Accepting the Law of Thelema
@Jim Eshelman said
@Takamba said
@Froclown said
"It any event, the comment is certainly not part of the book of the law, which begins with HAD! and ends with "the word Abrahadabra""That's true."
No it isn't. There are 11 more words following."
Yes, thank you - I stand corrected. The book ends with
The Book of the Law is Written
and Concealed.
Aum. Ha.
I was merely reflecting on the statement "the comment is...not part of the book of the law." I wasn't cautious enough to pay attention to all what I was quoting. Thank you Jim for bringing this error to our attention. I had a hunch I was being hasty just as I hit Submit.
I think the Law maybe the only thing I have ever accepted.....
I do not except many things......
and so I always thought I didnt accept the Law,
for it proclaims (?) that I must accept things that I find unexceptable......GD english language..
A funny thing happened shortly before I last posted. Not funny ha ha, but funny like "oh, that's notable."
I was given the title Master.
Seriously, I know some of you will laugh, and others may cry, but I am, on legal paper now, with full privileges allowed to call my self Master.
The inside joke is that I am the Cub Master, of the local pack 140 here in upstate NY.
Just as a side note, no the world will not get to see me in that costum/uniform....I had been fighting with this for awhile. I do not sign the dotted line often, and have never ever willingly given out my SS#, nor allowed a background check (Which I will proudly boast, I have a spotless record-not even a traffic violation). I have never been a joiner of any sort, and do not take oaths lightly. I decided though that the boys in this community needed someone, and if no one else was willing or able to.....I could give it a go and at least if I failed, the boys would have another belt loop and some popcorn. I would do something, something that no other person in my community was willing to do.
As I filled out the "application" I was immediately brought to the fact that not only was I to under go a criminal check, but that my signature (gasp) made me in agreement to allow them to look into my economics, my CREDIT. What, what what??? why does BSoA want to check out my credit score? Well girls and boys, that is truly the only score that matters in this day and age (I could challenge that statement my self, but I am trying to be brief).
Now I am slightly interested, I wont say I am concerned, cause I am not.....but I am interested in what this is score is going to say.
When they look at me, what will they see??????
What do you see when you look at me?
What do I see....
he he he ....
well that's the important question, now isn't it.But anyways, back to me being called Master.
I would like to change that to Mistress, or even Madam, cause I am all girl in outward appearances:)
So my boys call me Miss Veronica, and I have 30 little eyes that gaze up at me, and look to me to lead them, and teach them, and help them to be....and become...the men of tomorrow. And then I have 60 big eyes, watching me like a hawk.
Do you have any idea of what that means to me, little luscious, voluptuous Veronica The Priestess of Love, the Mistress of Passion and Gatekeeper to Bliss? Well I am the sort who doesn't shirk away from light, to hide in the shadows afraid of....of....well I don't seem to have much fear at all anymore.
In my troop I have a bunch of extremely fundamental couples, my parents are church goers, police officers, educators, military, and blue collar tradesmen. So why on Earth would these sort of people hand over their little boys to a female, who is an open occultist, rebel, activist, outlandish nonconformist who drips sexuality non stop? They have to know what sort of influence I will have on the boys, yet they trust me with their most beloved.....They have gotten to look past those labels and found the inner me, the cheerful, happy, loving, fun sort who has strength and courage and an intoxicating voice......These little boys (and their parents!) each have a need and a purpose and my new job is to play with them and help them discover themselves and this reality.
In my training I have become very attuned to the fact that each aspect of life force (i.e. human beings) has its own unique frequency, and interference pattern. I have come to see that when life force frequencies become untuned they can become retuned by unique methods to that particular life force pattern. To put it plainly, each person has its own function, its own patterns, and when sick its own medicine. I have come to see that the role of a Master (Mistress!) is in knowing what each of the life forces in the proximity needs to maintain life. I have in my care, almost 100 specific life forces that are almost completely dependant on me for their life to continue (I have 20+ houseplants, several gardens, not to mention chickens, ducks, dogs, kids and husband who is a Taurus:).
