Astral (etheric) projection
@Daegal said
"Fascinating stuff! It seems then that the overall suggestion is that one can be seen. Ghosts are seen, and so why not our own ethric projections? I wonder if one does develops this ability, if it is dangerous in some manner these days? Ive read that the modern environment filled with electrical wires, running water and so much metal can disrupt etheric forms."
Well, our etheric form (as well as astral, psychic,mental etc.) is always active even if our consciousness isn't centered there. So I imagine that if those things will hurt the etheric body, then they will do so even if we aren't going OB.
I kept a journal for a while where I noted down any lucid etheric events and what was going on with the sun, and that proved to be very useful to me. During geomagnetic storms of Kp5+ I would find myself out of body walking around the house quite easily. If the index hit Kp6 then I was 'land locked' so to speak, while out of body. At that range it was nearly impossible to get back into the body for more than a few seconds. Once the storm began to subside I could wake up properly in my body. The other factor was solar flares. In a flare event over C class, if I was asleep at the time, I would most likely have very vivid astral dreams or go out in the etheric but at a higher brighter level. If you want to keep track of what's going on with space weather, here's a good site:
As a side note, I did Opening by Watchtower immediately prior to an earthquake once and had some crazy symbols flashing across my earth tablet. Energy, earth, sun, our various bodies... they all work together in strange and wonderful ways.
I really hope none of these lucid events are harmful to the subtle bodies... but I really don't know.
@RhiH said
SteveM:Did they do astral experiment projects? "
Sorry, my error, memory playing tricks on me, I was confusing her with Elaine Simpson (Soror Fidelis). See chapter 53 of his Confessions and/or from p.92 of Perdurabo.
I wanted to add that its not that the modern environment would be dangerous to life etc., but rather if one was able to create a strong etheric body, capable of manifesting enough to be seen, these things could disrupt this form and send the traveller back with a "snap".
I read a book that goes into this subject, I believe it was by Greer, called "Monsters" and was about monster hunting. It sounds funny, but he actually goes into a lot of solid magickal theory, one is that these etheric forms can be dispersed using weapons made of metal, rock salt (which is energy absorbing crystal) and running water etc. And that we do not encounter these types of forms much anymore because of the environment which is now rich in materials and devices that disrupt their etheric forms.
@Daegal said
"I wanted to add that its not that the modern environment would be dangerous to life etc., but rather if one was able to create a strong etheric body, capable of manifesting enough to be seen, these things could disrupt this form and send the traveller back with a "snap".
I read a book that goes into this subject, I believe it was by Greer, called "Monsters" and was about monster hunting. It sounds funny, but he actually goes into a lot of solid magical theory, one is that these etheric forms can be dispersed using weapons made of metal, rock salt (which is energy absorbing crystal) and running water etc. And that we do not encounter these types of forms much anymore because of the environment which is now rich in materials and devices that disrupt their etheric forms."
So, you like "Monsters" do you? Want to see some? Here in my part of the world in Brighton (a large electromagnetically filled city and coincidentally the place of Crowley's funeral - he lived here at times. I've also done workings at some of his old power points but that is another story) there are lots of Monsters. They appear all over the place. What is your part of the world by the way? I notice you have left any kind of info on your profile deliberatly blank. Yet your name suggests you are a dweller by the dark stream
You obviously want to talk and have some lively ideas, so quite naturally as a magickian that makes me curious about you personally. Also you are talking environment and it's effect, so your type of location (urban, rural etc) has a bearing on the discussion.I'm just being curious as to what your personal experiences might have been. I'm not asking for your address
So don't panic.
I know when any magickal work is undertaken one is supposed to not have anything in the environment of the working that will produce an electromagnatic field because this apparently would disrupt the operation. Although that is an interesting idea about our modern environment causing a field of energy that blocks the manifestation of etheric forms it doesn't actually add up with the facts. Have you not noticed we have just as many monsters now in our urban cultures as we used to? In fact you could say we are more aware of them and put more thought energy into them than we ever used to as a species!Galzu
93 93/93
@Galz said
@Daegal said
"So, you like "Monsters" do you? Want to see some? Here in my part of the world in Brighton (a large electromagnetically filled city and coincidentally the place of Crowley's funeral - he lived here at times. I've also done workings at some of his old power points but that is another story) there are lots of Monsters. They appear all over the place. What is your part of the world by the way? I notice you have left any kind of info on your profile deliberatly blank. Yet your name suggests you are a dweller by the dark stream
You obviously want to talk and have some lively ideas, so quite naturally as a magician that makes me curious about you personally. Also you are talking environment and it's effect, so your type of location (urban, rural etc) has a bearing on the discussion.I'm just being curious as to what your personal experiences might have been. I'm not asking for your address
So don't panic.
