Thelemic Analysis of the Keyword
Shalom Fratres et Sorores, 93,
i contemplate on a thelemic version of the Analysis of the Keyword and this is the outcome:
Say, Hadit
Say, Alpha, Digamma, Iota, Tau (Inscribe these Greek letters in the air as you say them.)
Say, Virgo, Nuit, mighty Mother (Inscribe the sign of Virgo in the air before you.)
Say, Scorpio, Seth, Destroyer (Inscribe the sign of Scorpio in the air before you.)
Say, Sol, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Savior (Inscribe the sign of the Sun. Begin the circle clockwise, starting at the top, then make the central point by thrusting through the center of the circle.)
Say, Nuit, Seth, Ra-Hoor-Khuit Abrahadabra (While saying each of the first three names, make again the signs of Virgo, Scorpio and the Sun.)Make the Sign of Puer. Say: The Sign of Puer.
Make the Sign of Vir . Say: The Sign of Vir.
Make the Sign of Puella.
Make the Sign of Mulier. Say: The Sign of Mulier.
Make the Sign of Isis Rejoicing. Say: The Sign of Isis Rejoicing.Repeat all of the N.O.X. signs while saying, N.O.X., Nox, the Night of Pan.
I would love to hear your opinion about my work.
93 93/93
Fraternally in L.V.X.
Frater M.A.M.
Somehow, grafting New Aeon archetypes onto an Old Aeon formula makes me feel a little nauseous.
Shalom PatchworkSerpent, 93,
@PatchworkSerpen said
"Somehow, grafting New Aeon archetypes onto an Old Aeon formula makes me feel a little nauseous."
I understand what you mean but, what else is the qabalistic cross at liber XXV (even the whole ritual
) then a "remake" of some old attributions?
93 93/93
Franternally in L.V.X.
Frater M.A.M.
@Frater995 said
"Say, Hadit
Say, Alpha, Digamma, Iota, Tau (Inscribe these Greek letters in the air as you say them.)"At first, inattentive glance, I thought you were spelling "Hadit" (taking into consideration the hard breath mark). But no, you're spelling a word that would be pronounced "Ah-weet." Not sure what the intent is.
"Virgo... Scorpio... Sol"
There's no migration from the word (Air, Taurus, Virgo, Saturn) to these ideas. Not sure what you're doing in the bridge. (And, because of a couple of things that I do know, I have other questions about this trio, but I won't ask them.)
"[inscribing glyphs of Virgo, &c.]"
Why? (By this I mean: By the title, you appear to be modelling this after a prior formula, but, so far, I haven't seen a single similarity other than a minor resemblence in cadence.)
"Say, Nuit, Seth, Ra-Hoor-Khuit Abrahadabra"
Bizarre triad, of no evident integrity within itself as a (pardon the expression) set.
"I would love to hear your opinion about my work."
Which is why I answered, and why you're getting nothing but opinion <s>. Gosh, I really would have preferred to have something positive to say but I really can't find a single redeeming feature of it other than the fact that it's always nice to see Nuit and Hadit mentioned.
If this is an "Analysis of the Keyword," then the whole thing hinges on what the keyword is. Ah-weet? Still not sure where you're going on that, why that keyword, what door it's a key to, or how the progress thereafter analyzes the word you gave.
Shalom Fratres et Sorores, 93,
@Jim Eshelman said
"... a word that would be pronounced "Ah-weet." Not sure what the intent is ..."
No intent, a stupid mistake i ment Alpha-Delta-Iota-Tau, sorry.
93 93/93
Fraternally in L.V.X.
Frater M.A.M.
@Frater995 said
@PatchworkSerpen said
"Somehow, grafting New Aeon archetypes onto an Old Aeon formula makes me feel a little nauseous."I understand what you mean but, what else is the qabalistic cross at liber XXV (even the whole ritual
) then a "remake" of some old attributions?"
These aren't comparable though, as the Qabalistic Cross is an expression of universal (trans-Aeonic) principles, while the Analysis of the Keyword focuses on a single Word within a particular Aeon- hence it requires the consonant (and comparitavely restricted) symbolism.
@Frater995 said
"i ment Alpha-Delta-Iota-Tau, sorry."
Now that makes much more sense!
