Hello everyone. I am just barely starting on the path, so please excuse the n00bness. I have a background that may benefit the community in some ways though. I am currently pursuing my bachelor's in experimental psychology, which is a stepping stone to parapsychological studies. I am what is considered a healthy skeptic (any other kind of skeptic would not last long in this field.) By this I mean I am willing to accept the possibility of a lot of things, but have a tendency to critically analyze claims. I am embarking on this path because of my all-consuming desire to find everything. Pursuit of power (i.e. psychic power, will working) is secondary, and though this may seem a bit weird coming from a n00b, I get more excited just figuring out what happens behind the scenes of the material world. Hopefully in the course of my studies in the Thelemic path we can have some interesting discussions.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.