Liber XC
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30.I offer it at once, on earth; before an hour hath struck upon the bell, ye shall be with Me in the Abodes that are beyond Decay.
--Liber XCThis passage always sticks out to me because of the oddly placed 3 capital letters...(M)e in the (A)bodes that are beyond (D)ecay. In the rest of the Liber there isnt anything like this(as far as I know).
Mem=40 Aleph=1 and Daleth=4
=45Normally I wouldnt pay attention to things like this, but Liber XC is a holy book. Does anyone think this means anything other than the mundane explanation?
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
Alrah, that's the best use of Qabalah of Nine Chambers that I've seen in a long time!
On the original question - in looking at my long list of words enumerating to 45 (a temendously important number, and interestingly half of 90), what jumped out was the Hebrew word MAD, the root of madim (Mars, ruler of Aries to which Liber Tzaddi pertains), and literally meaning "greatly, strongly, exceedingly, very, excessively; strength, might, vehemence."
Of course, there is also the English word mad, which may characterize this whole idea that there is something of value in the capitals.
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@Jim Eshelman said
"Alrah, that's the best use of Qabalah of Nine Chambers that I've seen in a long time!
On the original question - in looking at my long list of words enumerating to 45 (a temendously important number, and interestingly half of 90), what jumped out was the Hebrew word MAD, the root of madim (Mars, ruler of Aries to which Liber Tzaddi pertains), and literally meaning "greatly, strongly, exceedingly, very, excessively; strength, might, vehemence."
Of course, there is also the English word mad, which may characterize this whole idea that there is something of value in the capitals.
Both Alra an Jim are incredible:) But what stuck out to originally was the word MAD:p It was like a hang nail. Thats why I posted this.
"(M(40))e in the (A(1))bodes that are beyond (D(4))ecay,
414 - Ain-Soph Aur. The Limitless Light.
"This is fascinating because when I think of "...(M)e in the (A)bodes that are beyond (D)ecay." , I think of the upper triad.
Thank you guys!
PS= How are you reading my mind Jim
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
@Frater ALLAShALLA said
"30.I offer it at once, on earth; before an hour hath struck upon the bell, ye shall be with Me in the Abodes that are beyond Decay.
--Liber XCThis passage always sticks out to me because of the oddly placed 3 capital letters...(M)e in the (A)bodes that are beyond (D)ecay. In the rest of the Liber there isnt anything like this(as far as I know)."
I was just idly flipping back through this thread, and when I read the above quote from Liber XC the following occurred to me:
"with Me" = MH, greek "not"
"Abodes" = Initially this occurred to me as the Path of Aleph only, but looking at it now it could be a possible pronounciation of Aleph-Beth-Daleth = ABD = the three Paths joining the Supernals.
"beyond Decay." = Initially thought of Daleth, so it could read "beyond the Door," i.e. beyond the world in which Time and Space have meaning, and into the Archetypal realm of the Supernals. Could also mean Da'ath?
Just broughts this up for fun discussion, and to share.
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