YHVD, "God of Geburah"
Does anyone have references to all the God-names of the Sephira. I'm not talking about "Elohim Gibor", I'm referring to the actual "God-names" of the Sephiroth on the Tree of life.
I know "Yehevid" or YHVD is the name of God in Geburah. Wouldn't it be strange if all the God-names as such for different sephira were the actual Creative Gods governing the tree of life below that sephira. (Every sephira having a tree of life of it's own.)
I'm sorry, but all I've been able to come up with is the YHVD, I cannot even remember where I first read it, but I was thinking "The god-name for geburah is elohim gibor."
Then I read further into it and it turns out there are different actual god-names for each sephira, not just different pronounciations for god's name in the Tetragrammaton.Thank you for your time, attention, reading this, and any help you have to offer.
I am TERRIBLY sorry. I should have just looked in the most obvious place.
What I am asking seems to be the god-names of the seven heavens of Briah. This would make sense seeing as Briah is associated with Water, and the God-names of Kether, Chokman, and Binah all correspond to "AL".
Sorry, and thanks for nothing.
Peace and Power to everyone.
I wrote an long article on the pantheons in Briah for one of the Golden Dawn Journal volumes - the one on pantheons - in case you're interested.
Actually, that would be great if no charge. I'm thoroughly interested in knowing as much as I can about my True Work. Hierarchies have always interested me in Magick. This is because there is a pattern to all hierarchies from all relations to every other hierarchy, (even Names and parts of names, Qabalisticly.)
Kind of like Liber 418, where "each set as it were, absorbed in the Higher." referring to Malkuth pendents for different levels of reality.
Also kind of like "..and the Malkuth is in the Kether, but after another manner."
You know, Jim, kind of like one of Crowley's diaries, from when he was hiking with Eckenstein, where he tries to figure out if Apophis is/corresponded to "Chokmah" of the tree of life. He knew there were different roles from different "universes" or aspects of reality from one "tree of life" to the "other", but it's amazing to read his journal entries and his autohagiography and see and feel how he came to his conclusions.
Now as far as I can tell, "Apophis" isn't really Chokmah unless you look at it from Liber Trigrammaton, and in Apophis' own "universe" or "element." ..."a stain an imperfection, presiding over the fading of perfection" paraphrasing what seems to be "Hadit"s, or male creative forces presiding over the original perfection of things.
ie: corresponds to first yang, and therefore to Chokman.
I do not mean to type your eyes off, just throwin' some thoughts down in this reply.
I've a hell of a toothache. I was eating peanut brittle last month when a tooth chipped, revealing exposed filling underneath. Everyone -- be careful eating peanut brittle
Thanks so much, Dar es. I got the tooth worked on today so it's OK now.
Take it easy ,