I hate the ego aspects of this BTW, but it is important to have a strong ego if you are going to do anything.If I do not pay attention (very important concept!) to the needs of those in my care they will wilt, wither and die in many cases.
I have learned to listen to the sounds of thirsty plants, hungry birds, dirty dogs, bored children
(I also unfortunately have learned to tune OUT the sounds of horney men, I would never get anything else done if I didn't!).Being a Mistress implies that I know what is best for those in my care. I know what YOU need. I can scan you quickly and find out with in a few moments what is wrong and what will fix it, and what is right and how to maximize that as well. I have often found my mind in a sort of flash back to a time in which I was in charge of a large number of Ladies, who were to be taught how to discern what something needs. In my work as a holistic care practioner I was instructed in methods of analysis to help match treatments to individuals. It was enlightening to learn that what heals one person could kill another, and that to be skilled as a healer one is to always remember that the patient is the one who does the healing not the "dr." who is only the matchmaker. I love being a matchmaker! Love it, love it love IT!!! nothing gives me more pleasure then matching things up, and putting things together- yummy, yummy, yummy stuff.
Yet I am human being, and I am not perfect and I do not always know what is right for me, so how could I assume to know what is right for all these life forces that I have gathered around me, and who look to me to meet their needs. What if I miss judge some signal, and my tomatoes plants succumbs to a blight that I miss judged as too much water? What if.......
well the what ifs can just about drive you mad cant they. If I sat around worrying about the what ifs then nothing would happen, I wouldn't do anything. I would live in a state of fear of failure, impotent, inert, afraid to DO.......But Being a Master implies that I have the heart to try, to act, to give it a go, to take courage and stand up and let the light shine and shine as well as I might.
And if I am wrong, so be it....but the difference between lambs and lions is that a true Master will step up again.I don't like people calling me Master, I don't like hearing anyone call anyone else just rubs me wrong..gag reflex kicks in and I toss my cookies...
To me being a slave is not acting, is not doing, and is not shining. A slave is not shinning her/his own light, but is like the moon: a reflection but not a source.
While I love the moon for what it is.......
it is the moon
And I am a Star, and like attracts like.
But yet.......
Did you know that the concept of slave and master is as ancient as ancient can be.
It is one dance that rides on a current that has countless choruses, and while the tempo may alter, the bass beat is as steady as a heart beat.So I get to play Master, and have been given a seal of approval to shine, shine shine....
And I will create little moons, little moonshine of me......
and my boys will grow up knowing my truths,
and my perspectives,
and loving me......Do what thou wilt,
shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law
Love under will.It shall be the new scout law,
for inorder for a boy to become a scout
he must learn the law and follow his pack....and I know that my Best Beloved AC
would laugh and smile
with me. -
As a neo-Pelagian Christian, I accept the Law AS I UNDERSTAND IT. Does this make me a "Thelemite"? More importan, does anyone CARE?
My Christian sources have it that the original "Have love, and do what you will" is from St. Augustine.. but never seem to give a specific citation. Does anyone have light on this?
And where do Pierre Louys and the Code of Trypheme fit into the history?
"does that make me a Thelemite...?"
In my book, true inner spiritual acceptance of the archetypes of Thelema, and the resulting psycho-spiritual ordeals resulting from this system of interior classification and organization, make you into a Thelemite whether you can find anyone else's intellectual consent to call you one or not. Ultimately, the true definition is completely interior, but, yes, taking initiation into a particular order seals the deal in the minds of others whether they are able to give intellectual assent willingly or not.
Now, theologically speaking... Ehhh... that's a different matter.
Even when you self-identify as a Neo-Pelagian, there is a... a tacit acceptance of the theological playing field. The issue between Pelagius and Augustine was regarding salvation - defined as salvation from eternal damnation.
