About VITRIOL, Crowley says in Book 4:
For example, V.I.T.R.I.O.L. gives a certain Regimen of the Planets useful in Alchemical work.
He also mentions (I believe in the Vision and the Voice) a few notes that make me believe he not only attributed the 7 letters in Vitriol to the 7 planets, but also Sulphur and Mercury as well.
Does anyone have these attributions, and would you please share them? (as in V = Luna, I = Mercury, etc)
"Now there remain only the seven words,
Hear further what they mean:
If thou dost now understand this well
This knowledge shall nevermore fail thee.
Every word standeth for a city
Each of which hath but one gate.
The first signifieth gold, is intentionally yellow.
The second for fair white silver.
The third, Mercurius, is likewise grey.
The fourth for tin, is heaven-blue.
The fifth for iron, is blood-red.
The sixth for copper, is true green.
The seventh for lead, is black as coal."From "Alchemical Psychology" I have
"Lead - Saturn
Tin - Jupiter
Iron - Mars
Gold - Sun
Copper - Venus
Quicksilver - Mercury
Silver - Moon"So
Visita - Sun
Interiora - Moon
Terrae - Mercury
Rectificando - Jupiter
Invenies - Mars
Occultum - Venus
Lapidem - Saturn -
... those seven words could be attributed to the 7 stages of alchemy - in that same order -
Visita - Calcination
Interiora - Dissolution
Terrae - Separation
Rectificando - Conjunction
Invenies - Fermentation
Occultum - Distillation
Lapidem - Coagulationand then, the order of the planets would go as given in Emerald Table, but from Saturn to the Sun - because the direction of our motion is from materia prima to gold
so we would have this attribution:
Visita - Saturn
Interiora - Venus
Terrae - Mars
Rectificando - Jupiter
Invenies - Mercury
Occultum - Luna
Lapidem - Sol -
@danica said
"... those seven words could be attributed to the 7 stages of alchemy - in that same order -
Visita - Calcination
Interiora - Dissolution
Terrae - Separation
Rectificando - Conjunction
Invenies - Fermentation
Occultum - Distillation
Lapidem - Coagulationand then, the order of the planets would go as given in Emerald Table, but from Saturn to the Sun - because the direction of our motion is from materia prima to gold
so we would have this attribution:
Visita - Saturn
Interiora - Venus
Terrae - Mars
Rectificando - Jupiter
Invenies - Mercury
Occultum - Luna
Lapidem - Sol"Hi Danica, I like that you are using the seven alchemical processes I assume as given in Dennis Hauck's The Emerald Tablet. I think these are correct too. My correlations of them to the cakras and the tree can be found a few pages into this essay:
My preferred cakra-planetary attributions follow the reverse Ptolemaic order:
L. Sahasrara = Moon
O. Ajna = Mercury
I. Vishuddha = Venus
R. Anahata = Sun
T. Manipura = Mars
I. Svadhisthana = Jupiter
V. Muladhara = SaturnThis is actually in accord with Basil Valentine's pictographic summary of the process in his Azoth:
@Wizardiaoan said
you are using the seven alchemical processes I assume as given in Dennis Hauck's The Emerald Tablet"nope
I just used Av's post and reversed the sequence of the planets
-- because it's clear that (in the path of initiation, as considered from its beginning) we go from Saturn to the Sun, not the other way around.
"L. Sahasrara = Moon
O. Ajna = Mercury
I. Vishuddha = Venus
R. Anahata = Sun
T. Manipura = Mars
I. Svadhisthana = Jupiter
V. Muladhara = Saturn"I disagree with that attribution of planets to chakras; and not sure at all about the use of VITRIOL formula above Tipharet...
but the idea of connecting the 7 letters of the formula to the 7 chakras is sure tempting