March 27-29, 2012: 5 of Disks
(Previously called, “Material Trouble.”)
Five of DisksMeditation Pattern: Place Atu I, The Magus, and Atu V, The Hierophant, side-by-side, with the 5 of Disks above them.
Traditional Description: A branch of the white rose tree, but from which the roses are falling, and leaving no buds behind. Five Disks similar to that on the Ace. Above and below are the symbols of Mercury and Taurus.*
Geburah of Earth: Severity in practical, financial, or bodily matters (requiring strength, effort, endurance, and resolve to correct). Loss of job, loss of money, economic anxiety.
Mercury/Taurus: Intelligence required to resolve material problems. Anxiety about material things. Labor, toil, land cultivation; building; knowledge and acuteness of earthly things. Poverty, carefulness; sometimes money regained after severe toil and labor. Unimaginative, harsh, stern, determined, patient, persevering, obstinate. Prolonged inaction; intense strain of inertia.
Mars + Mercury: Mental energy, nervous strain, anxiety, mental duress. Quarreling, faultfinding, blameful, obstinate, irritable; but practical insight, keen assessment, analytical, effective in difficult circumstances. for Magick/Tarot Images/Harris/fivedisks.jpg
Footnotes for this card:
"Within this decanate are those clusters called the Pleiades (5° Taurus) and the Hyades (7° Taurus), as well as the Exaltation of the Moon (3° Taurus)."
This card is an excellent example of how deeper layers of the root symbolism are disclosed on closer meditative examination. All of the main points above are "true" ... and there are deeper principles underlaying them.
[attachment=0:1k0i2kuy]<!-- ia0 -->Disks 5.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1k0i2kuy]
Not ready to post yet, but on a related note...
I keep thinking about Supreme Court hearing arguments today for the healthcare law here in the U.S..
Seems fitting.
It may seem out of place, I don't know. But since its running the day here in the States, and since it seems to me to tie in so perfectly with the 5 of Disks, here's a link to some transcript text of the High Priests of the Supreme Court getting all Mercurial in their Geburic functioning:
"This card is an excellent example of how deeper layers of the root symbolism are disclosed on closer meditative examination. All of the main points above are "true" ... and there are deeper principles underlaying them."
The parallel I see between this arrangement and the ace of disks arrangement is the establishment of the True Will on the material plane. With the ace, the seed was planted. With the 5 it's starting to sprout. Sprouting isn't necessarily a painless process. It takes some pressure. Some pushing and some shedding of a protective membrane.
We are making more room for the fullest Self expression on the physical and aligning ourselves with it. Things are getting shaken up but we're prepared to deal with the madness that ensues.