Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am a Student of Magick. I can say it no other way, but I aspire to the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.
I love and play music, cook, read, martial arts, work hard, relax....
I hope one day to join the A.'.A.'..
I look forward to learning and contributing to this forum.
Love is the law, love under will.
@sphinx666 said
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am a Student of Magick. I can say it no other way, but I aspire to the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.
I love and play music, cook, read, martial arts, work hard, relax....
I hope one day to join the A.'.A.'..
I look forward to learning and contributing to this forum.
Love is the law, love under will.
Welcome sphinx!
Sapere Aude
Hi sphinx!! (Got a riddle for me? grins )
i'm having a riot on this board as a newbie grins hope to see you around !
What areas do you enjoy to research most??
Here's a riddle...
Different lights do make me change, thus into different sizes I will change.
As of late my research has been this forum : ) I am currently focusing my energies on the books listed in the Student Syllabus of the A.'.A.'. to pass the Student Exam. In addition, researching various lineages of the A.'.A.'..
I am appreciated of the information so many people on this forum have freely shared. Thank you all.
93 93/93
-I am a pupil-
Dont forget that every pupil has something to teach others too smiles normally something they did not have to learn to understand so dont be hiding too far in the lurker shadows
...hmmm... suddenly wishes i was much better at riddles especially as i asked for it!!... forgive me for being dumb but the best i can think of (with a pounding wisdom tooth push) is ...myst?smoke?
i dont read the student syllabus's myself.. i understand that its meant to be there for ease of research and so that you have the "right" veiw point, but i do have to say i love more of a freefall version of learning...letting each subject take me to the next and let the bigger picture start to form..whilst to begin with its slow going, after all these years i'm at the point where everything relates... i'm not thelemic although i'm finding the deepest feelings are often mirrored by Crowleys own words.. master and i seem to take them different..slightly skewiff..
i'm rambling now - what is the answer to your riddle oh great sphinx? (please dont kill me!! lolol)
LOL you even told me the answer hahahahahahahahaha!!
"I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold. I'm the parent of numbers that cannot be told. I'm a gift beyond measure a matter of course And I'm yielded with pleasure- even taken by force.What am I?"
I am just two and two.
I am hot. I am cold.
I'm the parent of numbers
that cannot be told.
I'm a gift beyond measure
a matter of course And
I'm yielded with pleasure-
even taken by force.**What am I?
a woman who knows she's woman
a woman who knows she's a wife
for a man who knows he's a man
its a gift much bigger than Life -
Hi sphinx!!
I am quite new to this site and wasn't guided Por Nada!! You'r post here was beautiful and I am appreciative of beauty when I see it. Glad to b/here w/u all!!!!!Konx Om Pax.........