or an overdose of LSD. But that is very "Pillar of Severity," however, and not for all. There is some risk of madness, but the results are quite permanent. The idea is to strengthen the mind against any sort of opposition."
It is, perhaps, unsurprising that I say: We wouldn't recommend this!
But perhaps it isn't obvious why.
The goal isn't to desensitize. You don't want to wound or destroy the mechanism of sensation, or interfere with the (sometimes delicate) biological and psychological instruments of perception. You will need those one day! (And perhaps now.)
Rather, you want to keep yourself temporarily from being blindsided, while increasing your capacity to be larger than the sensations - to accept them and receive them wholly - to be nonresistant to them while also being not overwhelmed by them.
In other words, to be at fully empowered choice with respect to them.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Red meat grounds you in your physical senses. Other animal proteins such as dairy can have a similar effect (I find a lot of cheese does that). Fasting or more rarified fare, such as a vegetarian diet, increases psychic openness and vulnerability."
Root vegetables & legumes can be used to much the same end as red meat for those of you who are strictly vegetarian or vegan.
hence, "comfort food"
And, the opposite can sometimes be effective. A juice fast, or similar diet periodically can make me more sensitive, to the point that I'll sniff out the bad vibe from far enough away that I can avoid the situation entirely.
It's not good if I'm already in a situation where I have to mingle with people indiscriminately, though...
@Jim Eshelman said
"It is, perhaps, unsurprising that I say: We wouldn't recommend this!
But perhaps it isn't obvious why.
The goal isn't to desensitize. You don't want to wound or destroy the mechanism of sensation, or interfere with the (sometimes delicate) biological and psychological instruments of perception. You will need those one day! (And perhaps now.)"
I wasn't exactly being serious. (Mercury in Gemini, you see
) And no, it's not something I would recommend either.
Hence the footnote about Asana. And Jugorum is an excellent practice as well. i don't exactly condone such extreme behavior as self-flagellation, I just incuded it as an example. Speaking in terms of evolution, there is the Left Pillar path of non-resistance, and the Right Pillar path of Trial by Fire. Ideally one would follow the Middle Path, ascending in balance and equanimity. But to each his own.
It did work for me, though. (Not the flagellation bit, but the overdose, yes.) I reached such a highly sensitized state that my organs of perception went into shock. Realizing my error, I turned to Asana and meditation, and actually had to re-construct my ego from scratch. Not a very enjoyable experience. I thank my lucky Spica I'm back in the land of the living, and I've since adopted more user-friendly forms of consciousness expansion.
@JPF said
"It did work for me, though. (Not the flagellation bit, but the overdose, yes.) I reached such a highly sensitized state that my organs of perception went into shock. Realizing my error, I turned to Asana and meditation, and actually had to re-construct my ego from scratch. Not a very enjoyable experience. I thank my lucky Spica I'm back in the land of the living, and I've since adopted more user-friendly forms of consciousness expansion.
Been there too....not fun.
Out of curiosity, how would you characterise your experience in terms of the Tree of Life?
My analysis is inconclusive.
@nderabloodredsky said
"Out of curiosity, how would you characterise your experience in terms of the Tree of Life?
My analysis is inconclusive."
Good question. Not to say that I haven't tried, but I'm a little reluctant to classify my experience. I know I went to a place that was "void," and that through Love I passed beyond my suffering. As I said, the effect of the experience itself (an overdose of LSD and amphetamine) was to destroy my ego. This being done, I started from scratch, and had to re-learn a lot of things. I went directly to a spiritual teacher, a Hindu priest, and we worked together to integrate my self through Asana, Meditation, Kirtan (religious dance), Fasting, and Ritual. During this period my Will was revealed to me, and I was able to re-integrate my personality.
That's the experience in a nutshell, and like you my analysis inconclusive. A part of me wants to say that I became a "Babe of the Abyss," but again I'm reluctant to make a judgement on something beyond my ken. I've since had several friends go through the same thing, and not come out so sane. It's a sobering thing, and I'm glad you're still with us.
How did your experience pan out? What was similar, and what was different?
Perhaps Jim, knowing a bit more of Hermetic Progress, could shed some light on the situation?
I share your reluctance to map this in the Tree. My experience is that people either have this experience in the framework of their current state, or push just past to the next.
FWIW this sounds broadly similar to an experience I had on the Path of Tav late in my 1=10 period.
(posted by BlackBerry while out of town without computer. Just landed @ JFK.)
@Jim Eshelman said
"I share your reluctance to map this in the Tree. My experience is that people either have this experience in the framework of their current state, or push just past to the next.
FWIW this sounds broadly similar to an experience I had on the Path of Tav late in my 1=10 period.
"That's exactly right. I didn't really spend much time trying to figure it out, as I was immediately invovled in bigger and better things. After discovering my Will, i realized there was a lot of work to do, and set right to it.
Yep, if I don't want energy going from others to me I shield with my imagination.
Learned that from Monroe's hemi-sync.
What is the proper way of fasting?
@zoso92 said
"What is the proper way of fasting?"
There's not just one way. There are dozens (or more) valid ways, depending upon such things as your immediate goal, your body's functioning, your experience with fasting, the amount of time you want to spend on it, etc.
Depends on the goal.
My goal is to increase my energy and regenerate will power. What do you suggest? I have never done it so I am new to it.
Start easy ...try going without meats & eggs for a bit before you decide to fast altogether. Make sure that you're easing your way toward success rather than setting yourself up for failure.
Fasting can tend to make one sensitive and physically weak, as many in the thread have pointed out. To me, fasting is better for enhancing and refining one's senses, for letting go of deep-seated emotions, and for generally purging/cleansing.
Exercise is a great way to increase energy and will power. Especially something that takes a little endurance, and serves up a little sense of accomplishment. Like climbing a mountain, bicycling long distances, or digging a ditch.
It is an excellent idea to give your body a break from digesting. Each person is different, but I was taught to teach people that when they fast it is vital to consume liquids, frequently. For a beginner also it is recommended to go slow, eliminate the heavy foods first (animal products). Some people do well to not consume anything, while other people need to have a few pieces of fruit, or broth to take the edge off. Think about what you do all day also, it is easier to fast icompletely f you sit on your bum all day then if you are digging a ditch. Also please be aware that as you fast your body is going to tap into reserves (fat or muscle) for energy. Memory is stored in muscle, and toxins in fat, so you may expierence emotional issues, or ill feelings. I recommend to drink some detoxing herbal teas as well, ( black walnut is a persoanl favorite, as well as burdock, chickory) or take some herbal products to strenghten the liver esp. Some herbs do effect people differently, and can interfer with medication. Please if you take any perscriptions or are under the care of a doctor, discuss your desire to fast with them first.
Depending on your diet your digestive tract may need some coaxing to let go of impacted fecal matter as well. A good cleasing program will help get rid of that, purge any parasites and offer herbs to strenghten your system.
As you come off a fast, take it slow as well. Meaning dont rush out and down some steak and potaotes, raw fruits and veggies, lightly steamed veggies in small portions will be welcomed. -
Hello Veronica,
I have a couple of questions for you. You mentioned the idea that memory is stored in muscle. I have never heard this claim before, and I am googling this idea after I post this. I am curious where you learned this, and if a google search turns up fruitless, where can I find more information concerning this topic?
My second question concerns fasting. You seem to have a good grasp on the biological issues with this, so I was wondering if you knew whether or not fasting is a good process to use when quitting smoking?