I think belief in such eternal damnation runs absolutely counter to the Book of the Law, and this is the main manipulative tool the book was intended to destroy. I am against it, and I am against any God who supposedly instituted it. Define me by that.
Now, if you define "salvation" as "enlightenment" in some form or another* instead of *as salvation from eternal damnation, then you're more on the right track. Or, if you define "damnation" in some sense of *karmic return *to conditions you have developed for yourself in previous lives... that would work too (Purgatory = Current Life). However, viewing life as solely purgatorial, in the traditional sense of passively accepted punishment instead of karma, reincarnation, and unlimited potential also seems to go directly against the grain of the Book of the Law.
Add a little (pro not anti-matter) gnosticism in there, and you've got a form of esoteric Christianity, at least...
But to make it healthy and complete, and to disabuse it of past psychological stuntings and manipulations, yes, I would encourage the embracing of Thelema. Most esoteric Christians have absolutely no problem laying down their lives for humanity. Indeed, they do it daily to the best of their understanding. However, just as the returning and Conquering Christ rules with a rod of iron, the dead and raised esoteric Christian must also learn to wield the flail as well as the shepherd's crook. In doing so, all the "hard sayings" and actions of Jesus (overturning the money-changers' tables and driving them out with a whip, loudly and publically calling the Pharisees "vipers," and "white-washed tombs," etc) begin to make much more sense.
As do the temptations in the wilderness.
Anyway... all this from the perspective of someone whose esoteric Christian journey culminated with the internal proclamation: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."
And then I once again was made to become a student instead of a teacher.
Personally, I think Chardin's "Christogenesis" was a work of beauty and genius. It was rejected at the time by the RCC, but there have since been stirrings, I read.
All that to say... It matters to you alone. It really only matters to you alone.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will. -
@Pelagius said
"As a neo-Pelagian Christian, I accept the Law AS I UNDERSTAND IT. Does this make me a "Thelemite"? More importan, does anyone CARE?"
Basically, the sole criterion for being a "Thelemite" are the study, acceptance, and application of Liber AL vel Legis, or the Book of the Law.
I mentioned in another short post that I've completed the Glossary for my new book, and was entertained by the fact that the definitions of core Thelemic words had a unique problem: You pretty much expect a fight from someone no matter how you define them
Here is how the Glossary (just for the sake of the Glossary!) defines "Thelemite."
"THELEMITE. n. An adherent to the system of Thelema. [Note: Exact definitions of this word are varied and sometimes contentious. The definition given here is the simplest.]"
I sincerely (perversion can be sincere!) hope that the glossary definition of Thelema is: "a system adhered to by Thelemites"
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"I sincerely (perversion can be sincere!) hope that the glossary definition of Thelema is: "a system adhered to by Thelemites"
Unfortunately, it isn't that witty, although yours is wittier (and certainly more certain) than mine. Here's the pretty conventional thing that I wrote:
"THELEMA. n. (1) A system of principles (variously characterized as a philosophy, religion, social system, &c.) derived from Liber Legis. (2) The βWord of the Law,β or central magical formula, for the Γon of Horus, originally articulated in Liber Legis 1:39. [Gk. {thelema}, βwill.β]"
Of course, terms like "Liber Legis" and "Horus, Aeon of" are also in the Glossary.
Thelema: doctrine of beliefs which stems from a metaphysical ontology that transcends rational quantification and knowable only by direct experience which nullifies all particular experiences. The metaphysics developed in relation to the subjective perspective that each point of reference is derived contextually from an illusional division in this pure being, placing all instances of particular experience as a relative product of unity between perspective subject and object. Normatively the doctrine grants absolute power to each point perspective to discover the limits and extents of it's ability to unite with it's complement opposite, so long as that activity is aimed as direct experience of the ontological unity that transcends dualistic awareness, resulting in growth of the perspective aggregate of experiences, thus honing it's skills at uniting with aspects of the other which differ greatly than itself seeking ultimately to build itself up to total annihilation with that which is it's total opposite vector, that which most offends it's sensibility as it threatens annihilation through unity. Annihilation being the greatest fear and yet the calling of every point perspective, in the return completely to the undivided continuity of the ontological origin beyond all discrete particular expressions as entities.
