can the HGA harm us?
I was reading about others spiritual experiences, about how some people are negatively affected by contacting what may be the HGA.
So my question to myself is- can contact with the HGA affect us in a negative manner?
Who is really in control of the contact- the magickian or the HGA?
@Mahanta70 said
"I was reading about others spiritual experiences, about how some people are negatively affected by contacting what may be the HGA.
So my question to myself is- can contact with the HGA affect us in a negative manner?
Who is really in control of the contact- the magician or the HGA?
From what I understand, the magician is not in control, and has never been in control.
"Negative" is a relative term and would only make sense to the rational mind, the same one that is to be transcended in the K&C.
Think about this - imagine you're a child. Now, you have to go get a flu shot, or something along those lines. All you know is that everything is fine one minute, and your parents get your attention, and so you get in a car and drive for awhile. You think everything is fine, until you go into an office and some scary dude sticks you in the arm with a pointy thing! You start crying, and you cry all the way home. You were tricked! Your parents, the ones who are supposed to be so much smarter than you and care about you, made some evil guy stick you in the arm with a pointy thing! How can they possibly know what's right for you if they allowed that to happen? Obviously, you know better than they do about what's good and bad!
I think the same analogy applies to the rational mind and the HGA. Whatever needs to be done will be done, and one can either embrace it as necessary or run from it in fear, but the latter attitude is simply not as appropriate as the former.
@Mahanta70 said
"I was reading about others spiritual experiences, about how some people are negatively affected by contacting what may be the HGA.
So my question to myself is- can contact with the HGA affect us in a negative manner? "
Do you mean actually harm? Or do you mean "affect negatively," i.e., lead to what seems (at the time) to be a bad experience?
(Key words in your question are "what may be." My answer presumes it's the HGA. There's all sorts of possible harm that can come from contact with something that may seem to be the HGA but isn't.)
"Who is really in control of the contact- the magician or the HGA?
What level of contact are you talking about?
@Jim Eshelman said
@Mahanta70 said
"Who is really in control of the contact- the magician or the HGA?"
What level of contact are you talking about?"
Jim, I have heard in a few places that the magician's aspiration is "that aspect of the Higher that wishes to unite itself with the Lower." (Or something along those lines).
Doesn't this imply that the HGA has always had the control?
(I'm not trying to argue my point, but to see whether or not it holds up under scrutiny
@Jim Eshelman said
@Mahanta70 said
"I was reading about others spiritual experiences, about how some people are negatively affected by contacting what may be the HGA.So my question to myself is- can contact with the HGA affect us in a negative manner? "
Do you mean actually harm? Or do you mean "affect negatively," i.e., lead to what seems (at the time) to be a bad experience?
(Key words in your question are "what may be." My answer presumes it's the HGA. There's all sorts of possible harm that can come from contact with something that may seem to be the HGA but isn't.)
"Who is really in control of the contact- the magician or the HGA?
What level of contact are you talking about?"
I have a friend I talk to off and on who claims he has on ongoing contact with his HGA. But he says that he is not pure enough to be a proper vehicle for it, so he contacts infrequently. He says he can digest the information he receives through communicating in 'bits' with his HGA.
He claims that the HGA is not an independent being but at the same time, he defines himself completely as being himself + his HGA.
He says that if he communicates too often with his HGA, he feels physically and emotionally intoxicated and does not play well with others and feels like a jumbled mess. He says he goes mentally "supernova" if he initiates contact too many times with what he calls the HGA.
I've seen the transformation in him so I believe him to a certain degree.
I've read reports of others as well.
So what I'm getting at is that maybe contact (any kind) with the HGA may not seem beneficial to us if we are not in the proper condition to receive it.
Then I wonder that maybe if I encounter the HGA, the experience may not be as pleasant as I imagined it.
The Tibetan Mahakalah and other terrifying visions of the divine come to mind as I write this. -
@Ash said
"From what I understand, the magician is not in control, and has never been in control."
Then what is initiation, a parlor game? If the magician is not in control, then all these rituals, actions, readings, yoga,etc. are just fancy games? Is it the same if we simply did not do anything to seek K&C? Waiting one day for the HGA to bestow K&C upon us as an act of Grace?
I think that initiation is the preparation of the microcosm as an adequate chalice for the HGA to descend or enter or what have you. Maybe I'm wrong.
I'll know when I get to the other side of the rainbow! -
@Mahanta70 said
"So what I'm getting at is that maybe contact (any kind) with the HGA may not seem beneficial to us if we are not in the proper condition to receive it."
To the extent that this is true, the solution is quite simple: Get into the proper condition!
The surest way I know for this is to systemmatically work through the grades 0=0 through 5=6 of the A.'.A.'..
@Mahanta70 said
"I have a friend I talk to off and on who claims he has on ongoing contact with his HGA. But he says that he is not pure enough to be a proper vehicle for it, so he contacts infrequently. He says he can digest the information he receives through communicating in 'bits' with his HGA.
He claims that the HGA is not an independent being but at the same time, he defines himself completely as being himself + his HGA.
He says that if he communicates too often with his HGA, he feels physically and emotionally intoxicated and does not play well with others and feels like a jumbled mess. He says he goes mentally "supernova" if he initiates contact too many times with what he calls the HGA.
I've seen the transformation in him so I believe him to a certain degree.
I've read reports of others as well.
So what I'm getting at is that maybe contact (any kind) with the HGA may not seem beneficial to us if we are not in the proper condition to receive it.
Then I wonder that maybe if I encounter the HGA, the experience may not be as pleasant as I imagined it.
The Tibetan Mahakalah and other terrifying visions of the divine come to mind as I write this."My HGA and I are one in the same as well, 2 halves of 2 different halves of a whole(oddly enough).
When a human is confronted with "holyness", they feel thier own lack, and very well should. They realize how far they half to go.
but 2 be blunt thiz doez not sound like a HGA