4 steps - aura work
What are effective and proven techniques for achieving the following on one’s aura?
Cleansing - banishing
Sealing - ?
Strengthening - ?
Inflaming – ?I'm not sure whether invoking would go under Strengthening and prayer under Inflaming.
Thanks for assistance.
Persistent performance of the Middle Pillar Ritual takes care of those things.
Thanks for that tip. I always thought of the MP as a sort of general invocation and was not aware that it played a role in "sealing" one's aura. I've had problems with leakage before and have been looking for a technique/ritual that deals with this area.
The sealing is reinforced by the "circulations," which are also part of the Middle Pillar ritual; but, at least as much, simply by the strengthening of it.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Persistent performance of the Middle Pillar Ritual takes care of those things."
How does this compare to the effects of the performance of the LBRP?
@Jim Eshelman said
"The sealing is reinforced by the "circulations," which are also part of the Middle Pillar ritual; but, at least as much, simply by the strengthening of it."
OK, so the MP is made up of both the strengthening of the 5 centers and circulating it. Does it matter which way you circulate it? Also are the circulations of the ida and pingala with the bursting tree rythmytic breathing formaly apart of the MP, or just extra's to throw in there? And one last things, what about the MP soul work?
@Alias55A said
OK, so the MP is made up of both the strengthening of the 5 centers and circulating it. Does it matter which way you circulate it? Also are the circulations of the ida and pingala with the bursting tree rythmytic breathing formaly apart of the MP, or just extra's to throw in there? And one last things, what about the MP soul work?"Hi, I'm new here the MP happens to be my favorite daily ritual.
It can be performed quite easily and I highly recommend picking up Israel Regardie's Middle Pillar. The Basics are as follows:
Imagine a beam of light descending into a sphere of white light above your head. Contemplate this sphere it's title is Kether. Take a deep inhalation and Vibrate "Ehieh." Continue to vibrate the name until the sphere begins to vibrate on its own.
Next, with an inhalation draw the light down into a blue/lavender sphere at the nape of the neck. Contemplate and this shadowy sphere called Daath. As Before inhale and vibrate the name Yehowah Elohim.
Draw the light down into a golden yellow sphere in the solar plexis. This sphere is Tipereth and the name you will vibrate is Yehowah Eloah Ve Daath.
Again Draw the Light down into your groin where a deep purple or puce sphere resides. The sphere is Yesod and it's name you will vibrate is Shaddai El Chai.
Finally draw the light down into a sphere of black, brown, olive, and citrine below your feet. This is your malkuth and the name of god in this sphere is Adonai Ha Artez.
Now in inhale drawing the light up the column of your body into your kether, on an exhale send the light down the right side of your body into you malkuth. Inhale and draw it up your left side into your kether. Repeat this 3 to 6 times. Then draw the light back into your kether and exhale send the light down the front of your body into malkuth again, and inhale up your backside into kether. Finally, send the light down the column of your body into malkuth now draw the light up with an inhalation wraping your body like gauze from left to rightup in to your kether. When you exhale the light from kether see it pouring like a fountain from your crown purify your aura as it descends back into malkuth. Repeat as manytimes as you would like. When you are finished with the exercise visualize your aura becoming diamond hard and mirror-like. At this point I give the sign of silence.
I hope this helps.
@PatchworkSerpen said
@Jim Eshelman said
"Persistent performance of the Middle Pillar Ritual takes care of those things."How does this compare to the effects of the performance of the LBRP?"
I find that both formulas are quite essential to daily practice. A good practice would begin with the LBRP and follow with the MP.
@Alias55A said
"OK, so the MP is made up of both the strengthening of the 5 centers and circulating it. Does it matter which way you circulate it? Also are the circulations of the ida and pingala with the bursting tree rythmytic breathing formaly apart of the MP, or just extra's to throw in there? "
you can look up for Regardie's own words about the MP Ritual:
www.4shared.com/document/3VYzUcCQ/Israel_Regardie_-_The_Middle_P.htm"And one last things, what about the MP soul work?"
we'll have to define 'soul' first, if we are to try to give an answer to this...
@danica said
"we'll have to define 'soul' first, if we are to try to give an answer to this..."
The Qabalists divided the soul into 5 parts.
