June 8 - 10, 2012: Princess of Disks
*The Princess of Disks – Princess & Empress of the Gnomes
Throne of the Ace of Disks
EARTH of EARTH *Meditation pattern: Place side-by-side Atus IV, The Emperor; V, The Hierophant; and VI, The Lovers. Center the Princess of Disks above them. Optionally, place the Ace of Disks above her.
Traditional Description: A strong and beautiful Amazon figure with rich brown hair, standing on grass or flowers. A grove of trees near her. Her form suggests Hebe, Ceres, and Proserpine. She bears a winged ram’s head as a crest, and wears a mantle of sheepskin. In one hand she carries a scepter with a circular disk; in the other, a Disk similar to that of the Ace of Disks.
HEH-Final of HEH-Final (EARTH of EARTH): Here is the final fruition of the entire set of Court Cards. She is the fulfillment of that initial impulse inaugurated by the Knight of Wands, or Yod of Yod. She is that Will which is “done on earth, as it is in heaven,” the fertile, productive ripening of all purpose, and the perfection of the alchemical Stone. “The Temple must be rightly builded before the God indwells it.” The receiving point must be established before the current begins to flow. It is through her perfection that the lightning-will of Yod flashes forth. It is she who awakens the eld of the Old King. Like Nature, she is already pregnant – pregnant with possibility, and pregnant with meaning.
She rules that quadrant of the heavens about the North Ecliptical Pole reaching from 0° Aries to 30° Gemini, centered on the Earthy Kerubic constellation Taurus, and is the Throne of the Ace of Disks. Taurus represents that Power of the Sphinx called To Will, and corresponds to the Kerubic attribute of Life. In her, Life and Will are one – that is, in the Princess of Disks, “life” means nothing other than the fruition of True Will. It can, for her, have no other meaning. The Aries correspondence, reflected in her traditional ram’s-head crest, represents that which is imperial; and this Princess represents the actuality of imperial will – the only real governing power in the universe – over a rightly-built Kingdom. She is not only Kallah the Bride, but also Malkah, the Queen. She corresponds to the Natural Consciousness (Tzaddi) through which “is completed the nature of all that exist beneath the sphere of the Sun.” This leaves only her relationship to Gemini, Atu VI, The Lovers, Zayin. The fulfillment of Heh-Final is in her wedding to her intended mate. That is, materiality by itself is barren; matter and action must be united with an inner guiding Spirit to be consciously living. Additionally, this Gemini symbol implies the Truth that, while the manifest Kingdom appears to be what the Tao Teh Ching calls “the ten thousand things,” the healing realization of this Princess is that the great diversity of things in Assiah does not detract at all from their essential unity.
In divination, the character is generous, kind, benevolent, diligent, deliberate, careful, courageous, persevering. Fulfillment of one’s potential (or of True Will). Pregnant with possibilit yand meaning. If ill-dignified, she is wasteful and prodigal
And so we come to the last...
[attachment=0:7l6d9xg8]<!-- ia0 -->Disks (Courts).jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:7l6d9xg8]
@Al-Shariyf said
"...... she is already pregnant..........."
This hits me.
This hits me.
Very interesting idea.
The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers...
Her whole soul is a womb for a Greater Light. -
The flame revealed as love ere her birth
(Copied from a separate thread to maximize the chance that people see it.)
As of today, the Tarot Meditation Project is concluded, 39 weeks after it began: Exactly enough time to conceive and bear a baby.
I want to thank Shariyf for his enormous contribution and delivery on this. I hope this has been valuable for many of you.
We will leave the finished project up for at least a while, in case there are some stragglers coming from behind.
Remember that you can get Liber Theta as a free download from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thelema.org/publications">www.thelema.org/publications</a><!-- w -->
Again, thanks to everyone.