May 4 - 6, 2012: Queen of Cups
Posting the visuals while I have the chance. Her core nature is LOVE and ABUNDANCE.
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The Queen of Cups – Queen of Nymphs or Undines
WATER of WATERMeditation pattern: Place 10 of Swords, 2 of Cups, and 3 of Cups side-by-side, with the Queen of Cups above them. Below the two Cups, place Atu VII, The Chariot.
Traditional Description: A very beautiful, fair woman like a crowned Queen, seated upon a throne, beneath which is flowing water wherein lotuses are seen. Her general dress is similar to that of the Queen of Wands, but upon her crown, cuirass, and buskins is seen an ibis with opened wings. Beside her is the same bird, whereon her hand rests. She holds a cup, similar to that of the Apprentice Adeptus, whence a crayfish issues. Her face is dreamy. She holds a lotus in the hand that is resting upon the ibis.
HEH of HEH (WATER of WATER). She is the fertile, loving mother, whose essential nature is expressed by the titles LOVE and ABUNDANCE. As Heh of Water, she is nurturance, love, maternity, reflection, and peace. As Heh of Briah, she is especially intuition, and all the higher expressions of the soul (Neshamah), including the faculties of prophesy and revelation.
She rules the heavens from 20° Gemini to 20° Cancer. Her strongest astrological relationship is to the first two decanates of Cancer. Cancer expresses the maternal quality of this most maternal sign as containment, enclosure, even enwombment. Cancer (Cheth) emphasizes the layered shells of our existence in the various worlds and, especially, the receptivity of the vehicle to right guidance by higher power. To it is attributed the Consciousness of the House of Influence; and it is the fluidic word “influence” which best describes the irresistible power of this Queen, who is a compendium, or house, of all the veiled mysteries which dwell in dark shadow, yet flow forth, cohesively, from the inmost sources. The Cancer decanates to which she corresponds are those labeled LOVE and ABUNDANCE, ruled by Venus and Mercury. The Venus decanate indicates love, harmony, enjoyment, and pleasure. The Mercury decanate credits her with intelligence and practical ability. Alchemists are wont to call Mercury “our water.” Mercury (Beth) is a Path of prophesy and revelation. The intuitive faculty of the Queen gives voice to the Word she witnesses in her reflection.
Her shadow is expressed by the final (solar) decanate of Gemini. It represents undisciplined, warring forces divided against themselves, creating disharmony and friction. Normally, this is utterly unlike her! Such a state would disrupt her serene reflection, and is the lurking enemy of all inspiration, intuition, and harmony. (Her ibis, the bird of Thoth, is a symbol especially of the power of reflection; but, also, an ibis is a variety of stork – which has definite maternal implications. The two themes are integrated in her.)
In divination, she is loving, nurturing, and fertile; imaginative, poetic, kind, harmonious, yet not willing to take much trouble for another except for those close to her. Gives and receives much pleasure. Coquettish and good-natured, underneath a dreamy, reflective appearance. Despite this, intelligent and practical. Imagination is strong: may have a gift of vision or prophesy. She is very much affected by other influences, and therefore more dependent upon dignity than most of the cards.
Thanks for posting this Jim.
I get the impression that this is someone that has a hard time putting themselves before others. They're prone to do more for another than they would do for themselves .As a result of this, they experience resentment; both towards themselves and towards others when ill-dignified.