Yechida: The highest part or the soul directly linked to the divine. Corresponds with Kether
Chaiya: The part of the Soul that is the awareness of divinity being seperate. (chokmah)
Neschama: The awareness and presence of the divine likened unto the pure imagination. (binah)
Ruach: The Moralistic Mind and also the place where memories are stored. (chesed, geburah, tipereth, netzach, hod, and part of yesod)
Nephesch: Animal soul basic desires and drives. (yesod and malkuth)The middle pillar opens the path from yechida that it might purify the ruach and influence more directly the nephesch. The path of gimel may in fact be the HGA in the kabbalah. gimel transmit the light of kether onto tipereth.
@TheSilent1 said
@Alias55A said
OK, so the MP is made up of both the strengthening of the 5 centers and circulating it. Does it matter which way you circulate it? Also are the circulations of the ida and pingala with the bursting tree rythmytic breathing formaly apart of the MP, or just extra's to throw in there? And one last things, what about the MP soul work?"Hi, I'm new here the MP happens to be my favorite daily ritual.
It can be performed quite easily and I highly recommend picking up Israel Regardie's Middle Pillar. The Basics are as follows:
Imagine a beam of light descending into a sphere of white light above your head. Contemplate this sphere it's title is Kether. Take a deep inhalation and Vibrate "Ehieh." Continue to vibrate the name until the sphere begins to vibrate on its own.
Next, with an inhalation draw the light down into a blue/lavender sphere at the nape of the neck. Contemplate and this shadowy sphere called Daath. As Before inhale and vibrate the name Yehowah Elohim.
Draw the light down into a golden yellow sphere in the solar plexis. This sphere is Tipereth and the name you will vibrate is Yehowah Eloah Ve Daath.
Again Draw the Light down into your groin where a deep purple or puce sphere resides. The sphere is Yesod and it's name you will vibrate is Shaddai El Chai.
Finally draw the light down into a sphere of black, brown, olive, and citrine below your feet. This is your malkuth and the name of god in this sphere is Adonai Ha Artez.
Now in inhale drawing the light up the column of your body into your kether, on an exhale send the light down the right side of your body into you malkuth. Inhale and draw it up your left side into your kether. Repeat this 3 to 6 times. Then draw the light back into your kether and exhale send the light down the front of your body into malkuth again, and inhale up your backside into kether. Finally, send the light down the column of your body into malkuth now draw the light up with an inhalation wraping your body like gauze from left to rightup in to your kether. When you exhale the light from kether see it pouring like a fountain from your crown purify your aura as it descends back into malkuth. Repeat as manytimes as you would like. When you are finished with the exercise visualize your aura becoming diamond hard and mirror-like. At this point I give the sign of silence.
I hope this helps.
I got that part down, except for imagining them in color, which i shall try next
. But I was asking if the extras were actually apart of the MP ritual, so I guess they are
@danica said
@Alias55A said
"OK, so the MP is made up of both the strengthening of the 5 centers and circulating it. Does it matter which way you circulate it? Also are the circulations of the ida and pingala with the bursting tree rythmytic breathing formaly apart of the MP, or just extra's to throw in there? "you can look up for Regardie's own words about the MP Ritual:
www.4shared.com/document/3VYzUcCQ/Israel_Regardie_-_The_Middle_P.htm"And one last things, what about the MP soul work?"
we'll have to define 'soul' first, if we are to try to give an answer to this..."
I've read through some of Regardies MP, very awsome book, right now I only have his Tree of life, and a Garden of Pomagranates.
I am a little familiar with the terms and meanings of the parts of the soul. Like previously, I was just wandering if that is something that should be practice after familiarity with the MP, or should it be thrown in with the rest of the MP?
@Alias55A said
I am a little familiar with the terms and meanings of the parts of the soul. Like previously, I was just wandering if that is something that should be practice after familiarity with the MP, or should it be thrown in with the rest of the MP?"Well, you can merely take for granted the correspondences of the parts and the sephiroth, simply knowing that by doing the MP you are purifying the connection between the Yechidah (the divine soul) and Nephesch (the animal soul). The practice of the MP takes care of the particulars more or less. Basically you are opening the the pathway by which divine light can enter your baser self, and the circulating of the light purifies the mind/Ruach (or sphere of sensation). Were you to abandon all other practices do not give up the MP as the MP is by far the most important at any grade of initiation. It is extremely important tin the work of establishing a strong link with your HGA. It is the source of unlimited power and will lead to the perfection of the mind. Try to practice the MP at least once a day and banish by LBRP if not more often than that.
