January 20-22, 2012: 6 of Cups
Six of CupsMeditation Pattern: Place Atu XIX, The Sun, and Atu XIII, Death, side-by-side, with the 6 of Cups above them.
Traditional Description: A group of stems of water-lilies or lotuses, from which six flowers bend, one over each cup. From these flowers, a white glistening water flows into the cups as from a fountain; but they are not yet full. Above and below are symbols of Sol and Scorpio, referring to the Decanate.
Tiphereth of Water: Harmony and beauty in matters of the heart. Beginning of a wish, happiness, success, or enjoyment. Well-being, harmony of natural forces without strain, ease, satisfaction, pleasure.
Sol/Scorpio: Commencement of steady increase, gain, and pleasure; but commencement only. Preeminently a fertile card; putrefaction as a basis of all fertility, of all life. Fulfillment of the sexual Will. Also affront, detection, knowledge, and in some instances contention and strife arising from unwarranted self-assertion and vanity. Sometimes thankless and presumptuous; sometimes amiable and patient (according to dignity as usual).
Sol + Sol: (Reinforces all solar traits.)
http://pturing.firehead.org/occult/thelema/libri/The Book of Thoth/thoth/cups06.jpg
[attachment=0:2fovymay]<!-- ia0 -->Cups 6.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2fovymay]
Anybody feel like putting some words together for the Sun and Death as it relates to the 6 of Cups?
I can begin to get a feel for the concept, but I'm having a hard time translating it into words.
The traditional meanings of the card corresponding to this are listed in the first post under Sun/Scorpio.
Hmm... So more Sol/Scorpio than Sun/Death.
That helps. Trying to get the hang of it again.
@Bereshith said
"Hmm... So more Sol/Scorpio than Sun/Death.
That helps. Trying to get the hang of it again. "
The attribution is specifically the Sun decanate of Scorpio. The means of meditating on this involves the Tarot trumps The Sun and Death, because these are the Tarot's ways of representing Sun and Scorpio.
Basically, there isn't any difference. The Scorpio idea intended is that which is expressed by Atu XIII. Paired with the Sun, it produces such Scorpio/Death ideas as fertility per se, putrefaction as a specific basis of fertility/growth, fulfillment of the sexual Will, etc.