So a little while ago I started getting the image for a lamen appearing to me. I've drafted a few versions.
Any practical tips once you have a rough-draft? Do you engrave it on metal, or carve it out of wood? (
I'm a little lost I guess)
My sister likes to wood burn her images, she even uses colored stains.
I have used "kids" clay, to make sigils in. It is very forgiving. I made a pentacle once in a college sculpture class with a clay mold and then poured plaster onto it. Once it dried you just peeled away the clay. It was a one time mold.
I assume you intend to wear this though, so you may need to think smaller and lighter. You could use an engraver to etch upon metal, I have even seen acid used to burn ito metal. Depending on your resources you could even have it embossed or embroirdered, I have seen the sewing machines at department store pretty cheap.
My book an Amulets and Talismens by Budge is ancient and doesnt include any modern methods on making lamens, but I think you should follow your heart and do what you think will bring out the beauty of your peice.have fun:)