I know when any magical work is undertaken one is supposed to not have anything in the environment of the working that will produce an electromagnatic field because this apparently would disrupt the operation. Although that is an interesting idea about our modern environment causing a field of energy that blocks the manifestation of etheric forms it doesn't actually add up with the facts. Have you not noticed we have just as many monsters now in our urban cultures as we used to? In fact you could say we are more aware of them and put more thought energy into them than we ever used to as a species!Galzu
93 93/93"
"I love monsters! Always open to new experiences, especially the monster variety lol.
As for my profile, as mysterious as I may seem I'm trying to be I'm afraid its rather boring why its blank. I simply didn't know how, and still don't! But I am impressed you knew the basic meaning of the name I chose! How bout the gemetria? (Now I spot the profile button :-/)
I live in Calif, just outside LA. I live in a cozy back house up in the hills that I dedicate to magic of course! I love the tranquility. Has a great view of the city below, yet no monsters to speak of lol!
As for the theory of etheric forms being disrupted not adding up, all I can say is I don't know. But I have to argue I am not aware of monsters lurking around cities anywhere! Specifically what type of monsters are you talking about? Aliens? Sasquatch? Vampires? Or zombies? Are these monsters flesh and blood or what we were discussing; thick heavy stinky etheric masses? Lol
We may still encounter these forms, I'm guessing if they exist, but the theory proposed in the book suggested they were much more prevalent back in the days of straw and wood and campfires. More technology and even crowding of various aura's could effect their abilities etc. That was my point.
Galzu is the expert in Monsters so I'll let him deal with at subject -lol
I think it was Eliaphas Levi (Magick; a history of it's rites, rituals, and mysteries) that talks about the balance of energies and how manifestation occurs? Whatever the case, there is a little witchy trick of putting out a bowl of camphor and tea tree or eucalyptus to throw off the atmosphere enough to keep minor activity at bay. I'm not sure if it would work on something stronger than a ghost or minor nasty though.
@RhiH said
"Galzu is the expert in Monsters so I'll let him deal with at subject -lol
I think it was Eliaphas Levi (Magick; a history of it's rites, rituals, and mysteries) that talks about the balance of energies and how manifestation occurs? Whatever the case, there is a little witchy trick of putting out a bowl of camphor and tea tree or eucalyptus to throw off the atmosphere enough to keep minor activity at bay. I'm not sure if it would work on something stronger than a ghost or minor nasty though."
Yes well it seems Galzu knows more about it! I love it lol, so interesting to me!
Yeah ive read about that sort of technique too. I think I also heard of leaving out a bowl of salt? Or something like that, again I believe its the salts crystal nature that makes it useful. I think this is one of the primary reasons rock salt was used to make magic circles as well. But something as dense and manifested as an etheric form would probably be a little more difficult to banish I'm assuming.
I don't know! Where's Jim Eshelman?? Lol
Jim? Jim?
Come here a minute!
@Daegal said
"I don't know! Where's Jim Eshelman?? Lol
Jim? Jim?
Come here a minute!
Yes? Need something?
(I'm doing my best to ignore this barrage of threads on aliens, astral and etheric phenomena, pop occultism, and the like - to "let them be" rather than interfere with what people want to talk about. I suppose it's technically on topic, even though I have yet to notice anything in them that has anything to do with the methodology of the Great Work.)
@Jim Eshelman said
@Daegal said
"I don't know! Where's Jim Eshelman?? LolJim? Jim?
Come here a minute!
Yes? Need something?
(I'm doing my best to ignore this barrage of threads on aliens, astral and etheric phenomena, pop occultism, and the like - to "let them be" rather than interfere with what people want to talk about. I suppose it's technically on topic, even though I have yet to notice anything in them that has anything to do with the methodology of the Great Work.)"
Lol! I'm sorry, I know my posts are sort of the junk food of magical subjects- all empty calories! However, I haven't had the chance to ask a lot of these fun questions and I'm very curious! Can I binge for a lil and get it out of my system? I promise ill eat my Great Work veggies right after! Id really appreciate your thoughts on these, even if they are rather low brow. I promise ill upgrade my subjects!
Thank you!
All good. Notice I'm leaving you alone
The spirit here is for people to talk about what they want to (without exceedingly broad ranges). You seem to be having a good time, and everyone has to start with Brad Steiger.
