Hello I am Ioaness. I have been practicing ceremonial magick for about a year now, though I have been reading about it for much longer. The reason I came here is because I am new to Thelema, and I am attempting to study the student reading list of the A:.A:. which is quite a daunting task.
I am a classically trained pianist/violinist. Music is a large part of my life. I enjoy literature, animals, cinema, and art. Thats enough about me though, I am much more interested in meeting fellow Thelemites.
Hello Ioaness. I too am making my way through the student syllabus. What are you reading now?
You will find this forum helpful in your study of Thelema. I have had many questions that the members have patiently answered. This is a great a community. Welcome.
I'm kind of jumping around, and to be quite honest I have just started. I have only finished the Tao Teh Ching and Equinox Volume 1. Currently I'm reading The Equinox Volume 2 and trying to grasp as much as I can of Liber 777.
Its dense stuff though. I expect to be in the student period **at least **6 months.