You are such a clown.
At least it has critique-defying wording built-in, just like Jim's definition.
@Froclown said
"Thelema: doctrine of beliefs which stems from a metaphysical ontology that transcends rational quantification and knowable ...."
Right on par with the California Civil Code. I like its definition of "transaction:"
(c) "Transaction" includes the deposit, withdrawal, transfer, bailment, loan, pledge, payment, or exchange of currency, or a
monetary instrument, as defined by subdivision (d), or the electronic, wire, magnetic, or manual transfer of funds between
accounts by, through, or to, a financial institution as defined by subdivision (b).Or how about "criminal activity:"
(e) "Criminal activity" means a criminal offense punishable under the laws of this state by death or imprisonment in the state prison or from a criminal offense committed in another jurisdiction punishable under the laws of that jurisdiction by death or imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.
Let's hope the "Law" of Thelema steers clear of this sort of nonsense.
Thelema (Theh-luh-muh) (noun/adverb): a cause of dissention to the internet community, such as that no two people seem to agree on any one point of doctrine, practice, or methodology.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Critique defying?
@Froclown said
"Thelema: doctrine of beliefs which stems from a metaphysical ontology that transcends rational quantification and knowable only by direct experience which nullifies all particular experiences."
1.) A doctrine of beliefs presupposes a rational quantification.
2.) What ontology isn't metaphysical?
3.) Knowable by direct experience is a tautology.
4.) A direct experience nullifying particular experiences is a contradiction.
5.) Nullification of all particular experiences would be an "experience".I would say this is perfect example of Ruach balancing!
Love is the law, love under will.
@JPF said
"Thelema (Theh-luh-muh) (noun/adverb): a cause of dissention to the internet community, such as that no two people seem to agree on any one point of doctrine, practice, or methodology."
Thank You! Thelema is not an adjective, and to use it as such denies ourselves a great deal of information. The moment we began to qualify such and such as being "thelemic" or "non-thelemic" we stop thinking and analyzing. Rather we should say something like:
This particular biblical verse contains elements of Thelema.
Jim Eshelman's life long work shows him to be a true Thelemite.
The main literary sources to consult concerning the ideology of thelema are the works of uncle Al.
But to contrast:
That book is un-thelemic.
It's not very thelemic to go to Catholic Mass.
We lose a great deal of potential information, as we can only retort with "why" and "because"
See the works of Martin heidigger as far as ontology not being in itself metaphysical.
However the set beliefs defining ontology is a metaphysics.
Particular being and their relations are merely ontic not ontological.
Direct experience of the ontological is non discrete and thus transcends metaphysics of language.Language is based in discrete ideas not in pure being, rather language is "the house of Being"
Thelema then is metaphysically an attempt to express ontological being, or rather to use language and practices to help people enter into the house that is language and directly experience pure being. That is nuit, in which all discrete beings are annihilated along with all experience of language and discrete concepts, including self.
However the means by which each self interacts with other fragments of discrete beings, to eventually approach that which lies behind them all, is unique to the individual. It must be discerned on an individual basis, through uniting with those experiences that produce anxiety and terror, in the unity of love the anxiety is overcome and is destroyed in the interaction, rather the self image is destroyed this fear of ego destruction the anxiety before the nothing is bridged and a new self that includes that which destroyed it grows and seeks new annihilation by unity with that which it most fears and hates.
Thelema is ultimately masochistic is a sense, all evil is merely that which offends one, what one fears hates,is disgusted by, that indicated what one must learn to love and must unite with to destroy evil. And incorporate everything especially what one hates part of oneself, and under control of ones will to impose the image of oneself onto the world.