Rh6thm (with a few questions)
Also, while a broad knowledge of religious archetypes and symbols is always useful, I'd urge you not to get intimated by it all. The Book of the Law is the core text, and relatively accessible. It's rich enough to confound the most erudite scholars, sure, but it also sets forth the basic message of the New Aeon in straightforward terms. There's plenty one can digest immediately, without a bunch of elaborate background, and the chewier morsels can be savored for a lifetime. I skipped over plenty of opaque verses, which have come to light over time, and many still remain obscure. Yet even effort to unravel the denser stuff (e.g. "The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs." (Liber al vel Legis I:8)) has been an incredibly illuminating journey.
This forum is a good place to pose your specific questions too.....
- 93/93
Study group is open to all. But as for "visiting," the Temple, as you say, that's not how it works. Membership is by invitation, and requires that a candidate demonstrate interest by submitting an application. Check out the ToT website, which is the counterpart to this forum: (www.heruraha.com vs. www.heruraha.net)). There's a wide array of Thelemic groups to choose from. If what you want is to learn and to grow, to be initiated in a mystery school of the new aeon, then you are fortunate to be in an area where T.O.T. operates.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.