@Jim Eshelman said
"All good. Notice I'm leaving you alone
The spirit here is for people to talk about what they want to (without exceedingly broad ranges). You seem to be having a good time, and everyone has to start with Brad Steiger.
Lol ok. Yes I'm enjoying myself thank you. Does that mean you agree with Brad Steiger? Lol hey I'm trying to gleam what I can about your ideas on these things! Alright I wont bug you about aliens and ghosts and saquatch, but you dont know what your missing! Lol
@Daegal said
"Does that mean you agree with Brad Steiger?"
It means that I read a lot of Brad Steiger (and Sybil Leak and Zolar) at age 13.
"Lol hey I'm trying to gleam what I can about your ideas on these things! Alright I wont bug you about aliens and ghosts and saquatch, but you dont know what your missing! Lol"
As my old Hindu friend Bindar Dundat used to say in signing his emails to me: Bindar Dundat.
Having lived a decade in almost unbroken telepathic link with a closest friend, and having routinely telepathic phenomena; having worked 30 years with escorting the dead through their transitions, working from their side of the veil; having been made privy to top secret NASA records on Apollo 11 communications and interactions (decades before this started to leak out in the press); and having encountered more than one really large, hairy Canuck, I don't need to spend a lot of time speculating about ESP, ghosts, UFOs, and Scot-descended Yeti.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Daegal said
"Does that mean you agree with Brad Steiger?"It means that I read a lot of Brad Steiger (and Sybil Leak and Zolar) at age 13.
"Lol hey I'm trying to gleam what I can about your ideas on these things! Alright I wont bug you about aliens and ghosts and saquatch, but you dont know what your missing! Lol"
As my old Hindu friend Bindar Dundat used to say in signing his emails to me: Bindar Dundat.
Having lived a decade in almost unbroken telepathic link with a closest friend, and having routinely telepathic phenomena; having worked 30 years with escorting the dead through their transitions, working from their side of the veil; having been made privy to top secret NASA records on Apollo 11 communications and interactions (decades before this started to leak out in the press); and having encountered more than one really large, hairy Canuck, I don't need to spend a lot of time speculating about ESP, ghosts, UFOs, and Scot-descended Yeti."
Lol that was awesome! Bindar Dundat! Love it! ....oh man, that's great. Yeah I suppose you wouldn't would you? Alright lol..., what's a Canuck anyway? You WERE joking about all that right? 8-I
A Canuck is a Canadian. And no, I wasn't joking about any of it.
@Jim Eshelman said
"A Canuck is a Canadian. And no, I wasn't joking about any of it."
Your not joking and you tell me all that and expect me to sleep?! Lol
That's cruel! It may be old hat, boring 13 year old stuff to you, but to me its interesting! I dont suppose you would be writing a book in the future about any or all of that would you??!
I want to know about ALL that!!
Not planning a book on it anytime soon. If live long enough, I might write a memoir and include some of that. (Not the classified stiff.) I suppose the useful part is that I do tend to speak from experience, and the things I mentioned above are real.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Not planning a book on it anytime soon. If live long enough, I might write a memoir and include some of that. (Not the classified stiff.) I suppose the useful part is that I do tend to speak from experience, and the things I mentioned above are real."
Can I place an order now? Lol ill wait! I'm sure you'll live long enough!
Yes, that's so interesting! So if you wont really get into all these subjects can you point me toward any particular material that you find in agreement with your experience? Any certain author on these subjects that I could read to feed my curiosity? I realize I probably sound immature with my interests but honestly ive always been fascinated with those areas since a child, and its what brought me eventually into the occult. As you know its hard to know who to believe when it comes to these things, whats possible and whats not, where to look for material to trust. I trust your experience and knowledge so id truly be greatful for your help!
No, not really.
We have systems in place to tame people through proven methods of spiritual attainment. The rest is usually id,e curiosity stuff - you might as well be asking me about wine tasting wrestling or the Puerto Rican rain forests or the varieties lf conch one can find in the Bahamas or the practice of California work injury law ot the architectural changes from the 286 to 386 processor - or any number of things I know about that MIGHT be interesting, but aren't very relevant to what we're all about here.
@Jim Eshelman said
"No, not really.
We have systems in place to tame people through proven methods of spiritual attainment. The rest is usually id,e curiosity stuff - you might as well be asking me about wine tasting wrestling or the Puerto Rican rain forests or the varieties lf conch one can find in the Bahamas or the practice of California work injury law ot the architectural changes from the 286 to 386 processor - or any number of things I know about that MIGHT be interesting, but aren't very relevant to what we're all about here."