I'm new here and wanted to say hello before I start posting.
At this point, aside from studying the books, I'm basically just doing a lot of asana, light pranayama, basic exercises, and meditation.
I'm considering joining B.O.T.A. soon and I'm hoping to eventually get a response to my A.'.A.'. inquires.
Other than that I'm not sure what there is to tell. I came into all this a few years ago as a militant atheist (I was introduced to Crowley's work by a close friend), and still, even after quite a few unexplainable experiences, I'm pretty sure I'm still an atheist... just confused; magick and mysticism have pretty much flipped my worldview upside-down.
Jun 27, 2012, 8:33 PM
Jun 28, 2012, 5:54 AM