Kabalah - 94
Can anyone hook me up with correspondences for the number 94? I got it using the Latin Simplex for the word cupiditas (desire, object of longing, lust). I really have no idea where to start with this kind of thing. Google isn't as helpful as would be expected.
I'm choosing a motto, by the way, which is why I'm asking.
If anyone knows of a site/database/whatever with listed correspondences (preferably for hebrew but any and all languages would be appreciated), I'd gladly accept a link to that with/instead of a copy-and-pasted answer.
Thanks for anyone's help in advance.
In Hebrew: L.S.D.
More Latin includes:
ALPHA ET OMEGA - Alpha & Omega; First & Last, Beginning & Ending; name of the Mathers-loyalist post-scism Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
ASCENDO LÆTE - I ascend joyously
SOL PATER - The Sun is the Father (v. Emerald Tablet)
V.I.T.R.I.O.L. - Notariqon of Visita Interiora Terræ /Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem.
VOLCANUS - VulcanGreek includes:
anagkaié - Necessity; fate
médama - Nowhere; never
migma - MixtureHebrew includes (among many others):
GBPH - Corpse
GYChZYVN - The valley of vision
DPY - Destruction [Ps. I:20]
ChVP - A shore
CHLVN - A window
TPH - A drop
YLDYM - Children
MDYM (Madim) - Mars
MND (Menad) - Prickly
TzD (Tzad) - Side -
That's basically what I was doing - I got 94 and wanted to see, for a lark, what it corresponded with, and knew nowhere else to really begin such that I would have an answer while the question still mattered; as I stated, Google is surprisingly unhelpful.
You need to buy the books. Sepher Sephiroth. Godwin's. Stuff like that.
@Ash said
"That's basically what I was doing - I got 94 and wanted to see, for a lark, what it corresponded with, and knew nowhere else to really begin such that I would have an answer while the question still mattered; as I stated, Google is surprisingly unhelpful."
Ah, my apologies. I interpreted the statement in another light.
@Ash said
@Jim Eshelman said
"You need to buy the books. Sepher Sephiroth. Godwin's. Stuff like that."I had no idea they had correspondences like that My apologies."
That specifically what they are: Catalogues of Hebrew gematria tabulations.