Descent from Kether as Biological Metaphor
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yesterday, a different way of interpreting the Procession of the Sephiroth from Kether occurred to me that I would like to share.
As Man is "created in the Image of God," life as a Babe could possibly be understood as being irrevocable from Supernal Godhead. Traversing Da'ath to the next Triad could mark the transformation of adolescence, and the succeeding Triad of Adepthood might well represent the maturation of Adulthood.
Even at the suspension of my imposed context, simply meditating on these "overflowing cups" of the Sephiroth, the outpouring of emanation from Kether to the chronological procession filling the rest of the Sephiroth, is a delightful experience.
However, elaborating further, the Dominus Liminis might perhaps represent the threshold to the last half of our lives; Yesod being our last years in affirmative recollection, and Malkuth representing our embarking to Unite with the Earth through Death itself.
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.