@TheSilent1 said
"The Qabalists divided the soul into 5 parts. "
I think it would be helpful if someone could clarify what part of the self is doing the "seeing" in the following scenarios;
in the regular physical world body
in the physical world but outside the body (things look similar but 'different')
in the place where one arrives after shooting straight up and phasing into that realm that is very pinkish cloud-like but has very physical world like structures in floating here and there. (what I would call astral).
in the realm one enters after crossing a portal from the astral and emerges into a purple realm of immense beauty.
in the realm beyond the void/abyss of Daath where celestial music is heard (Sound of the Flute is one)
I was just saying that the term soul is often used to denote a vague this-and-that -- and very often only some specific part of our non-physical being (sometimes intelect in the broadest sense, sometimes emotions, sometimes the 'spiritual part' of us.. etc), and wanted to clarify what did you mean when using the word in context of working with MP.
the qabalistic concept about the components of the soul ,as TheSilent1 mentioned, is quite useful - at least for me, definitelly the best one to 'use' while working with the Tree."Alias55A wrote:
I am a little familiar with the terms and meanings of the parts of the soul. Like previously, I was just wandering if that is something that should be practice after familiarity with the MP, or should it be thrown in with the rest of the MP?"that qabalistic concept about the 'parts' of the soul is a theory, and practicing it could mean a lot of things
maybe you ment - performing the MP with awareness of the concept of the Four Worlds in Qabalah ? if so, my opinion is definitely: yes, learn about it and interweave that knowledge into the practice. -
Specifically, elaborating on Alias55a's question about circulation direction:
Kundalini goes up the spine, and in one of the Taoist books I read, they talk about learning to circulate the energy up the spine from the muladhara, and then down the front (helped by pressing the tongue against the palate) to the abdomen to store it.
I did have one instance, where the energy spontaneously went up the front, and it was weird, and I read later that this was a 'backwards flow'.
Is this consistent with MP methods? Does one want to generally keep the flow going up the back and down the front? Is the exception, to bring the energy up to the heart and out to the hand for specific work, and then to return it to the abdomen?
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"Specifically, elaborating on Alias55a's question about circulation direction:
Kundalini goes up the spine, and in one of the Taoist books I read, they talk about learning to circulate the energy up the spine from the muladhara, and then down the front (helped by pressing the tongue against the palate) to the abdomen to store it.
I did have one instance, where the energy spontaneously went up the front, and it was weird, and I read later that this was a 'backwards flow'.
Is this consistent with MP methods? Does one want to generally keep the flow going up the back and down the front? Is the exception, to bring the energy up to the heart and out to the hand for specific work, and then to return it to the abdomen?"
You got it down. Don't forget that the "energy" first travels down the left and up the right side of the body. And as for specific you can draw the light from any specific sphere into the hand for charging/ consecrating objects. Try it out with a glass of distilled water at about room temperature. For a while I would pick a sphere say: Tipereth, see a ray extending from that sphere into my right hand holding the glass of water and begin to circulate the light through the glass of water while vibrating the divine names of the sphere. Then I would slowly consume the water in a meditative manner (this is based on the writings of Franz Bardon being fleshed out with MP practices). The results were... well try it for yourself.
@TheSilent1 said
"Don't forget that the "energy" first travels down the left and up the right side of the body. "
Is this corresponding to the ida and pingala? Does this continue even after a kundalini awakening with an open sushumna?
@AvshalomBinyamin said
@TheSilent1 said
"Don't forget that the "energy" first travels down the left and up the right side of the body. "Is this corresponding to the ida and pingala? Does this continue even after a kundalini awakening with an open sushumna?"
I want to say no, where as the ida and pingala are intertwined the the energy is not. It corresponds more closely with the black and white pillars. Imagine standing between the pillars with the white pillar on your left and in front of you and the black pillar to your right and behind you. The difference between the Laya Yoga and the MP is that the MP draws the light from the divine source and purifies the channels going down. In Laya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga the energy is draw up. Western minds tend to have trouble with the latter and ofter complain of feeling detached from their bodies. I know I used to practice it myself... I became loopy and obsessed with every idea in my head and sex became very confusing. Drawing the light down from the divine enriches the experience and leads to the same end. From my understanding of the Kundalini it wakes up in you not you waking it up. I was warned by a practitioner of magic for about 40+yrs not seek the Kundalini because you might get Kali rather than Shakti. I got a similar warning from sufis I used to meditate with.
@TheSilent1 said
"From my understanding of the Kundalini it wakes up in you not you waking it up. I was warned by a practitioner of magic for about 40+yrs not seek the Kundalini because you might get Kali rather than Shakti. I got a similar warning from sufis I used to meditate with."
Yes, I got very similar warnings from the Sant Mat folks who are strongly influenced by the Sufis.