Greetings all, I am a classical musician by training, and and artist(drawing painting,ect...) with a deep interest in Ancient History, Languages, and things of an esoteric nature generally. I came across "Thelema" almost by accident while I was a bookseller back in 2002, and it is a long story to say the least. I really did not know anything about Ceremonial Magick, but the meeting I had with a couple from O.T.O. truly set me on the quest to discover my "true will", and was initiated into the Minerval degree shortly thereafter. My initiation surpassed all of my expectations, and was truly a wonderful experience! Having said that, there was one thing I was to battle, and that was the 3rd chapter of Liber Al vel Legis; everything was great, but that chapter haunted me! Eventually I ended up leaving the O.T.O. to go on my own path, but I still persued the studies set forth in my Minerval package, and I still do.
I do not own a computer, but occasionally use my brothers, and just last month I discovered "The Temple of Thelema" and I was delighted to read what other Thelemites had to say. Nobody in my life has the slightest clue that I study the occult, so I have nobody to share my crazy ideas with, and this "Thelemic Forum" seems to be the best place to do that!
From Burnaby/Vancouver, British Columbia.
Greetings, D, from the south end of the PNW (Portland, OR)!