OK, so (incorporating that correction), to paraphrase and tighten my remarks:
You call this the Thelemic Analysis of the Key-Word. We now know that the Key-Word you intend is Hadit, spelled in Greek. (FWIW, AC always spelled Hadit in Greek with a Theta, not Tau. I think he was preserving the -IT = 19 valuation regardless of alphabet. This may or may not affect your plans.)
To what is `ADIT the Key? For example, in the traditional form, the Key-word I.N.R.I. is the Key to the Vault of the Adepts.
What makes this distinctly Thelemic? Is it only the inclusion of Nuit, Hadit, and RHK? (Avoiding I.N.R.I., except where you covertly hid it in the ritual, could be deemed anti-Christian in some people's minds, I assume, but is that the same as being Thelemic? Or are you relying on the N.O.X. signs, which could just as easily be adopted in traditional pre-Thelemic frameworks? Not sure.)
You don't bridge from A - D - I - T to Virgo, Scorpio, Sol. Furthermore, though you appear to be trying to avoid I.N.R.I. (I can only speculate why), you've then built the core of your formula around the astrological attributions of I., N., and R.
If you are trying to avoid Christian elements and be New Aeon in flavor, this really breaks down with your Mother - Destroyer - Savior triad. 'Savior' does tend to push way more people's Christian buttons than many other things you left out. 'Destroyer' seems to be perpetutating the cataclysmic process that was the core of the Dying God formula (and which is unrelated to its successor Child formula in the New Aeon). You have 'Mother' but no father, as if throwing back to the Isis Aeon (and at that, Virgo, implicitly perpetuating the Virgin Birth model). And why in the world, of all female symbols you might have picked, did you use Virgo for Nuit? (It's about as far away as I could imagine and, in fact, by its relationship to Yod, is easier to tie as a Hadit idea.)
At the very least, this needs more explanation of what you're trying to do and the philosophical underpinings.
Shalom Fratres et Sorores, 93,
thank you all for your opinions. I feel the need to apologize because i threw out an unfinished idea, a work in process, and wasted your time, SORRY.
I still working on this, but i will try to explain more of what and why i'm doing this.
The keyword of the "old" AEon is I.N.R.I. On one side it is the Key for the Vault, on an other side it is the archetypical ruler of the AEon, the slained and risen god (Osiris, Jesus). The complete analysis is based on an interpretation of the L.V.X. signs, the formula for the adept.
In this context i've tried to transmit the whole to the new AEon. The archetypical ruler for this AEon is the new /reborn born child (Horus, Hadit). I use the greek spelling of Hadit. I picked the spelling used in Liber MCCLXIV the greek Qabalah, that is Alpha-Delta-Iota-Tau = 315.
As the L.V.X. signs are the Formula of the old AEon, for me, the N.O.X. signs are the Formula for the new AEon. So i based my interpretation of ADIT on the N.O.X. sings (this wasn't finished and still is not
So here is the outcome until this morning:
Alpha = Air = Horus = The Sign of Puer
Air/ Aleph as Ruach seemes to fit for Horus
Delta = Venus = Nuit = The Sign of Vir
This is a hard one, Venus and Nuit fit for me, but the Sign of Vir was hard. As i studied the goddes Nuit and i found, that she sometimes was shown as a cow (with horns) so there is the link.
Iota = Virgo = Isis = The Sign of Mulier
no need to explain, i hope
Tau = Saturn = Babalon = the Sign of Puella
Tau ist the path of Saturn, Binah is the speher of Saturn, there is a special connection within this, so Babalon.In the "old" analysis the initals of the names Isis, Aphopis and Osiris refer to IAO, the greek version of JHVH.
If you take the initals of my seqeunce in revers you get BINH (this is Binah) so i decided to use Abrahadabra as the "magick" word, so the last phrase is
Babalon, Isis, Nuit, Horus Abrahadabra
Give the signs of N.O.X. and say the propper names.
Asume the first and last sings of N.O.X. saying, N.O.X., Nox, the Night of Pan.
Hope this cleares it up a bit
93 93/93
Fraternally in L.V.X.
Frater M.A.M.
Shalom Sorores et Fratres, 93,
@JS Mooger said
... Take your pick ...
"I pick the green take
@Jim Eshelman said
... You call this the Thelemic Analysis of the Key-Word ...
"Do not take the name to serious, it was just a starting point for a (controversial) discussion. I know a work called "NOX Litany" which subjects the same idea.
93 93/93
Fraternally in L.X.V.
Frater M.A.M.